Multilateral development banks and other development agencies have adopted environmental and social safeguard policies setting due diligence standards for the provision of project finance. Such policies are evolving in terms of the activities covered and in their normative requirements. Recent iterations incorporate human rights requirements, recognising the imperative of adopting human rights-based approaches to development. Each institution has also established independent accountability mechanisms (IAM), variously functioning to ensure compliance with the applicable safeguards, to advise management regarding the application of the obligations involved, and to facilitate communication with affected communities and individuals with a view to resolving project-related disputes. IAMs are central to the implementation, interpretation, and ongoing elaboration of safeguard policies, and thus to the environmental and social good governance so essential for sustainable development.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
McIntyre & Nanwani: The Practice of Independent Accountability Mechanisms
ASIL: Proceedings of the 113th Annual Meeting
2020 Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures
Lieblich: The Humanization of Jus Ad Bellum: Prospects and Perils
Can violations of jus ad bellum also violate the right to life under international human rights law (IHRL), even in cases where the laws of armed conflict are otherwise followed? In 2018's General Comment 36 (GC 36) the Human Rights Committee (HRC) answered this question, for the first time, in the affirmative. This article uses the HRC's position as a platform for a long needed discussion on the theoretical underpinnings, and implications, of a possible human rights law on the resort to force.
This article identifies three pillars in GC 36’s position, which subject traditional questions of jus ad bellum to IHRL considerations: First, the view that aggression is not only a violation of jus ad bellum, but also an ipso facto violation of the right to life; second, that states bear the "responsibility" to oppose aggression; and third, that failing to reasonably attempt to resolve disputes peacefully could amount to a violation of the duty to ensure the right to life.
The article analyzes these pillars doctrinally, and then moves to discuss the theoretical commitments required to accept each of them, as well as their costs. Namely, they all require breaking with the traditional view that jus ad bellum is strictly an inter-state issue. Although, as the paper argues, this development is a welcomed one, the humanization of jus ad bellum through human rights law carries risks that should not be overlooked: chiefly, the securitization of human rights and the depoliticization of war. The prospects and perils of the humanization of jus ad bellum, as this article demonstrates, open a new area of theoretical inquiry and legal possibilities.
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 401
- Diane P. Wood, Extraterritorial Enforcement of Regulatory Laws
- Yuko Nishitani, Identité culturelle en droit international privé de la famille
Friday, January 3, 2020
Lauterpacht Centre Friday Lunchtime Lecture Series for Lent Term 2020

- January 17, 2020: Stephan Hobe (Univ. of Cologne), Space resource acquisition and space debris – two challenges for the future order for human uses of outer space
- January 24, 2020: Nehal Bhuta (Univ. of Edinburgh), The State Theory of Grotius
- January 31, 2020: Rose Parfitt (Univ. of Kent), The States We're in: Law, Inequality, Historiography, Resistance Rose Parfitt, Kent Law School
- February 7, 2020: Jason Sharman (Univ. of Cambridge), Recovering Looted Assets in the Fight Against Grand Corruption
- February 14, 2020: Mohammad Shahabuddin (Univ. of Birmingham), Minorities and the Making of Postcolonial States in International Law
- February 21, 2020: Kirsten Campbell (Univ. of London), Building a Feminist Approach to International Criminal Law
- February 28, 2020: Hemi Mistry (Univ. of Nottingham), A Performative Theory of Judicial Dissent in International Law?
Bradlow & Hunter: Advocating Social Change through International Law: Exploring the Choice between Hard and Soft International Law
- Daniel D. Bradlow & David B. Hunter, Introduction: Exploring the Relationship between Hard and Soft International Law and Social Change
- Upendra Baxi, The Softening of Hard Law and the Hardening of Soft Law: an Extended Synopsis
- Claudio Grossman, Promoting Social Change through Treaties and Customary International Law: the Experience of the Inter-American Human Rights System
- Ann Skelton, Children’s Rights: Social Change through the Application of Hard and Soft International Law
- Angela Mudukuti, The International Criminal Court and the Use of Hard Law in the Quest for Accountability for Core International Crimes
- Natalia Gomez Peña & David B. Hunter, The Hard Choices in Promoting Environmental Access Rights
- David B. Hunter, The Hard Choice for Soft Commitments in the Climate Change Regime
- Patricia Anne Lambert, A Turning Point in a Slow Revolution: the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- Daniel D. Bradlow, Soft International Law and the Promotion of Financial Regulation and Responsibility
- Sheldon Leader & Luis Felipe Yanes, Levers for and Obstacles to Social Change: Bank Lending, the Law and the Equator Principles
- Nikki Reisch, Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms: Hardening the Soft Law of Corporate Accountability?
