Saturday, February 15, 2014
Ishikawa: The EU-Faroe Islands Herring Stock Dispute at the WTO: the Environmental Justification
Friday, February 14, 2014
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Adrian Gallagher, Syria and the indicators of a ‘manifest failing’
- Amy Hong, Advocacy strategies to defend France's sans-papiers: contradictions and complexities
- Nick Taylor, To find the needle do you need the whole haystack? Global surveillance and principled regulation
- Zvika Orr & Daphna Golan, Human rights NGOs in Israel: collective memory and denial
- Ian Turner, Positive obligations and Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights: a defence of the UK's Human Rights Act 1998
New Issue: Global Constitutionalism

- William Vlcek, Crafting human rights in a constitution: Gay rights in the Cayman Islands and the limits to global norm diffusion
- Martin Loughlin, Constitutional pluralism: An oxymoron?
- Ge Chen, Piercing the veil of state sovereignty: How China’s censorship regime into fragmented international law can lead to a butterfly effect
- Thomas Müller, Global constitutionalism in historical perspective: Towards refined tools for international constitutional histories
- William E. Scheuerman, ‘Globalization, Constitutionalism, and Sovereignty’ (book review)
- Jean L. Cohen, Reply to Scheuerman’s review of Globalization and Sovereignty
New Volume: South African Yearbook of International Law

- Navi Pillay, African international scholars and their contribution to the development of international law
- Christof Heyns, Interview with Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Dire Tladi, Security Council, the use of force and regime change : Libya and Cote d'Ivoire
- Mathew Truscott, The effect of Security Council mandates on the proportionality analysis in humanitarian interventions
- Gus Waschefort, Beyond fragmentation : an issues-based approach to 'human rights'
- Lee Stone, Elevating a well-founded fear of sexual violence to a form of persecution in refugee status determination : justifications for a more inclusive approach
- Fernando Loureiro Bastos, The governance models for oceans and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- G.M. Ferreira & M.P. Ferreira-Snyman, Migration in the global village : cultural rights, citizenship and self-determination
- J.G.S. De Wet, Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Adviser (international law)
- Notes and Comments
- Lawrence Ngobeni, Barcelona Traction and Nottebohm Revisited : nationality as a requirement for diplomatic protection of shareholders in South African law
- Lilian Chenwi, Revisiting South Africa's reporting obligations under human rights treaties and peer review mechanisms : baby strides grinding to a halt?
- George Barrie, A bird's eye view of international law in the twentieth century : from the Hague Peace Conference to the Kyoto Protocol
- Werner Scholtz, The reconciliation of transnational economic, social and cultural human rights via the common interest
- Matasi W. Martin & Brohmer Jurgen, The proposed International Criminal Chamber section of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights : a legal analysis
- Teaching International Law
- Charlotte Ku, Teaching international law in the context of domestic legal systems : towards a transnational approach
- John Gamble, International law teaching : glass(es) half full? Rose coloured? Red/white and blue?
- Annelize Nienaber, A presumptuous beginner : some thoughts on teaching international law at undergraduate level for the first time
New Volume: Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional

- Ana Gemma López Martín, Principios y reglas de solución aplicables a las controversias territoriales a la luz de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia
- Jean-Marc Thouvenin, Piraterie maritime: pas d’«internationalisation» de la fonction juridictionnelle
- Nigel Blackaby, Consideraciones sobre la aplicación del principio iura novit curia en el arbitraje comercial internacional
- Christian G. Sommer, La aplicación de estándares de protección de inversiones extranjeras. Una mirada desde los casos argentinos
- Laura Soto von Arnim, La historia del Derecho Internacional Privado en China y sus fuentes
- Ricardo Abello-Galvis & Cristhian Ferrer Acuña, Traducción de la sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre el diferendo relativo a las Inmunidades jurisdiccionales del Estado (Alemania c. Italia; Grecia – interviniente), Decisión sobre el fondo.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Call for Submissions: Revue Québécoise de Droit International

Call for Submissions - 2014
The Québec Journal of International Law (RQDI : Revue québécoise de droit international) is seeking to receive manuscripts for the preparation of its upcoming issues. Since inception, the journal’s mission is to report on research and practice in the international law field within the public, private and compared area, in French, English and Spanish. With this in mind, the journal publishes studies, notes and comments, and also some chronicles of case law having influenced the practice of international law in Quebec and reviews of books on international law.
