Can international human rights law be applied and enforced in a part of a State's territory outside its effective control? This study provides a step by step analysis to show how it can. International human rights law can normalise an imperfect, defective situation through pragmatic interpretation; it imposes obligations both on the territorial State on account of its sovereign title and residual effectiveness on the one hand, and on any subject of international law exercising territorial control over the area on account of its effective control on the other. By considering effectiveness beyond formal normative sources and titles of the subjects implicated in the territorial situation, international human rights law is interpreted and applied in a manner which renders human rights practical and effective. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of State practice regarding various subjects implicated in the territorial situation, applicable legal sources and major geographic areas.
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Berkes: International Human Rights Law Beyond State Territorial Control
Friday, July 9, 2021
Giladi: Jews, Sovereignty, and International Law: Ideology and Ambivalence in Early Israeli Legal Diplomacy
By departing from accounts of a universalist component in Israel’s early foreign policy, Jews, Sovereignty, and International Law challenges prevalent assumptions on the cosmopolitan outlook of Jewish international law scholars and practitioners, offers new vantage points on modern Jewish history, and critiques orthodox interpretations of the Jewish aspect of Israel's foreign policy.
Drawing on archival sources, the book reveals the patent ambivalence of two jurist-diplomats—Jacob Robinson and Shabtai Rosenne—towards three international law reform projects: the right of petition in the draft Human Rights Covenant, the 1948 Genocide Convention, and the 1951 Refugee Convention. In all cases, Rosenne and Robinson approached international law with disinterest, aversion, and hostility while, nonetheless, investing much time and toil in these post-war reforms. The book demonstrates that, rather than the Middle East conflict, Rosenne and Robinson’s ambivalence towards international law was driven by ideological sensibilities predating Israel’s establishment. In so doing, Jews, Sovereignty, and International Law disaggregates and reframes the perspectives offered by the growing scholarship on Jewish international lawyers, providing new insights concerning the origins of human rights, the remaking of postwar international law, and the early years of the UN.
Avi-Yonah: The New International Tax Framework: Evolution or Revolution?
New Issue: Revue québécoise de droit international
- State Compliance with International Human Rights Law: State-of-the-art, Improvement and Challenges
- Gaëtan Ferrara & Niki Siampakou, Introduction
- Antal Berkes, Compliance of Territorially Fragile States with International Human Rights Law
- Przemyslaw Tacik, Socialization Trouble. European Populist States and Compliance with Human Rights Norms
- Eléazar Michel Nkoué, Les fondements de la conformité des États de l’Afrique subsaharienne au droit international des droits humains
- Carmen Montesinos Padilla & Itziar Gómez Fernández, Strategies for Compliance with Non-Binding International Decisions: The Spanish Case
- Indira Boutier, The non-ratification of the 1951 Convention on Refugees: An Indian Paradoxical Approach to Human Rights
- Andrew Friedman, Compliance without Ratification. Using International Law in Non-Binding Scenarios
- Cristiano D’orsi, Are Africans States Willing to Ratify and Commit to Human Rights Treaties? The Example of the Maputo Protocol
- Başak Etkin, The Cynic’s Guide to Compliance: A Constructive Theory of the Constestation Threshold in Human Rights
- Julia Lindner, Calling for Compliance. Transnational Advocacy Networks at the Mediterranean Sea. A Case Study on Norm Compliance at Europe’s Liquid Borders
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Rossi: Remoteness Reconsidered: The Atacama Desert and International Law
Much of our understanding of the world is framed from the perspective of a dominant power center, or from standard readings of historical events. These stories are also shaped by the architecture of international information distribution, academic centers, and the lingua franca of international scholarly discourse. Remoteness Reconsidered employs the idea of remoteness as an analytical tool for viewing international law's encounter with the Americas from the unusual, peripheral perspective of the Atacama Desert. The Atacama is regarded as one of the most remote places on Earth, although that less-than-accurate perspective comes from standard historical accounts of the region, accounts that originate from the “center.” Changing the usual frame of reference leads to a reconsideration of the idea of remoteness and of the subsequent marginalization of historical narratives that influence hemispheric international relations in important ways today. Lessons about international law's encounters with neoliberalism, indigenous and human rights, and the management and extraction of mineral resources take on new significance by following a spatial turn toward the idea of remoteness as applied to the Atacama Desert.
