The latest issue of the
Review of International Organizations (Vol. 8, no. 2, June 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Informal Governance in International Organizations
- Randall W. Stone, Informal governance in international organizations: Introduction to the special issue
- Barbara Koremenos,
What’s left out and why? Informal provisions in formal international law
- Christopher Marcoux & Johannes Urpelainen,
Non-compliance by design: Moribund hard law in international institutions
- Felicity Vabulas & Duncan Snidal,
Organization without delegation: Informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs) and the spectrum of intergovernmental arrangements
- Alexander Libman & Anastassia Obydenkova,
Informal governance and participation in non-democratic international organizations
- Mareike Kleine,
Knowing your limits: Informal governance and judgment in the EU
- Jeffrey M. Chwieroth,
“The silent revolution:” How the staff exercise informal governance over IMF lending
- Kevin M. Morrison,
Membership no longer has its privileges: The declining informal influence of Board members on IDA lending