The RQDI readership is made of academics, lawyers, legal practitioners and students from around the world. Law and public administration libraries as well as many Canadian, American and European universities, make up an important part of the institutional subscribers to the Journal. The RQDI is also a reference guide for companies, law firms and lawyers working in government agencies. In this perspective and in order to meet the international and diversified nature of the Journal, the RQDI encourages contributions from academics, practitioners, policy makers, researchers and students to submit manuscripts in line with its mission.
The manuscripts submitted to the RQDI are subject to an anonymous and rigorous scientific evaluation through a peer review. The Reading Committee with the assistance of the Editorial management team ensures the scientific quality of all manuscripts published by the Journal.
The articles submitted to the reading committee should count a maximum of 12 000 words, excluding footnotes. The manuscripts should be submitted under a ". Doc or. Docx" format using Microsoft Word. The Journal has taken up the writing protocol of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 7th Edition, and complies with the rules of the legislative drafting style of the RQDI, published by LexisNexis. In addition, the submissions must include a 300 word abstract (max.)
Should you wish to submit a manuscript or contact our editorial board for further information, please send an email to
Shaffer, Nedumpara, & Sinha: Indian Trade Lawyers and the Building of State Trade-Related Legal Capacity
This paper examines the growing role of Indian lawyers in the transformation of Indian trade policy through the development of trade-related legal capacity. By trade-related legal capacity we mean, broadly, the ability of a country to use law to engage proactively in the development and defense of international and domestic policy. Such capacity is critical for the drafting and interpretation of international legal agreements, the adoption of domestic regulation within those agreements’ constraints in order to defend policy space, the monitoring of foreign commitments, and the development of legal arguments in formal international litigation and informal dispute settlement. Through developing legal capacity, public and private actors work together to open export opportunities abroad and defend domestic policy measures at home. While others have written of the legalization of international trade through the increased role of the WTO legal secretariat and the emergence of the WTO Appellate Body in international dispute settlement, this paper addresses the growing role of lawyers in the development of trade policy at home in one of the world’s rising powers, India.
The paper builds from years of field research in India and Geneva, involving semi-structured interviews with over fifty Indian officials and stakeholders. The interviewees included former Ambassadors, members of the bureaucracy, private lawyers, private trade association and industry representatives, researchers in think tanks, academics, and news reporters. We complemented these interviews with participant observation in Geneva and in New Delhi, and reviewed our findings against primary and secondary documents.
Krisch: Capacity and Constraint: Governance Through International and Transnational Law
Transboundary problems have provided serious challenges for states’ governance capacity for long. As a result, the modern state has not only begun to adapt its own administrative and regulatory structures; it has also come to rely increasingly on effective institutional structures for cooperation and governance on a regional and global scale. The classical instrument for international cooperation, international law, can only provide such structures under certain conditions and within strict limits. Governments have therefore turned to alternative forms of transnational ordering, which in some cases have indeed led to more effective decision-making – key among them formal international institutions, informal government networks, extraterritorial regulation, and links with private forms of regulation. However, all of these tools come with drawbacks – some are more effective than others, and the more they are effective, the more they tend to entail a loss of control for national governments, regulators and administrators. Domestic authorities have sought to readjust and develop new forms of influence in transnational regulatory contexts, some of them resulting in asymmetrical structures that increase the capacity of some countries’ institutions while constraining those of others. In this paper, I analyze the different forms of transnational law- and rule-making with respect to their varying impacts on, and links with, domestic governance institutions, and I place a particular focus on the most prominent example – the rise of informal institutions and transgovernmental networks in global regulation.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
O'Connell: Energized by War Fatigue
New Issue: Journal of East Asia and International Law

- Issue Focus: Feminist Approaches to International Law
- Yoko Hayashi, Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in Japan
- Seryon Lee, Legal Feminism and the UN's Gender Mainstreaming Policy: Still Searching for the Blind Spot?