New Issue: International Human Rights Law Review

- Tetyana (Tanya) Krupiy Meeting the Chimera: How the cedaw Can Address Digital Discrimination
- Rachael Ita & David Hicks, Beyond Expansion or Restriction? Models of Interaction between the Living Instrument and Margin of Appreciation Doctrines and the Scope of the ECHR
- Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi, The Right to Enter One’s Own Country: The Conflict between the Jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee and the Travaux Préparatoires of Article 12(4) of the ICCPR
- Konstantinos D Magliveras & Gino J Naldi, When Politics Prevail Over the Rule of Law: The Demise of the sadc Tribunal
- Ronagh J.A. McQuigg, The European Court of Human Rights and Domestic Violence: Volodina v. Russia
- Anna Młynarska-Sobaczewska, Unconstitutionality of Access to Abortion for Embryo-Pathological Reasons: Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland of 22 October 2020, K 1/20
Schröder: Concepts and Contexts of Vattel's Political and Legal Thought
Swiss-born Emer de Vattel (1714–1767) was one of the last eminent thinkers of natural law. He shaped the later part of early-modern natural jurisprudence. At the time, the subject had become a fashionable academic sub-discipline in both jurisprudence and philosophy. Vattel's considerable impact on statesmen, political thinkers, diplomats and lawyers during his lifetime and after rested primarily on the fact that his The Law of Nations (1758) transformed natural law into the basis of a more comprehensive and practicable theory of interstate relations. His ideas served to promote reform programmes whose comprehensive natures spanned the domains of economic reform, constitutionalism and international diplomacy and foreign trade policy. Vattel's conception centred round the principle that defined all sovereign states as nations composed of societies of free men and profoundly influenced legal and political debates in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Monday, July 5, 2021
New Issue: Indian Journal of International Law
- P. Ishwara Bhat, Peaceful resolution of international boundary disputes: drawing lessons from the Indian experiences
- Shritha K. Vasudevan, Interrogating the substantive implications of India’s declaration to CEDAW’s Article 5(a): Part I
- Jay Manoj Sanklecha, The limitations on the invocation of self-judging clauses in the context of WTO dispute settlement
- Alexander Gilder, International law and human security in a kaleidoscopic world
- James J. Nedumpara & Shiny Pradeep, Implementing carbon tax: from rhetoric to reality
- Tanaya Thakur, Reforming the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism and the host state’s right to regulate: a critical assessment
- Nidhi Srivastava, State, courts and energy resources in India: revisiting permanent sovereignty over natural resources
- Rajyalakshmi Vundamati, Right to marry and found family: a most challenged human right in post modern era
- Sebghatullah Qazi Zada, Legislative, institutional and policy reforms to combat violence against women in Afghanistan
- Sharngan Aravindakshan, Cyberattacks: a look at evidentiary thresholds in International Law
- Chimdessa Fekadu Tsega, The responsibility of international organizations for wrongful acts in peacekeeping operations: the case for dual attribution
- Eti Best Herbert, The role of the international court of justice in actualising global peace
- Sindhura Natesha Polepalli, The dispute settlement framework under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: prospects for India
- Yash Singhi, Head of State immunity: The ICC’s biggest impediment
- Haris Jamil, Indian practice relating to international law (July 2018 – December 2019)
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- Ahmed Almutawa, The Arab Court of Human Rights and the Enforcement of the Arab Charter on Human Rights
- Aleisha Ebrahimi, Breastfeeding in Refugee Camps: A Child and Maternal Right?