- Daniel D. Bradlow & David B. Hunter, Hard and Soft International Law and Their Contribution to Social Change: The Lessons Learned
New Volume: Asian Yearbook of International Law
- Special Feature: Current International Legal Issues of Asian States
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque, Current International Legal Issues: Bangladesh
- Seokwoo Lee & Seryon Lee, Current International Legal Issues: Korea
- Mary George, Current International Legal Issues: Malaysia
- Rommel J. Casis & Maria Pia Benosa, Current International Legal Issues: Philippines
- Kuan-Hsiung Wang, Current International Legal Issues: Taiwan
- Kitti Jayangakula, Current International Legal Issues: Thailand
- Trinh Hai Yen & Ton Nu Thanh Binh, Current International Legal Issues: Vietnam
- Articles
- Whiejin Lee, The Enforcement of Human Rights Treaties in Korean Courts
- Tran Viet Dung & Ngo Nguyen Thao Vy, The Settlement Practice of Environmental Disputes Involving Foreign Investors in Vietnam – the Two Sides of the FDI Coin
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 400
- Lotfi Chedly, L’efficacité de l’arbitrage commercial international
Thursday, January 2, 2020
New Issue: Global Policy
- Research Articles
- Nick Bostrom, The Vulnerable World Hypothesis
- Benjamin R. Banta, The New War Thesis and Clausewitz: A Reconciliation
- Benjamin Kienzle, Effective Orchestration? The 1540 Committee and the WMD Terrorism Regime Complex
- Reda Cherif Fuad Hasanov, The Leap of the Tiger: Escaping the Middle‐income Trap to the Technological Frontier
- Daniel Fleming Henrik Søborg, Can Vision 2020 be Far Away? Malaysia's Transformation Problems to a High‐income Economy
- Alan Gamlen, Chris Kutarna, & Ashby Monk, Citizenship as Sovereign Wealth: Re‐thinking Investor Immigration
- Klaus Dodds, ‘Real interest’? Understanding the 2018 Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Zahra Meghani, Autonomy of Nations and Indigenous Peoples and the Environmental Release of Genetically Engineered Animals with Gene Drives
- Special Section I: The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future Agenda
- Gregory T. Chin, The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – New Multilateralism: Early Development, Innovation, and Future Agendas
- Natalie Lichtenstein, AIIB at Three: A Comparative and Institutional Perspective
- Camillo von Müller & Elke Baumann, On the AIIB’s Non‐resident Board: Strategic Trade‐offs, Roles and Responsibilities
- Karin Costa Vazquez & Gregory T. Chin, The AIIB and Sustainable Infrastructure: A Hybrid Layered Approach
- Giovanni B. Andornino, Economic–Security Nexus in the AIIB: China's Quest for Security through Eurasian Connectivity
- M. Chatib Basri, The Role of AIIB in the ‘New Normal’ Era for Indonesia and ASEAN
- Nagesh Kumar & Ojasvee Arora, Financing Sustainable Infrastructure Development in South Asia: The Case of AIIB
- Cyril Prinsloo, AIIB Membership for African Countries: Drawcards and Drawbacks
- Giuseppe Gabusi, Global Standards in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Contribution of the European Members
- Alvaro Mendez, Latin America and the AIIB: Interests and Viewpoints
- Seçkin Köstem, Turkey and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Economic Pragmatism meets Geopolitics
- Jiejin Zhu, Is the AIIB a China‐controlled Bank? China’s Evolving Multilateralism in Three Dimensions (3D)
- Yu‐wai Vic Li, Leveraging Asia's Financial Hubs for the AIIB: Hong Kong and Singapore
- Carla P. Freeman, Constructive Engagement? The US and the AIIB
- Policy Insights
- Paula Hepp, Claire Somerville, & Bettina Borisch, Accelerating the United Nation's 2030 Global Agenda: Why Prioritization of the Gender Goal is Essential
- Sanne Vammen Larsen, Eleanor K. Bors, Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Elena Gladun, Daria Gritsenko, Soili Nysten‐Haarala, Svetlana Tulaeva, & Todd Sformo, A Conceptual Framework of Arctic Economies for Policy‐making, Research, and Practice
- Special Section II: Lessons and challenges for networking cities: policy insights from/after a decade of C40
- Kathryn Davidson, Lars Coenen, & Brendan Gleeson, A Decade of C40: Research Insights and Agendas for City Networks
- Michele Acuto & Mehrnaz Ghojeh, C40 Cities Inside Out
- Niki Frantzeskaki, How City‐networks are Shaping and Failing Innovations in Urban Institutions for Sustainability and Resilience
- David Gordon & Craig Johnson, From There to Here and Beyond: A Friendly Rejoinder to Davidson et al.
