Friday, November 8, 2019
Conference: The crisis of multilateral international order: causes, dynamics and consequences
Conference: International Economic Law and Security Interests
New Issue: Review of International Political Economy

- Bretton Woods Forum
- Orfeo Fioretos & Eugénia C. Heldt, Legacies and innovations in global economic governance since Bretton Woods
- Eric Helleiner, The life and times of embedded liberalism: legacies and innovations since Bretton Woods
- Orfeo Fioretos, Minilateralism and informality in international monetary cooperation
- Eugénia C. Heldt & Henning Schmidtke, Explaining coherence in international regime complexes: How the World Bank shapes the field of multilateral development finance
- Original Articles
- Susanne Lütz, Sven Hilgers & Sebastian Schneider, Accountants, Europeanists and Monetary Guardians: bureaucratic cultures and conflicts in IMF-EU lending programs
- Ben Clift, Contingent Keynesianism: the IMF’s model answer to the post-crash fiscal policy efficacy question in advanced economies
- Emanuele Ferragina, The political economy of family policy expansion
- Lena Maria Schaffer & Gabriele Spilker, Self-interest versus sociotropic considerations: an information-based perspective to understanding individuals’ trade preferences
- Amy Reynolds, Evaluating trade policies: the political engagement of religious actors in Costa Rica, Canada, and the United States
- Antulio Rosales, Radical rentierism: gold mining, cryptocurrency and commodity collateralization in Venezuela
- Jacob a. Hasselbalch, Framing brain drain: between solidarity and skills in European labor mobility
- Felix Mantz, Decolonizing the IPE syllabus: Eurocentrism and the coloniality of knowledge in International Political Economy
Conference: The well-being of the inhabitants of occupied territories : limiting or gutting the duty of non-recognition?
New Issue: Global Society

- The Return of Pacifism to IR
- Richard Jackson, Griffin Leonard, Aidan Gnoth, Joseph Llewellyn & Tonga Karena, Introduction: The Return of Pacifism to IR
- Olivia Reeves O’Toole, The Subjugation of Pacifism in UK Parliamentary Discourse: Analysing the 2015 Debate on Bombing Syria
- Maija Jespersen, Challenging Hobbes: Is War Inevitable?
- Caleb Day, How Martin Luther King, Jr’s Pacifist Liberation Theology Makes Reinhold Niebuhr’s Political Realism Possible
- M. S. Wallace, Wrestling with Another Human Being: The Merits of a Messy, Power-Laden Pacifism
- Jeremy Moses, Why Humanitarianism Needs a Pacifist Ethos
- Hala Bassel, Acts of Truth Telling and Testimony in the Conceptualisation of Reparations in Post-conflict Peru
- Rachel Julian, The Transformative Impact of Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping
- Kieran Ford, A Pacifist Approach to Countering Extremism
- Michael Loadenthal, Now That Was A Riot!: Social Control in Felonious Times
New Volume: Australian Year Book of International Law
- Melissa Perry, Kirby Lecture in International Law 2018: The Duality of Water: Conflict or Co-operation
- Ben Huntley, Amelia Telec & Justin Whyatt, The Timor Sea Treaty: An Australian Perspective
- Elizabeth Exposto, The Timor Sea Conciliation and Treaty: Timor-Leste’s Perspective
- Rebecca Strating, A ‘New Chapter’ in Australia–Timor Bilateral Relations? Assessing the Politics of the Timor Sea Maritime Boundary Treaty
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Maritime Boundary Delimitation by Conciliation
- Jean Allain, Slavery and Its Obligations Erga Omnes
- Jennifer Daphne Lim, Social Protection as Dialogue in Transnational Legal Ordering
- Annemarie Devereux, Australia’s Journey to Ratification of the ICESCR and ICCPR
- Melanie K Saunders, Mining on Celestial Bodies: The Equitable Distribution of Benefits Doctrine and Distributive Justice
Call for Papers: ILA 79th Biennial Conference
New Issue: Leiden Journal of International Law
- Editorial
- Dov Jacobs & Joseph Powderly, On the Impact of Online Commentary in International Criminal Law: A Vain Pursuit of a Socratic Ideal?