- Yeshe Colliver & Holly Doel-Mackaway, Article 31, 31 Years On: Choice and Autonomy as a Framework for Implementing Children’s Right to Play in Early Childhood Services
- Emma Palmer, Regulating Infrastructure: Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar
- Antonio Di Marco, Athletes’ Freedom of Expression: The Relative Political Neutrality of Sport
- Aaron Fellmeth & Nourin Abourahma, The Human Right to Suicide under International Law
- Michael Ramsden, The Crime of Genocide in General Assembly Resolutions: Legal Foundations and Effects
- Yvonne Daly, Anna Pivaty, Diletta Marchesi, & Peggy ter Vrugt, Human Rights Protections in Drawing Inferences from Criminal Suspects’ Silence
- Elif Erken, Non-Governmental Organisations and National Human Rights Institutions monitoring the execution of Strasbourg Judgments: An Empirical Perspective on Rule 9 Communications
- Toon Moonen & Laurens Lavrysen, Abstract but Concrete, or Concrete but Abstract? A Guide to the Nature of Advisory Opinions under Protocol No 16 to the ECHR
Sabuj: The Legitimacy of Use of Force in Public and Islamic International Law
This book investigates the legitimacy deficits of two potentially conflicting legal systems, namely Public and Islamic international law. It discusses the challenges that Public international law is being presented within the context of its relationship with Islamic international law. It explores how best to overcome these challenges through a comparative examination of state practices on the use of force. It highlights the legal-political legacies that evolved surrounding the claims of the legitimacy of use of force by armed non-state actors, states, and regional organizations. This book offers a critical analysis of these legacies in line with the Islamic Shari‘a law, United Nations Charter, state practices, and customs. It concludes that the legitimacy question has reached a vantage point where it cannot be answered either by Islamic or Public international law as a mutually exclusive legal system. Instead, Public international law must take a coherent approach within the existing legal framework.
Call for Papers: Looking from the Outside In: Evaluating IHL from Other Normative Perspectives
New Issue: Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos
- Dossier
- Jania Maria Lopes Saldanha & Lucas Paulo Orlando de Oliveira, The Legal Liability of Transnational Corporations: Between Extraterritorial Obligations of States and Universal Justice
- Andy Symington, Implementation of the Guiding Principles in the Extractive Industries in South America: Observations from the Lithium Triangle
- Mariana Kaipper de Azevedo, The Effectiveness of Public Policies in Promoting Responsible Business Conduct: Rates of Elective Cesarean Sections versus Vaginal Deliveries in Public and Private Healthcare Networks in Brazil
- Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli & Ulf Thorne, A Critical Analysis of Business Declarations and Statements from a Human Rights Perspective
- Flávia do Amaral Vieira, The Implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Brazil: A Critical Perspective
- Samantha Singer, Lof Campo Maripé: reclamo territorial y ejercicio del derecho a la protesta
- Artículos
- Gabriela Commatteo, El rol de los parlamentos en garantizar el acceso universal a internet como derecho humano
Sunday, July 4, 2021
New Issue: Revista Tribuna Internacional
- Artículos
- Maria Cecilia Ananos Meza, Las sanciones internacionales y su rol político en el conflicto nuclear norcoreano
- Juan Manuel Indacochea Jauregui & Javier Huancahuari Moya, Seguridad y salud en el trabajo como derecho humano fundamental
- Horacio Infante Caffi & Felipe Tagle Ramírez, The Blockage of the WTO Appellate Body
- Ignacio Alejandro Reyes Gajardo, State Succession in Regard to State Responsibility
- Francisco Sáez Zamora, Un abordaje pragmático al concepto de Derecho Internacional