- Emmanuelle Pinault, The C40 Experience: From Technical Experiment to Political Inspiration
- Emilia Smeds, Unpacking the Politics of C40: ‘Critical Friendship’ for a Second Decade
- Lars Coenen, Kathryn Davidson, & Brendan Gleeson, Situating C40 in the Evolution of Networked Urban Climate Governance
- Practitioner Commentaries
- Edward Price, Globalisation is Alive and Well … and Kicking
- Mukul Sanwal, Can Wang, Xinzhu Zheng, & Xinran Yang, What National Decision‐makers Need From The IPCC: Special Reports With New Insights
- Aaron Martin & Giulia Balestra, Using Regulatory Sandboxes to Support Responsible Innovation in the Humanitarian Sector
- Erik van der Marel, Old Wine in New Bottles – How Protectionism Takes Hold of Digital Trade
- Response Article
- Mary Kaldor, Commentary on Benjamin Banta: Thinking through Practices that ‘Work’ in a Rapidly Changing World
Ramcharan: Modernizing the UN Human Rights System
The universal protection of human rights remains the core challenge of the United Nations if it is to achieve its mission of a world of peace, development and justice. Yet, at a time of seismic changes in the world, when shocking violations of human rights are taking place world-wide, the UN human rights system is in need of urgent modernization. This book, written by a foremost scholar-practitioner who previously exercised the functions of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, advances a series of ideas to modernize the UN protection system. Among a dozen key proposals are that the UN human rights system should help alleviate the plight of the poorest, pay greater attention to the national protection system of each country, and establish a World Court on Human Rights that can deal with countries which grievously violate human rights. Unlike other texts that have focused on those topics, this book not only provides comprehensive analysis but, crucially, offers practical and workable solutions based on the author's significant expertise and experience. Scholars, practitioners, and students of international human rights will benefit immensely from its analysis, insights, perspectives, and proposals. It is a salutary contribution on the 75th anniversary of the UN (2020).
Christensen: The Perestroika of International Criminal Law: Soviet Reforms and the Promise of Legal Primacy in International Governance
The article examines how the perestroika gave rise to a new legal thinking that helped spark a broader transformation of international law and governance. Building on the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, the article analyses the emergence and short-lived influence of the professionals behind the new legal thinking of the perestroika. This elite operated at the crossroads between international and domestic law and politics. At this juncture, and in an attempt to safeguard and solidify their own position, they promoted the primacy of international law over politics by calling, among other things, for the establishment of an international criminal court. Building on the thinking of this elite that coexisted with concurrent streams of investments into international law from both East and West, a geopolitical window for new criminal law initiatives beyond the state was opened. It was in this brief window of opportunity that the field of international criminal justice was developed as a reflection of a wider universalist promise of establishing legal primacy in international governance.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Johansen: Dual Attribution of Conduct to both an International Organisation and a Member State
Responsibility, and in particular attribution of conduct, is one of the most intensely debated issues of public international law in the last couple of decades. In this article I seek to determine whether, how, and when acts or omissions may be attributed both to an international organisation and a member State (dual attribution). My aim is to clarify what dual attribution is, and what it is not. This is done in two steps. First, I (a) define the concept of dual attribution, (b) demonstrate that dual attribution is possible under the current law of international responsibility, and (c) establish a typology of dual attribution. Second, dual attribution is distinguished from three forms of shared responsibility. These are situations of two acts or omissions leading to one injury, derived responsibility, and the notion of piercing the corporate veil of international organisation. I end the article by criticising the disproportionate attention given to dual attribution in legal scholarship, given its limited practical utility.