- Articles
- Congyan Cai, Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Multilateralization of International Investment Law
- Hyun Seok Park, To Apply or to Declare, or Both? Links between the Two Types of Intervention under the ICJ Statute
- Notes & Comments
- Ahmad Masum & Nehaluddin Ahmad, Freedom of Religion and Apostasy under International Law: With Special Reference to Article 11 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution
- Boris Kondoch, Jus ad Bellum and Cyber Warfare in Northeast Asia
- Andrew Wolman, Korea's Refugee Act: A Critical Evaluation under International Law
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Legal Claims to Scarborough Shoal
- The Philippines: Lowell Bautista
- China: Ran Guo
Lenzerini: The Culturalization of Human Rights Law
The idea of multi-culturalism has had a significant impact across many areas of law. This book explores how it has shaped the recent development of international human rights law. Custodians of human rights, especially international monitoring bodies, try to advance the effectiveness of human rights standards by interpreting these standards according to a method strongly inspired by the idea of cultural 'relativism'. By using elements of cultural identity and cultural diversity as parameters for the interpretation, adjudication, and enforcement of such standards, human rights are evolving from the traditional 'universal' idea, to a 'multi-cultural' one, whereby rights are interpreted in a dynamic manner, which respond to the particular needs of the communities and individuals directly concerned.
This book shows how this is epitomized by the rise of collective rights - which is intertwined with the evolution of the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples - in contrast with the traditional vision of human rights as inherently individual. It demonstrates how the process of 'culturalization' of human rights law can be shown through different methods: the most common being the recourse to the doctrine of the 'margin of appreciation' left to states in defining the content of human rights standards, extensively used by human rights bodies, such as the European Court of Human Rights. Secondly, different meanings can be attributed to the same human rights standards by adapting them to the cultural needs of the persons and - especially - communities specifically concerned. This method is particularly used by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the African Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights. The book concludes that the evolution of human rights law towards multi-cultural 'relativism' is not only maximizes the effectiveness of human rights standards, but is also necessary to improve the quality of communal life, and to promote the stability of inter-cultural relationships. However, to an extent, notions of 'universalism' remain necessary to defend the very idea of human dignity.
2014 Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures
New Issue: Trade, Law and Development

- Articles
- Aditya Bhattacharjea, Trade, Development and Competition Law: India and Canada Compared
- James J. Nedumpara, ‘Naming, Shaming and Filing’: Harnessing Indian Capacity for WTO Dispute Settlement
- Vyoma Jha, India’s Twin Concerns over Energy Security and Climate Change: Revisiting India’s Investment Treaties through a Sustainable Development Lens
- Swaraj Paul Barooah, India’s Pharmaceutical Innovation Policy: Developing Strategies for Developing Country Needs
- Notes and Comments
- Prabhash Ranjan, FDI in Multi-Brand Retail Trading and India’s Bilateral Investment Treaties
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Verbitsky & Bohoslavsky: Cuentas Pendientes: Los Cómplices Económicos de la Dictadura
Hasta hoy la justicia argentina tuvo el mérito de investigar los delitos de sangre cometidos durante la última dictadura, pero dejó fuera del radar a los actores económicos que interesadamente la promovieron y/o facilitaron, es decir, a las personas, instituciones y empresas que suministraron bienes y servicios al gobierno o que obtuvieron beneficios a cambio de apoyar la ejecución del plan criminal. Muchas de ellas son en la actualidad actores civiles y económicos de peso, integrados al juego democrático, y sus vínculos con la dictadura son en gran medida desconocidos.
Coautores, socios, instigadores, conspiradores, ejecutores, cómplices, beneficiarios son algunos de los posibles formatos de estos vínculos, que deben ser esclarecidos. En lo que constituye una investigación pionera que logra reunir información sustancial pero dispersa hasta ahora, Horacio Verbitsky y Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, junto con un equipo de prestigiosos autores, sacan a la luz los casos de complicidad civil y económica con la dictadura. Esos casos involucran empresas como Ledesma, Ford, Acindar, Techint o Mercedes Benz, cuyos directivos están acusados o sospechados de entregar trabajadores que luego fueron desaparecidos, así como organismos creados para extorsionar empresarios poco afines y expropiar sus bienes, como sucedió con Papel Prensa y con los hermanos Iaccarino.
La trama se completa con corporaciones patronales agropecuarias o industriales, como la Sociedad Rural Argentina y Confederaciones Rurales Argentinas; el Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; los grandes prestamistas internacionales, como el Citybank y el Lloyd’s Bank, que colaboraron con el descomunal endeudamiento del país en ese período; los think tanks como FIEL o CEMA, que aportaron hombres e ideas a la dictadura; sectores de la cúpula sindical; operaciones mediáticas de diarios como La Nueva Provincia, Clarín o La Nación, o la impactante actitud de la cúpula de la Iglesia católica, que, mientras bendecía la represión, aprovechaba los cuantiosos beneficios que recibía de los militares.