- International Legal Theory
- Sarah Mason-Case, On being companions and strangers: Lawyers and the production of international climate law
- International Law and Practice
- Fernando Lusa Bordin, General international law in the relations between international organizations and their members
- Sabaa Ahmad Khan, Rebalancing state and Indigenous sovereignties in international law: An Arctic lens on trajectories for global governance
- Sophia Kopela, Historic fishing rights in the law of the sea and Brexit
- Violeta Moreno-Lax, Daniel Ghezelbash, & Natalie Klein, Between life, security and rights: Framing the interdiction of ‘boat migrants’ in the Central Mediterranean and Australia
- Elisabeth Schweiger, ‘Targeted killing’ and the lack of acquiescence
- Tara Smith, Critical perspectives on environmental protection in non-international armed conflict: Developing the principles of distinction, proportionality and necessity
- Joanna Lam & Güneş Ünüvar, Transparency and participatory aspects of investor-state dispute settlement in the EU ‘new wave’ trade agreements
- International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
- Amanda Alexander, New histories and new laws: Crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Gabriele Chlevickaite, Barbora Hola, & Catrien Bijleveld, Thousands on the stand: Exploring trends and patterns of international witnesses
- Emma Irving, The Other Side of the Article 21(3) Coin: Human Rights in the Rome Statute and the Limits of Article 21(3)
- Barrie Sander, The Expressive Turn of International Criminal Justice: A Field in Search of Meaning
Call for Papers: Exploring the Frontiers of International Law in Cyberspace
Etcheson: Extraordinary Justice: Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals
In just a few short years, the Khmer Rouge presided over one of the twentieth century’s cruelest reigns of terror. Since its 1979 overthrow, there have been several attempts to hold the perpetrators accountable, from a People’s Revolutionary Tribunal shortly afterward through the early 2000s Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, also known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Extraordinary Justice offers a definitive account of the quest for justice in Cambodia that uses this history to develop a theoretical framework for understanding the interaction between law and politics in war crimes tribunals.
Craig Etcheson, one of the world’s foremost experts on the Cambodian genocide and its aftermath, draws on decades of experience to trace the evolution of transitional justice in the country from the late 1970s to the present. He considers how war crimes tribunals come into existence, how they operate and unfold, and what happens in their wake. Etcheson argues that the concepts of legality that hold sway in such tribunals should be understood in terms of their orientation toward politics, both in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and generally. A magisterial chronicle of the inner workings of postconflict justice, Extraordinary Justice challenges understandings of the relationship between politics and the law, with important implications for the future of attempts to seek accountability for crimes against humanity.
Eltringham: Genocide Never Sleeps: Living Law at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Accounts of international criminal courts have tended to consist of reflections on abstract legal texts, on judgements and trial transcripts. Genocide Never Sleeps, based on ethnographic research at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), provides an alternative account, describing a messy, flawed human process in which legal practitioners faced with novel challenges sought to reconfigure long-standing habits and opinions while maintaining a commitment to 'justice'. From the challenges of simultaneous translation to collaborating with colleagues from different legal traditions, legal practitioners were forced to scrutinise that which normally remains assumed in domestic law. By providing an account of this process, Genocide Never Sleeps not only provides a unique insight into the exceptional nature of the ad hoc, improvised ICTR and the day-to-day practice of international criminal justice, but also holds up for fresh inspection much that is naturalised and assumed in unexceptional, domestic legal processes.
Coe: Sovereignty in the South: Intrusive Regionalism in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
As international organisations gain greater power to monitor and manage the domestic affairs of their member states, the relationship between state sovereignty and international intervention becomes increasingly fraught. This book examines international rule-making in the Global South, tracing how the status of state sovereignty has evolved since decolonization. Coe argues that regional organizations flout the former norm of non-interference, becoming involved in the domestic affairs of their member states in Africa, Latin America, and (to a much lesser extent) Southeast Asia. In the name of democracy, human rights, and security, regional organizations increasingly assume jurisdiction over once off-limits domestic matters: they monitor elections and human rights and they respond to intrastate crises with mediation, fact-finding and sanctions. Coe explores the effects of democratization and economic crisis on regional institutions to explain the uneven development of 'intrusive regionalism' across the postcolonial world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mantilla Blanco: Full Protection and Security in International Investment Law
This book provides a comprehensive study of the standard of ‘full protection and security’ (FPS) in international investment law. Ever since the Germany-Pakistan BIT of 1959, almost every investment agreement has included an FPS clause. FPS claims refer to the most diverse factual settings, from terrorist attacks to measures concerning concession contracts. Still, the FPS standard has received far less scholarly attention than other obligations under international investment law.