New Issue: Goettingen Journal of International Law
- Severin Meier, Reconciling the Irreconcilable? – The Extraterritorial Application of the ECHR and its Interaction With IHL
- Deepak Mawar, The Perils of Judicial Restraint: How Judicial Activism Can Help Evolve the International Court of Justice
- Valentin Schatz, Access to Fisheries in the United Kingdom’s Territorial Sea after its Withdrawal from the European Union: A European and International Law Perspective
- Julia Bialek, Evaluating the Zero Draft on a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights: What Does it Regulate and how Likely is its Adoption by States?
- GoJIL Focus: Unpacking Economic and Social Rights Conference
- Ioannis Kampourakis, CSR and Social Rights: Juxtaposing Societal Constitutionalism and Rights-Based Approaches Imposing Human Rights Obligations on Corporations
- Viljam Engström, Unpacking the Debate on Social Protection Floors
New Issue: International Interactions
- Articles
- Abigail S. Post & Paromita Sen, Why can’t a woman be more like a man? Female leaders in crisis bargaining
- Heather Elko McKibben & Timothy W. Taylor, Trade balance and policy complexity: explaining political elites’ focus on international trade at the domestic level
- Adam Dean & Jonathan Obert, Shocked into Service: Free Trade and the American South’s Military Burden
- Anna O. Pechenkina, Third-party pressure for peace
- Hayoun Jessie Ryou-Ellison & Aaron Gold, Moral hazard at sea: how alliances actually increase low-level maritime provocations between allies
- Idean Salehyan & Ayal Feinberg, Merging actors with events: introducing the social conflict analysis dataset – organizational properties (SCAD-OPs)
- Note
- Kevin T. Greene & Caleb Lucas, Once more, with feeling: using sentiment analysis to improve models of relationships between non-state actors
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Geiß & Krieger: The 'Legal Pluriverse' Surrounding Multinational Military Operations
The 'Legal Pluriverse' Surrounding Multinational Military Operations conceptualizes and examines the "Pluriverse": the multiplicity of rules that apply to and regulate contemporary multinational missions, and the array of actors involved. These operations are further complicated by changes to the classification of the conflict, and the asymmetry of obligations on participants.
Structured into five parts, this work seeks, through the diversity of its authorship, to set out the web of legal regimes applicable to military operations including forces from more than one state. It maps out the ways in which different regimes interact, beginning with the laws of armed conflict and their relation to international humanitarian and human rights norms, and extending through to areas like law of the sea and environmental law.
A variety of contributors systematically compile and take stock of the various legal regimes that make up the pluriverse, assessing how these rules interact, exposing norm conflicts, areas of legal uncertainty, or protective loopholes. In this way, they identify and evaluate approaches to better streamline the different applicable legal frameworks with a view to enhancing cooperation and thereby ensuring the long-term success of multinational military operations.
Bhuiyan & Khan: Revisiting the Geneva Conventions: 1949-2019
- Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan & Borhan Uddin Khan, International Legal Protection of Persons Affected by War: Challenges and the Way Forward
- Borhan Uddin Khan & Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian, The Development of the Geneva Conventions
- Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan, The Legal Status and Protection of the Rights of Prisoners of War
- Etienne Henry, The Prohibition of Deportation and Forcible Transfer of Civilian Populations in the Fourth Geneva Convention and Beyond
- Yutaka Arai-Takahashi, Persons aboard Medical Aircraft Who Fall into the Hands of a Neutral Power – the Scope of Their Liability to Detention under the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the 1977 Additional Protocol I
- Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez, Forced Transfer of Aliens during Armed Conflicts
- Noelle Higgins, The Geneva Conventions and Non-International Armed Conflicts
- Srinivas Burra, Four Geneva Conventions of 1949: A Third World View
- M Rafiqul Islam, Criminalising Rape and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Evolving Criminality and Culpability from the Geneva Conventions to the Bangladesh International Crimes Trial
- Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal, Principles of Distinction, Proportionality and Precautions under the Geneva Conventions: the Perspective of Islamic Law
- Borhan Uddin Khan & Nakib M. Nasrullah, Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and the Current Challenges
- Derek Jinks, The Geneva Conventions and Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law
New Issue: International Studies Review
- Adam B Lerner, Theorizing Collective Trauma in International Political Economy
- Orit Gazit, Van Gennep Meets Ontological (In)Security: A Processual Approach to Ontological Security in Migration
- Jennifer Thomson, The Women, Peace, and Security Agenda and Feminist Institutionalism: A Research Agenda
- Amnon Aran & Leonie Fleischmann, Framing and Foreign Policy—Israel's Response to the Arab Uprisings
- Andrew Delatolla & Joanne Yao, Racializing Religion: Constructing Colonial Identities in the Syrian Provinces in the Nineteenth Century
- Jenny Hedström, Confusion, Seduction, Failure: Emotions as Reflexive Knowledge in Conflict Settings
- Gëzim Visoka, Critique and Alternativity in International Relations
- Sarah Smith, The Production of Legitimacy: Race and Gender in Peacebuilding Praxis
New Issue: Questions of International Law
- From chattel slavery to ‘modern slavery’: The role for human dignity in the struggle against contemporary forms of human exploitation
- Introduced by Silvia Borelli and Maria Chiara Vitucci
- Pasquale De Sena, Slaveries and new slaveries: Which role for human dignity?