Al ofrecer la primera investigación sólida y sistemática sobre un tema que ha comenzado a instalarse en la agenda del derecho local e internacional, este libro abrirá sin duda una nueva etapa, además de contribuir a una narrativa más completa de los años del llamado “Proceso”.
Lecture: Koskenniemi at Glasgow
Sykes: An Economic Perspective on As Such/Facial versus As Applied Challenges in the WTO and U.S. Constitutional Systems
Suppose that a government governed by some treaty regime enacts a measure that authorizes an official to act contrary to the treaty. Suppose further, however, that no action in violation of the treaty has yet occurred. Should beneficiaries of the treaty obligation be allowed to invoke its dispute resolution process to challenge the measure in advance of such a violation? Or should they be required to wait until a violation has actually occurred? These and related questions raise important issues in the WTO and the U.S. Constitutional systems. This paper employs an economic perspective to address these issues. Among the principal conclusions are that various WTO and U.S. “rules” to govern such matters are foolish from an economic standpoint. Interestingly, however, neither system actually follows its own rules consistently. Adjudicators in both systems have deviated significantly, and many of the reported decisions comport with factors that the economic analysis identifies as important.
Talmon: The South China Sea Arbitration: Is There a Case to Answer?
On 22 January 2013, the Republic of the Philippines instituted arbitral proceedings against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) with regard to disputes between the two countries in the South China Sea (South China Sea Arbitration). On 19 February 2013, the PRC formally expressed its opposition to the institution of proceedings, making it clear from the outset that it will not have any part in these arbitral proceedings and that this position will not change. It is thus to be expected that over the next year and a half, the Tribunal will receive written memorials and hear oral submissions from the Philippines only. The Philippines’ Memorial is due by 30 March 2014. The Chinese position, on the other hand, will go unheard. However, the Tribunal is under an obligation, before making its award, to satisfy itself not only that it has jurisdiction over the dispute, but also that the claims brought by the Philippines are well founded in fact and law (UNCLOS Annex VII, Article 9).
The chapter examines whether the Tribunal has jurisdiction to hear the case, whether the claims brought by the Philippines are admissible and whether there are any other objections which the tribunal will have to decide as a preliminary matter. It aims to offer a (not the) Chinese perspective on some of the issues to be decided by the Tribunal. The chapter is to serve as a kind of amicus curiae brief advancing possible legal arguments on behalf of the absent respondent. It shows that there are insurmountable preliminary objections to the Tribunal deciding the case on the merits and that the Tribunal would be well advised to refer the dispute back to the parties in order for them to reach a negotiated settlement.
New Issue: European Journal of Legal Studies
- Federico Fabbrini, The Constitutionalization of International Law: A Comparative Federal Perspective
- Ulf Linderfalk, The Functionality of Conceptual Terms in International Law and International Legal Discourse
- Fabienne Quilleré-Majzoub, La Question de la Nature Juridique de l’Eau des Cours d’Eau Internationaux - Essai d’Épistémologie
- Donatas Murauskas, Temporal Limitation by the Court of Justice of the EU: Dealing with the Consequences
- Alberto Vega, Eurostat, Soft Law and the Measurement of Public Debt: The Case of Public-Private Partnerships
- Jack Wright Nelson, On the Conceptual Origins of the Law of Unjustified Enrichment in the Draft Common Frame of Reference
- Corri Longridge, In Defence of Defence Rights: The Need for Common Rules of Criminal Procedure in the European Union
- Svetoslav Salkin, Rent Seeking with Asymmetric Players: An Application to Litigation Expenditures
- Juan Alberto del Real Alcalá, The Controversies about Legal Indeterminacy and the Thesis of the ‘Norm as a Framework’ in Kelsen
- Vaclav Janecek, Exemplary Damages: A Genuine Concept?