Filling that gap, this study examines the evolution of FPS from its medieval roots to the modern age, delimits the scope of FPS in customary international law, and analyzes the relationship between FPS and the concept of due diligence in the law of state responsibility. It additionally explores the interpretation and application of FPS clauses, drawing particular attention to the diverse wording used in investment treaties, the role ascribed to custom, and the interplay between FPS and other treaty-based standards.
Besides delivering a detailed analysis of the FPS standard, this book also serves as a guide to the relevant sources, providing an overview of numerous legal instruments, examples of state practice, arbitral decisions, and related academic publications about the standard.
Conference: Le crime de génocide à la lumière de la jurisprudence des juridictions pénales internationales et nationales : du Tribunal militaire international (TMI) de Nuremberg à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)
Hague Academy of International Law 2020 Summer Program
Public International Law
- Meg Kinnear (ICSID), Inaugural Lecture: The Growth, Challenges and Future Prospects for Investment Dispute Settlement
- Robert Kolb (Université de Genève), Cours général : Le droit international comme corps de droit privé et de droit public
- Théodore Christakis (Université Grenoble Alpes), Le droit international de la cyber sécurité
- Stephen C. McCaffrey (Univ. of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law), The Evolution of the Law of International Watercourses
- Attila Tanzi (Univ. of Bologna), The Principle iura novit curia in International Judicial and Arbitral Proceedings
- Dire Tladi (Univ. of Pretoria), The Extra-Territorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors
- Jorge E. Viñuales (Univ. of Cambridge), La responsabilité aggravée en droit international contemporain
- Wenqi Zhu (Renmin Univ. of China), Safeguarding the Defence – Proceedings Before International Criminal Justice
Private International Law
- Alexis Mourre (Cour internationale d’arbitrage de la CCI), Conférence inaugurale : La légitimité de l’arbitrage
- Linda Silberman (New York Univ.), General Course: The Counter-Revolution in Private International Law in the United States: From Standards to Rules privé
- Pietro Franzina (Université de Ferrare), Le droit international privé et le temps
- Mary Keyes (Griffith Univ.), The Intentions of the Parties in Private International Law
- Salim Moollan (Essex Court Chambers), Les procédures parallèles en matière d’arbitrage : analyse théorique et recherche de solutions pratiques
- José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez, Private International Law and Investment Arbitration
- Arnaud Nuyts, (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Le for des cyber-délits
- Jean-Baptiste Racine (Université Côte d’Azur), Arbitrage et droits de l’homme
- Robert Wai (York Univ. Osgoode Hall Law School), Liberalism and Private International Law
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Call for Nominations: 2020 ICON·S Book Prize
Call for Papers: The Distributed Work of War and Security: Technology, Expertise and Legitimation
The Distributed Work of War and Security: Technology, Expertise and Legitimation as part of the Interdisciplinary PACS conference 2020 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 24 and 25 September 2020 Conveners: Tanja Aalberts ( and Marijn Hoijtink ( While contemporary warfare and practices of security are often said to be unmanned, automated or remote-controlled, a recent and empirically-grounded body of scholarship within science and technology studies, critical security studies and legal studies has emphasized how current military and security operations by Western states are labor-intensive, distributed across humans and humans and machines, and sustained by material and legal infrastructures as well as logics and practices that are deeply gendered and racialized. Following these contributions, this panel broadly focuses on the range of practices, actors and infrastructures that make contemporary war, security and particular forms of violence possible, actionable, and permissible. We organize two panels at the PACS Conference 2020 for which we invite contributions from across the social sciences, international law and humanities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:We invite 200 words abstracts plus short biographical notes by 29 November 2019. Please send your proposal to and There is no conference fee. Accommodation will be provided for paper givers.