- Silvia Scarpa, Conceptual unclarity, human dignity and contemporary forms of slavery: An appraisal and some proposals
New Issue: Asian International Arbitration Journal
- Eunice Chua, Enforcement Of International Mediated Settlement Agreements In Asia: A Path Towards Convergence
- Stavroula Angoura, Arbitrator’S Impartiality Under Article V(1)(D) Of The New York Convention
- Judy Li Zhu, Time To Loosen Up On Ad Hoc Arbitration In China?
New Issue: Legal Issues of Economic Integration

- From the Board: Rule of Law Challenges in Europe: A Matter of Economic Constitutional Law
- Tony Prosser, The Rule of Law, Economic Constitutions and Institutional Balance
- Eleanor M. Fox, Antitrust and Democracy: How Markets Protect Democracy, Democracy Protects Markets, and Illiberal Politics Threatens to Hijack Both
- Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel, Member States in the EU Economic Constitution: Rule of Law Challenges and Opportunities
- Maciej Bernatt, Rule of Law Crisis, Judiciary and Competition Law
- Christopher Harding, Enforcement Inconsistency in EU Competition Cases as a Rule of Law Problem
New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

- Kathrin Betz, Stéphane Bonifassi, Nadia Darwazeh, & Mark Pieth, Navigating Through Corruption and Money Laundering in International Arbitration: A Toolkit for Arbitrators and Counsel
- Jörg Risse, The Future of Arbitration: A Poet’s Prophecy
- Michal Kaczmarczyk & Joanna Lam, Sociology of Commercial Arbitration: Tools for the New Times
- Gautam Mohanty & Raghav Bhargava, Separability of Arbitration Agreement in Mutual Termination of Contracts in India: A Legislative Guideline
- Daniel Garcia-Barragan, Alexandra Mitretodis, & Andrew Tuck, The New NAFTA: Scaled-Back Arbitration in the USMCA
- Nduka Ikeyi & Gabriel Onovo, Re-examining the Legal Basis for the Co-existence of Federal and State Arbitration Laws in Nigeria
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly
- Patrick James, Systemist International Relations
- Adrian J Shin, Primary Resources, Secondary Labor: Natural Resources and Immigration Policy
- Federica Genovese, Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements
- Andrew S Rosenberg, Measuring Racial Bias in International Migration Flows
- Asfandyar Mir & Dylan Moore, Drones, Surveillance, and Violence: Theory and Evidence from a US Drone Program
- Jason Quinn, Madhav Joshi, & Erik Melander, One Dyadic Peace Leads to Another? Conflict Systems, Terminations, and Net Reduction in Fighting Groups
- Evan Perkoski, Internal Politics and the Fragmentation of Armed Groups
- Tyler Kustra, Make Love, Not War: Do Single Young Men Cause Political Violence?
- Luke N Condra & Austin L Wright, Civilians, Control, and Collaboration during Civil Conflict
- Emily Jones & Alexandra O Zeitz, Regulatory Convergence in the Financial Periphery: How Interdependence Shapes Regulators’ Decisions
- Claire Peacock, Karolina Milewicz, & Duncan Snidal, Boilerplate in International Trade Agreements
- Arie Krampf, Monetary Power Reconsidered: The Struggle between the Bundesbank and the Fed over Monetary Leadership
- Randall Germain, E.H. Carr and IPE: An Essay in Retrieval
- Jessica Chen Weiss & Allan Dafoe, Authoritarian Audiences, Rhetoric, and Propaganda in International Crises: Evidence from China
- Ches Thurber, Social Ties and the Strategy of Civil Resistance
- Brendan J Connell, Electoral Rules, Interest Group Pressures, and the Price of Democratic Default
- Ty Solomon, Rhythm and Mobilization in International Relations
- Sebastian Schindler & Tobias Wille, How Can We Criticize International Practices?