New Issue: Human Rights Quarterly

- Tom Farer, The Clash of Cultures, the Tension Within Liberalism, and the Proper Limits of Tolerance
- Dan Kuwali, Battle for Sex?: Protecting Sexual(ity) Rights in Africa
- Turan Kayaoglu, Giving an Inch Only to Lose a Mile: Muslim States, Liberalism, and Human Rights in the United Nations
- Eduard Jordaan, South Africa and the United Nations Human Rights Council
- Rafael Escudero, Road to Impunity: The Absence of Transitional Justice Programs in Spain
- Robert Horvath, Breaking the Totalitarian Ice: The Initiative Group for the Defense of Human Rights in the USSR
- FikreJesus Amahazion, Global Anti-Sex Trafficking: State Variance in Implementation of Protectionist Policies
- Lorna McGregor, Applying the Definition of Torture to the Acts of Non-State Actors: The Case of Trafficking in Human Beings
New Issue: Revista de Direito Internacional
- Alfred Verdross, O Fundamento do Direito Internacional
- Liesel LeCates, Indigenous Rights Movement: Is the Same Needed to Prevent Continued Human Rights Violations of the Mentally Ill
- Camila Soares Lippi, O Discurso das Drogas Construído pelo Direito Internacional
- Antonio Gonçalves, O Estado Democrático de Direito Laico e a “Neutralidade” ante a Intolerância Religiosa
- Rafael Köche & Anderson Vichinkeski Teixeira, Um Direito sem Estado? Direitos Humanos e a Formação de um Novo Quadro Normativo Global
- Tom Theodore Papain, The U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and North Korea: How North Korea is Violating these Rules with its Operation of the Yodok Concentration Camp
- Allison Rogne, U.S. Institutionalized Torture with Impunity: Examining Rape and Sexual Abuse in Custody Through the ICTY Jurisprudence
- Kaitlyn E. Tucker, Abduction, Torture, Interrogation – Oh My! An Argument Against Extraodinary Rendition
- Katie R Hill, American and European Union Approaches to the Death Penalty: America Should Consider a New Perspective
- Priscila Fett, Tudo de Novo no Front: MONUSCO, uma Nova Era nas Peacekeaping Operations?
- João Henrique Ribeiro Roriz, Fabia Fernandes Carvalho Veçoso, & Lucas da Silva Tasquetto, A Administração de Territórios Ocupados: Indeterminação das Normas de Direito Internacional Humanitário?
- Maria Claudia Silva Antunes de Souza & Lucas de Melo Prado, The (In)Applicability of the Statue of Refugees to Environmentally Displaced Persons
- Márcio Antônio de Oliveira Filho Oliveira Filho, Ana Carolina Portes de Oliveira, Jéssica Galvão Chaves, & Warlen Soares Teodoro, A Contribuição da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos para o acesso à justiça qualitativo
- Augusto Resende, A Executividade das Sentenças da da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos no Brasil
- Lucélia de Sena Alves & Renata Mantovani de Lima, A Efetividade do Ativismo Jurídico Transnacional no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos: uma Análise a partir de Casos contra o Brasil
- Paloma Morais Correa, Poverty as a Violation of Human Rights: the Case of Street Children in Guatemala and Brazil
- Laercio Dias Franco Neto & Dafne Fernandez de Bastos, O Processo e o Direito Coletivo no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos: uma Análise com Base na Jurisprudência Internacional
- Natália Paes Leme Machado, A “Plena” Liberdade de Expressão e os Direitos Humanos: Análise da Jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e o Julgamento da ADPF 130
- A Proteção do Meio Ambiente no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos a partir do direito à Educação Augusto Resende
- Maria Guiomar da Cunha Frota & Pedro Alves Barbosa Neto, Parameters and Procedures of the Inter-American System in Children’s Rights Violation Lawsuits
- Paloma Morais Corrêa, Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos - Opinião Consultiva 4/84 – a margem de apreciação chega à América.
- Humberto Lima de Lucena Filho & Waldeny Pereira Filho, A Lei n. 11.340/06 e suas repercussões no Contrato Individual de Trabalho
- Gláucia Martins Batalha, Orientação Sexual e Discriminação no Ambiente Laboral
Burney: International Court of Justice Defines Maritime Boundary Between Peru and Chile
Monday, February 10, 2014
De Brabandere: The Concept of Jus Post Bellum in International Law: A Normative Critique
This chapter examines the usefulness and accuracy of jus post bellum as a legal concept. It argues that the concept presents a challenge to the objectivity of the post-conflict phase by linking the rights and obligations of foreign actors to the legality of the use of force, or by bringing together already existing obligations. It questions to what extent there is a legal void to which the concept would respond. It further discusses dilemmas that the concept may pose in relation to the ad hoc and neutral character of post-conflict reconstruction, including existing rules on responsibility for post-conflict reconstruction.