- The role and enactment of technical or legal expertise in the conduct and legitimation of war or security;
- Empirical inquiries into human-machine relations interactions in contemporary warfare or security practices;
- Practices related to the design and development of technological warfare/security and the organization of violence;
- Technology, militarism and the everyday;
- The relationship between technology and secrecy, transparency and resistance.
von Bernstorff & Dann: The Battle for International Law: South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era
- Jochen von Bernstorff & Philipp Dann, The Battle for International Law: A Sketch
- Surabhi Ranganathan, The Common Heritage of Mankind: Annotations on a Battle
- Jochen von Bernstorff, The Battle for the Recognition of Wars of National Liberation
- Luis Eslava, The Developmental State: Independence, Dependency and the History of the South
- Matthew Craven, Colonial Fragments: Decolonisation, Concessions and Acquired Rights
- Anna Brunner, Acquired Rights and State Succession - The Rise and Fall of the Third World in the International Law Commission
- Sundhya Pahuja & Anna Saunders Rival Worlds and the Place of the Corporation in International law
- Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, The Battle Continues: Rebuilding Empire through Internationalization of State Contracts
- Florian Hoffmann & Bethania Assy, (De)colonizing Human Rights
- Rotem Giladi, Picking Battles: Race, Decolonization, and Apartheid
- Ingo Venzke, The International Court of Justice During the Battle for International Law (1955-1975)-Colonial Imprints and Possibilities for Change
- Guy Sinclair, The Battle and the United Nations
- Philipp Dann, The World Bank in the Battles of the 'Decolonization Era'
- Prabhakar Singh, Reading R.P. Anand in the Postcolony: Between Resistance and Appropriation
- Carl Landauer, Taslim Olawale Elias: From British Colonial Law to Modern International Law
- Umut Özsu, Determining New Selves: Mohammed Bedjaoui on Algeria, Western Sahara, and Post-Classical International Law
- Emamanuelle Tourme Jouannet, Charles Chaumont's Third World International Legal Theory
- Christopher Gevers, Literal 'Decolonisation': Re-reading African International Legal Scholarship through the African Novel
- Bill Bowring, The Soviets and the Right to Self-Determination of the Colonized: Contradictions of Soviet Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in the Era of Decolonization
- Olivier Barsalou, The Failed Battle for Self-Determination: The United States and the Postwar Illusion of Enlightened Colonialism, 1945-1975
- Martti Koskenniemi, What's Law Got to Do with it? Recollections, Impressions
Peeler: The Persistence of Reciprocity in International Humanitarian Law
The expectation of reciprocity continues to be an important factor when states' consider their legal obligations in armed conflicts. In this monograph, Peeler looks at the text and negotiations around the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions from 1977 to demonstrate the many places where international humanitarian law maintains expectations of reciprocity. This complements an examination of US policy regarding its Prisoner of War obligations in both the Vietnam War and the Global War on Terror, demonstrating how states make use of the expectation of reciprocity found in international humanitarian law to respond to continued non-compliance by an enemy.
New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Weapons Law
- Mirko Sossai, The Demands of Future Operations and the Promise of Non- or Less-Lethal Weapons
- Stuart Casey-Maslen, The Status of Nuclear Deterrence Under International Law in Light of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
- Matthias Brenneke, Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems and Their Compatibility with International Humanitarian Law: A Primer on the Debate
- Joshua G. Hughes, The Law of Armed Conflict Issues Created by Programming Automatic Target Recognition Systems Using Deep Learning Methods
- Other Articles
- Beatrice Heuser, Ordinances and Articles of War Before the Lieber Code, 866-1863: The Long Pre-History of International Humanitarian Law
- Kilian Roithmaier, Monika Tobjasz, & Pauline Bove, Year in Review 2018
New Volume: Italian Yearbook of International Law
- Symposium: Search and Rescue: Balancing Humanitarian and Security Reasons
- Giuseppe Cataldi, Introduction
- Giorgia Bevilacqua, Italy Versus NGOs: The Controversial Interpretation and Implementation of Search and Rescue Obligations in the Context of Migration at Sea