- William Spaniel & Iris Malone, The Uncertainty Trade-off: Reexamining Opportunity Costs and War
- Daniel F Wajner, “Battling” for Legitimacy: Analyzing Performative Contests in the Gaza Flotilla Paradigmatic Case
- Cosette D Creamer &, Beth A Simmons, Do Self-Reporting Regimes Matter? Evidence from the Convention Against Torture
- Kelebogile Zvobgo, Human Rights versus National Interests: Shifting US Public Attitudes on the International Criminal Court
- Valentina Carraro, Promoting Compliance with Human Rights: The Performance of the United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review and Treaty Bodies
- Tobias Lenz, Alexandr Burilkov, & Lora Anne Viola, Legitimacy and the Cognitive Sources of International Institutional Change: The Case of Regional Parliamentarization
- Emilie M Hafner-Burton & Christina J Schneider, The Dark Side of Cooperation: International Organizations and Member Corruption
- Jeffrey Kucik, How Do Prior Rulings Affect Future Disputes?
- Sarah Sunn Bush & Jennifer Hadden, Density and Decline in the Founding of International NGOs in the United States
- Matthew Castle & Krzysztof J Pelc, The Causes and Effects of Leaks in International Negotiations
- David E Banks, The Diplomatic Presentation of the State in International Crises: Diplomatic Collaboration during the US-Iran Hostage Crisis
- Joakim Kreutz & Enzo Nussio, Destroying Trust in Government: Effects of a Broken Pact among Colombian Ex-Combatants
- Deborah Welch Larson & Alexei Shevchenko, Lost in Misconceptions about Social Identity Theory
- David Blagden, Do Democracies Possess the Wisdom of Crowds? Decision Group Size, Regime Type, and Strategic Effectiveness
New Volume: European Investment Law and Arbitration Review
- Zongnan Wu, Abuse of Rights in the Context of Corporate Nationality Planning
- Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi & Maxim Usynin, The Uneasy Relationship between Intra-EU Investment Tribunals and the Court of Justice’s Achmea Judgment
- Aikaterini Florou, Whither Mutual Trust? Brexit, Achmea and the Future of Investor-State Arbitration in the EU-UK Investment Relations
- Adam Marios Paschalidis & Nikos Lavranos, Comparative Analysis between the 2018 and 2004 Dutch Model Bilateral Investment Treaty Texts
- Lorraine de Germiny, Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang & Duong Ba Trinh, The EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism in Perspective
- Sahra Arif, The Future of Intra-EU Investment Arbitration: Intra-EU Investment Arbitration under the ECT post Achmea
- Olga Magomedova, Performance Requirements: Is there a Real Reason for their Prohibition?
- Venetia Argyropoulou, Vattenfall in the Aftermath of Achmea: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?
- Kai-chieh Chan, Álvarez y Marín Corporación and Others v. Panama, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14, Award, 12 October 2018
- Nikos Lavranos, CJEU Opinion 1/17: Keeping International Investment Law and EU Law Strictly Apart
- Matthieu Grégoire, Commission v. Hungary (Case C-235/17): Some Reassurance for Investors on the Substantive Protections for Expropriation under EU Law
- Pablo Jaroslavsky & Florencia Wajnman, The Chevron Saga: The Denial of Justice Standard under the Fair and Equitable Treatment and Customary International Law
- Colin Brown, The Path to a Multilateral Investment Court – Keynote to the 4th EFILA Annual Conference 2019
- John P. Gaffney, Comment on the Keynote Speech ‘The Path to a Multilateral Investment Court’
- José Rafael Mata Dona, Report of the 4th EFILA Annual Conference 2019
- George A. Bermann, Recalibrating the EU – International Arbitration Interface – 4th EFILA Annual Lecture 2018
Jeffrey: The Edge of Law: Legal Geographies of a War Crimes Court
The Edge of Law explores the spatial implications of establishing a new legal institution in the wake of violent conflict. Using the example of the establishment of the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alex Jeffrey argues that legal processes constantly demarcate a line of inclusion and exclusion: materially, territorially and corporally. In contrast to accounts that have focused on the judicial outcomes of these transitional justice efforts, The Edge of Law draws on long-term fieldwork in Bosnia and Herzegovina to focus on the social and political consequences of the trials, tracing the fraught mechanisms that have been used by international and local political elites to convey their legitimacy.