New Issue: Homa Publica: Revista Internacional de Direitos Humanos e Empresas
- Dossier - La Responsabilidad de la Empresa a la luz del SIDH
- Andressa Soares, João Pedro Brito Perillo, & Sofia Miranda de Oliveira, Avances del Sistema Interamericano en Derechos Humanos y Empresas: el informe de REDESCA
- Paula Lancheros Sánchez & Julián Tole Martínez, Empresas BIC en Colombia: una luz en la implementación de los Estándares Interamericanos en DDHH y Empresas
- Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky & Juan Cruz Goñi, Negociando la rendición de cuentas por violaciones de los derechos humanos: el caso del acuerdo Volkswagen do Brasil
- Andressa Soares, Renata Paschoalim Rocha, & Luca Cezário Tostes Tito, Empleados de la Fábrica de Fuegos Artificiales de Santo Antônio de Jesus y sus Familiares vs. Brasil: aportes para la agenda de Derechos Humanos y Empresas
- Aline Lais Lara Sena & Manoela Carneiro Roland, La explotación laboral de los migrantes indocumentados frente a la lógica empresarial: análisis de la Opinión Consultiva 18 de 2003 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
- Pablo Rodríguez, Berónica Narváez Mercado, & María Fernanda Noboa, Go Global China, derechos y diplomacia entre firmas y su posicionamiento en el mercado minero de cobre en Ecuador
- Margarita Cantero Ramírez, Lorena Martínez Martínez, & José Cruz Guzmán Díaz, El papel del Estado para estimular la actividad empresarial y el mercado de trabajo mexicano ante el COVID-19
- Adriana Uribe Uran, Hilda Estrada López, & Meylin Ortiz Torres, La gestion de responsabilidad empresarial en materia medioambiental en PYMES madereras de Barranquilla, Colombia
New Issue: Revista Peruana de Derecho Internacional
- Oscar Maúrtua de Romaña, Presentación En Ocasión Del Octogésimo Aniversario De La Creación De La Revista Peruana De Derecho Internacional
- Aníbal Sierralta Ríos, Origen Y Consecuencias Del Brexit
- Soledad Torrecuadrada García-Lozano, Los Retos A Los Que Ha De Enfrentarse La Corte Internacional De Justicia
- Marco Nuñez Melgar, Las Migraciones: Evolucion, Evaluacion Y Coyuntura
- Alexander Antialón Conde, Relevancia Para La Independencia Del Perú Del Moderno Concepto De Soberanía Previsto En La Constitución De Cádiz De 1812
- Napoleón Cabrejo Ormachea, La Responsabilidad De Proteger: Una Visión Actualizada De La Eficacia De Su Contenido Reconocido Y Su Ampliación Doctrinal
- Xavier J. Ramírez García De León, Uso De Aeronaves No Tripuladas En La Guerra Moderna. Evaluación De Su Legalidad Bajo El Derecho Internacional Humanitario
New Issue: INTER – Revista de Direito Internacional e Direitos Humanos da UFRJ
- Davi Marques da Silva, A Crise Federativa Brasileira Pode Ser Explicada Por Constitutionalismo Abusivo?
- Isabella Branquinho Arantes, A Educação Inclusiva À Luz Da Jurisprudência Do Tribunal Europeu De Direitos Humanos
- José Noronha Rodrigues, Asilo, Refúgio E Outras Formas De Proteção Internacional: Relacionamento E Diferenças Concetuais
- Maria Creusa De Araújo Borges & Ângelo José Menezes Silvino, Educação Em Direitos Humanos, Cosmopolitismo E Interculturalidade: A Configuração De Um Direito Público Da Humanidade Como Instrumento Da Paz
- André Luiz Valim Vieira, Lutas Sociais E Direitos Humanos: Resistência À Opressão E Desobediência Civil Em Norberto Bobbio, Hannah Arendt E Henry Thoreau
- Paula Uematsu Arruda, Obrigações Positivas Na Jurisprudência Da Corte Europeia De Direitos Humanos: Perspectivas Para A Efetividade Dos Direitos Econômicos, Sociais E Culturais
- Augusto Grieco Sant´Anna Meirinho, Proteção Ambiental, Comércio Internacional Justo E Direitos Humanos. “Fair Trade” Como Mecanismo De Proteção Ambiental E Dos Direitos Humanos.
- Paulo Alves Santos, Violência Policial No Brasil: Uma Análise A Partir Do Caso Favela Nova Brasília Na Corte Interamericana De Direitos Humanos