Jeßberger & Geneuss: Zehn Jahre Völkerstrafgesetzbuch: Bilanz und Perspektiven eines 'deutschen Völkerstrafrechts'
Mit Inkrafttreten des Völkerstrafgesetzbuches am 30. Juni 2002 ist der Grundstein für ein „deutsches Völkerstrafrecht“ gelegt worden. Heute, gute zehn Jahre später, scheint die damals spürbare „Völkerstrafrechtseuphorie“ einer gewissen Ernüchterung gewichen zu sein. Ein Grund dafür mag die geringe Zahl von Verfahren sein, die eingeleitet wurden.
In dem Band, der auf ein im Mai 2012 an der Universität Hamburg durchgeführtes Symposium zurückgeht, wird eine erste Bilanz gezogen und nach den Perspektiven der Verfolgung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen in Deutschland gefragt. Das Völkerstrafgesetzbuch wird in seinen historischen und kriminalpolitischen Kontext gesetzt, es werden strafrechtsdogmatische Schlüsselfragen, insbesondere zur Regelung der Vorgesetztenverantwortlichkeit sowie zur anstehenden Umsetzung des Aggressionsverbrechens, diskutiert, es wird der Frage nach den Ursachen für den - und den möglichen Konsequenzen aus dem - schmalen praktischen Anwendungsbereich des Völkerstrafgesetzbuchs nachgegangen, schließlich wird das Völkerstrafgesetzbuch aus europäischer, internationaler und völkerrechtlicher Perspektive bewertet.
New Issue: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

- Rakhyun E. Kim & Brendan Mackey, International environmental law as a complex adaptive system
- Narayan Subramanian & Johannes Urpelainen, Addressing cross-border environmental displacement: when can international treaties help?
- Stavros Afionis & Lindsay C. Stringer, The environment as a strategic priority in the European Union–Brazil partnership: is the EU behaving as a normative power or soft imperialist?
- Helena Varkkey, Regional cooperation, patronage and the ASEAN Agreement on transboundary haze pollution
- Robert Y. Shum, China, the United States, bargaining, and climate change
Call for Papers: International Law Association Regional Conference 2014
Call For PapersThe recent proliferation of international courts and jurisdictions raises a number of important issues concerning the coherence of the international legal order in this respect.
One may, inter alia, ask:
a) To what extent do the jurisdictional powers of these courts overlap?
b) How can they assist each other?
c) Is the case-law of each of those courts of any use in the other court’s opinions?
d) Do they abide by identical rules in matters of procedure?
The Portuguese branch of the International Law Association will organize in September 2014 a regional conference addressing these issues. The conference will include as speakers well-known judges and scholars, several of which from Portuguese-speaking countries around the world, such as Angola, Brazil and Cape Verde. It will also give young researchers the opportunity of presenting their papers.
PhD Candidates and Post-Doc students are hereby invited to submit their contributions dealing with the following topics addressed by the conference:
1. The Growing Role of International Courts and Jurisdictions: The Permanent Court of International Justice, The International Court of Justice, and Beyond
2. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
3. International Inspection and Control Mechanisms
4. European and Other Regional Courts of Human Rights
5. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Concerning International Trade and Investment, in Particular within WTO And ICSID
6. International Commercial Arbitration
7. The Court of Justice of the European Union
8. Domestic Courts as International Jurisdictions? The Limits of Personal Jurisdiction of Domestic Courts Regarding Damages for Violations of International Law
Authors should send a one-page abstract in English of their contribution with a short CV to until 31 March 2014.
Accepted candidates will be informed in April 2014.
Final papers (with a maximum of ten pages) must be delivered until 30 June 2014.
2014 ASIL Certificates of Merit for Scholarship
Certificate of Merit - Preeminent Contribution to Creative Scholarship: Ryan Goodman and Derek Jinks, Socializing States: Promoting Human Rights through International Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2013)
Certificate of Merit - High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars: Robert Kolb, The International Court of Justice (Hart Publishing 2013)
Certificate of Merit - Specialized Area of International Law: Bardo Fassbender and Anne Peters eds., The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
Sunday, February 9, 2014
New Issue: Journal of World Energy Law & Business

- Special Issue: Fiscal Transparency
- Peter Eigen, A prosperous Africa benefits everybody
- Clare Short, The development of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
- Michel Barnier, The EU transparency and accounting directives
- Peter J. Rees, Revenue transparency: global, not local solutions
- Barry Russell, USA commits to greater transparency with implementation of EITI
- Carl D. Hughes & Oliver Pendred, Let’s be clear: compliance with new transparency requirements is going to be challenging for resource companies
- Richard A. Fineberg, The United States joins EITI: a case study in theory and practice