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Special Issue: Solving the WTO Dispute Settlement System Crisis
- Giorgio Sacerdoti, Solving the WTO Dispute Settlement System Crisis: An Introduction
- Yuka Fukunaga, The Appellate Body’s Power to Interpret the WTO Agreements and WTO Members’ Power to Disagree with the Appellate Body
- Joshua Paine, The WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body as a Voice Mechanism
- Geraldo Vidigal, Living Without the Appellate Body: Multilateral, Bilateral and Plurilateral Solutions to the WTO Dispute Settlement Crisis
- Chen Yu, Currency Manipulation and WTO Laws: Should the Anti-Dumping Mechanism Be Entirely Dumped?
- Karl P. Sauvant & Howard Mann, Making FDI More Sustainable: Towards an Indicative List of FDI Sustainability Characteristics
Monday, December 30, 2019
New Volume: Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs
- Roda Mushkat, Economics and International Law: Closer Alignment through Greater Analytical Diversity?
- Christopher Chen & Wai Yee Wan, Transnational Corporate Governance Codes: Lessons from Regulating Related Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore
- Margaret K. Lewis, Creative Contacts: Taiwan’s Quest for International Law Enforcement Cooperation
- Julian G. Ku, The Taiwan Travel Act is Legally Binding
- Siao-Wun Chiu, Taiwan’s Antitrust Leniency Policy and the Framework to Build an Effective Antitrust Compliance Program
- Weixia Gu, Belt and Road Dispute Resolution: New Development Trends
- Huiqin Jiang, Demystifying China’s International Commercial Court Regime: International or Intra-National?
New Issue: International Journal of Refugee Law

- Special Issue: The OAU and Kampala Conventions
- David James Cantor & Farai Chikwanha, Reconsidering African Refugee Law
- Marina Sharpe, The Supervision (or Not) of the 1969 OAU Refugee Convention
- Tamara Wood, Who Is a Refugee in Africa? A Principled Framework for Interpreting and Applying Africa’s Expanded Refugee Definition
- Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi, Mauritian Courts and the Protection of the Rights of Asylum Seekers in the Absence of Dedicated Legislation
- Isaac Lenaola, The Role of African Courts in Promoting Refugee Rights
- J O Moses Okello, In Lieu of a Travaux Préparatoires: A Commentary on the Kampala Convention for IDPs
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme Statement by Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR
- Volker Türk & Madeline Garlick, Addressing Displacement in the Context of Disasters and the Adverse Effects of Climate Change: Elements and Opportunities in the Global Compact on Refugees
New Volume: Revue de droit international d'Assas
- Le dossier thematique: Le traitement des données personnelles et le droit international, questions ponctuelles et actuelles
- Basile Darmois & Eloïse Glucksmann, avec la participation de Timothée Andro, Caroline Chaux & Mira Hamad, Introduction
- Mathilde Gérot, Le renforcement des droits des personnes sur leurs données à caractère personnel – Aspects de droit interne
- Martina Mantovani, Le RGPD en tant qu’espace juridique multi-échelle : quelles implications pour le droit international privé ?
- Emilie Brunet, Les mécanismes de coopération des autorités de contrôle au sein de l’Union européenne et le Comité européen de la protection des données
- Jennifer Merchant, Is our personal genetic data really protected? A panorama UnitedStates/Europe/France
- Mathilde Gerot, Le renforcement des droits des personnels sur leurs données à caractère personnel, aspects de droit interne
- Martina Mantovani, Le RGPD en tant qu’espace juridique multi-échelle : quelles implications pour le droit international privé
- Philippe Bou Nader, Surveillance of a combatant and his/her right to privacy under the European Convention for Human Rights
- Emilie Brunet, Les mécanismes de coopération des autorités de contrôle au sein de l’Union européenne et le Comité européen de la protection des données
- Céline Castets-Renard, L’intelligence artificielle, les droits fondamentaux et la protection des données personnelles dans l’Union européenne et les Etats-Unis
- Carlotta Gradin, L’effacement des données en ligne : une parenté entre le droit au déréférencement et les mécanismes de défense contre les cyberviolences
- Basile Darmois, Les impensées de la politique juridique de lutte contre les fausses nouvelles : de la règlementation des publications en ligne à celle de l’édition
- Bruno Deffains, Données judiciaires et intelligence artificielle : le temps des ruptures
- Thomas Perroud, Publicité de la justice : une leçon venue d’outre-Manche
- La recherche a l’ecole doctorale
- Samuel Fulli-Lemaire, Le droit international privé de la famille à l’épreuve de l’impératif de reconnaissance des situations
- Amina Lebdioui, Attribution de contrats pétroliers : Les pays africains à l’épreuve de la transparence
- Karim El Chazli, L’impartialité de l’arbitre
- Michel Tabbal, Les sessions extraordinaires du Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies
- Rebecca Legendre, Droits fondamentaux et droit international privé - Réflexion en matière personnelle et familiale
- Claudia Cavicchioli, Le forum shopping dans le contentieux international
- Libres propos
- Thibault Douville, Blockchains et droit international privé : état sommaire des questions
- Kévin Bihannic, La mise en œuvre du Protocole n°16 CEDH - Le dialogue des juges tient-il ses promesses ?