- Paolo Turrini, Between a “Go Back!” and a Hard (to Find) Place (of Safety): On the Rules and Standards of Disembarkation of People Rescued at Sea
- Kiara Neri, The Missing Obligation to Disembark Persons Rescued at Sea
- Marco Fantinato, EU Regional Disembarkation Arrangements in the Mediterranean: Between the Outsourcing of Search and Rescue Services and the Externalisation of Sea Border Management
- Francesca De Vittor & Massimo Starita, Distributing Responsibility Between Shipmasters and the Different States Involved in SAR Disasters
- Valentin Schatz & Fabian Endemann, The Vatican City State’s Refusal to Grant Its Flag to Search and Rescue Vessels of NGOs Operating in the Mediterranean
- Articles
- Sondra Faccio, The Interplay Between Investment Law And The Duty Of Non-Recognition In Situations Of Contested Sovereignty
- Emma Luce Scali, Sovereign Debt, “Austerity”, and Socio-Economic Rights: Italy’s 2019 Budget Between EU Fiscal Rules and International Human Rights Law
- Fabrizio Marongiu Bonaiuti, The Effects of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights on the Final Decisions of Domestic Courts: Recent Developments in the Italian Case Law
- Valentina Rossi, Government Transparency and the Right of Access to Information: Evolving International Standards and Their Implementation in the Italian Legal System
- Notes and Comments
- Andrea Spagnolo, The Conclusion of Bilateral Agreements and Technical Arrangements for the Management Of Migration Flows: An Overview of the Italian Practice
- Silvia Venier, The Role of Facebook in the Persecution of the Rohingya Minority in Myanmar: Issues of Accountability Under International Law
- Diego Mauri, On American Drone Strikes and (Possible) European Responsibilities: Facing the Issue of Jurisdiction for “Complicity” in Extraterritorial Targeted Killings
- Ferdinando Franceschelli, The Franco-German Approach to Tackling Climate Change in the Aachen Treaty of 2019
New Issue: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht

- Comment
- A. Skordas, The Rise of the Neo-Hobbesian Age: Thirty Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- A. Voßkuhle, Rechtspluralismus als Herausforderung. Zur Bedeutung des Völkerrechts und der Rechtsvergleichung in der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
- Abhandlungen
- A. von Bogdandy, Tyrannei der Werte? Herausforderungen und Grundlagen einer europäischen Dogmatik systemischer Defizite
- J. von Bernstorff & J. Schuler: Wer spricht für die Kolonisierten? Eine völkerrechtliche Analyse der Passivlegitimation in Restitutionsverhandlungen
- C. Tomuschat, Enforcement of International Law. From the Authority of Hard Law to the Impact of Flexible Methods
- Intervention by Invitation: Impulses from the Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and War
- Anne Peters, Intervention by Invitation: Impulses from the Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and War
- Florian Kriener, Invitation – Excluding ab initio a Breach of Art. 2 (4) UNCh or a Preclusion of Wrongfulness?
- Agata Kleczkowska, The Misconception About the Term “Intervention by Invitation”
- Laura Visser, What’s in a Name? The Terminology of Intervention by Invitation
- Michael Wood, Assessing Practice on the Use of Force
- Antonello Tancredi, A “Principle-Based” Approach to Intervention by Invitation in Civil Wars
- Letizia Lo Giacco, “Intervention by Invitation” and the Construction of the Authority of the Effective Control Test in Legal Argumentation
- Eliav Lieblich, The International Wrongfulness of Unlawful Consensual Interventions
- Alexander Wentker, Purpose-Based Regulation of Consent to Non-Forcible Operations
- Olivier Corten, Is an Intervention at the Request of a Government Always Allowed? From a “Purpose-Based Approach” to the Respect of Self-Determination
- Veronika Bílková, Reflections on the Purpose-Based Approach
- Achilles Skordas, Intervention by Invitation and Its Function: Governance in a Plural Society
- Dino Kritsiotis, On the Matter of Multiple Legal Justifications for Military Action
- Irène Couzigou, Respect for State Sovereignty: Primacy of Intervention by Invitation over the Right to Self-Defence
- Inger Österdahl, The Gentle Legitimiser of the Action of Others
- Matthias Hartwig, Who Is the Host? – Invasion by Invitation
- Larissa van den Herik, Replicating Article 51
- Stellungnahmen und Berichte
- M. Lenk, Das Nothafenrecht im Lichte der deutschen Notstandsdogmatik – ein Beitrag zu Salvinis ungeliebten Schiffen auf dem Mittelmeer
- Beschluss des Tribunale di Agrigento vom 2. Juli 2019: Aus den Entscheidungsgründen
- R. Grote, Staatsrechtslehre in sozialer Verantwortung – Zum Tode des Staatsrechtlers und früheren Verfassungsrichters Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (1930-2019). Eine Würdigung
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Lana Tatour, The culturalisation of indigeneity: the Palestinian-Bedouin of the Naqab and indigenous rights
- Chuks Okpaluba & Anthony O. Nwafor, Habeas corpus as a remedy for deprivation of the right to personal liberty: contemporary developments in Canada and South Africa
- Jeanice L. Koorndijk, Judgements of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights concerning indigenous and tribal land rights in Suriname: new approaches to stimulating full compliance
- Marco Bocchese, Gbagbo’s lost bet: when inviting external judicial scrutiny backfires
- Siwach Sripokangkul, Subversion of transitional justice in Thailand: transitional injustice in the case of the ‘Red Shirts’
- Cillian Blake, The consequentialist reasoning of the security State and the contemporary interpretation of Article 2 by the European Court of Human Rights: eroding the lethal force principles in policing operations
- Ulf Mörkenstam, Organised hypocrisy? The implementation of the international indigenous rights regime in Sweden
New Issue: Harvard International Law Journal

- Nawaf Salam, Reflections on International Law in Changing Times
- Tamar Megiddo, Methodological Individualism
- Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, & Linus Föhr, The ICO Gold Rush: It's a Scam, It's a Bubble, It's a Super Challenge for Regulators
- Jorge Contesse, Settling Human Rights Violations
- Ying Zhu, Do Clarified Indirect Expropriation Clauses in International Investment Treaties Preserve Environmental Regulatory Space?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Lecture: Johns on "On Data: Givens of Global Law"
This talk dwells on a medium in which people, places and things are being connected, divided, aggregated and distributed juridically on the global plane: digital data. It will explore how, to whom, under what conditions and in what formats digital data are being given in certain practices of contemporary international law: specifically, in aspects of international development and humanitarian work in which the adoption of digital data and data science techniques is being encouraged. More precisely, it will consider some ramifications of the growing digitization of two key knowledge formats for international law: facts and populations. It will ask what givens may be constituted or reconstituted – or what may be established, or re-established, about international law, legal actors, institutions and operations – in the process of this shift in knowledge practice. And it will touch, finally, on what might be at stake in these changing practices with regard to the CLGSC’s three, current thematic concerns: time and place; power and capital; aesthetics and materiality.
Asada: Economic Sanctions in International Law and Practice
- Masahiko Asada, Definition and legal justification of sanctions
- Philippe Achilleas, United Nations and sanctions
- Pierre-Emmanuel Dupont, Human rights implications of sanctions
- Mirko Sossai, Legality of extraterritorial sanctions
- Jean-Marc Thouvenin, History of implementation of sanctions
- Richard Nephew, Implementation of sanctions: United States
- Francesco Giumelli, Implementation of sanctions: European Union
- Machiko Kanetake, Implementation of sanctions: Japan
- Andrea Berger, North Korea: Design, implementation, and evasion
- Kazuto Suzuki, Iran: The role and effectiveness of UN sanctions
- Tatsuya Abe, Syria: The chemical weapons question and autonomous sanctions
- Mika Hayashi, Russia: The Crimea question and autonomous sanctions
Sunday, November 3, 2019
New Issue: Cooperation and Conflict
- Niklas Nilsson, Role conceptions, crises, and Georgia’s foreign policy
- Hannes Hansen-Magnusson, Arctic geopoetics: Russian politics at the North Pole
- Steffen Eckhard, Comparing how peace operations enable or restrict the influence of national staff: Contestation from within?
- Natalia Chaban, Ole Elgström, & Michèle Knodt, Perceptions of EU mediation and mediation effectiveness: Comparing perspectives from Ukraine and the EU
- Hylke Dijkstra, Petar Petrov, & Ewa Mahr, Learning to deploy civilian capabilities: How the United Nations, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and European Union have changed their crisis management institutions
- Lior Lehrs, The peacenik and the spook as the diplomatic avant-garde
- Pål Røren, Status seeking in the friendly Nordic neighborhood