- Konstantinos A. Rokas, The Mennesson case: the end of 19 years of legal battles and the remaining questions on foreign surrogacy
- Sophie Duparc, Le maniement de l’interprétation autonome par la CJUE : l’exemple de l’arrêt Feniks
- Konstantinos A. Rokas, Molla Sali : l’apport de la CEDH à la problématique des relations entre religion, droit en droit interne et en droit international privé
New Issue: Journal of Conflict & Security Law

- Natalino Ronzitti, Rescuing Nationals Abroad Revisited
- Jonathan Black-Branch, International Obligations Concerning Disarmament and the Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race: Justiciability over Justice in the Marshall Islands Cases at the International Court of Justice
- Madelaine Chiam & Anna Hood, Nuclear Humanitarianism
- Luca Ferro, Western Gunrunners, (Middle-)Eastern Casualties: Unlawfully Trading Arms with States Engulfed in Yemeni Civil War?
- Hanne Cuyckens & Christophe Paulussen, The Prosecution of Foreign Fighters in Western Europe: The Difficult Relationship Between Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law
- Talita de Souza Dias, The Activation of the Crime of Aggression before the International Criminal Court: Some Overlooked Implications Arising for States Parties and Non-States Parties to the Rome Statute
- Barry de Vries, Could International Fact-Finding Missions Possibly Render a Case Inadmissible for the ICC? Remarks on the Ongoing Attempts to Include International Criminal Law in Fact-finding
- Trevor Michael Rajah, Grant Dawson, & Lydia Aylett, The Chemical Weapons Convention and the Contribution of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to Sustainable Development
Craven, Pahuja, & Simpson: International Law and the Cold War
International Law and the Cold War is the first book dedicated to examining the relationship between the Cold War and International Law. The authors adopt a variety of creative approaches - in relation to events and fields such as nuclear war, environmental protection, the Suez crisis and the Lumumba assassination - in order to demonstrate the many ways in which international law acted upon the Cold War and in turn show how contemporary international law is an inheritance of the Cold War. Their innovative research traces the connections between the Cold War and contemporary legal constructions of the nation-state, the environment, the third world, and the refugee; and between law, technology, science, history, literature, art, and politics.
New Issue: Trade, Law and Development

- Ipsiata Gupta & Radhika Parthasarathy, Looking To The Future – Development In A Changing World
- Yonov F. Agah, Trade & Development In The WTO
- V. S. Seshadri, Treatment Of Trade Rules In Korea’s FTAs
- Rafael Leal-Arcas, Danai Papadea, & Rosie Richardson, Aiming At Sustainable Trade In The Context Of The Rule Of Law: What Role For Citizens And How International Trade Can Help Reduce Fossil-Fuel Consumption
- Joshua P. Meltzer, The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Developing Trade Policy For Digital Trade
- Jesse Liss, China’s Investment Treaties With Latin America And Implications For South-South Cooperation: Evidence From Firm-Level Data
- Alisher Umirdinov & Valijon Turakulov, The Last Bastion Of Protectionism In Central Asia: Uzbekistan’s Auto Industry In Post-WTO Accession
- Alec Dawson, Safeguarding The Planet? Renewable Energy, Solar Panel Tariffs, And The World Trade Organization’s Rules On Safeguards
- Michael Goodyear, Helping David Fight Goliath: Preserving The WTO In The Trump Era