ESIL International Economic Law Interest Group - Call for Papers
2016 Riga ESIL Conference
Workshop of the IEL IG – 7 September 2016
At the Conference of the European Society of International Law taking place in
Riga, Latvia, the ESIL International Economic Law Interest Group, chaired by
Elisa Baroncini, Marion Panizzon and Peter-Tobias Stoll, will convene a full
day workshop, which will take place on 7 September 2016.
Three panels will be organized, which will deal with
1) The future of world economic law: new mega-regional trade and
investment agreements and the proposed International Investment Court,
2) International Economic Law and sustainable development and climate
3) International Economic Law and economic sanctions.
For each of the three panels of the workshop the ESIL IELIG invites papers,
which should be unpublished, in an advanced stage of completion, and ready to
be included in the ESIL SSRN Conference Paper Series and in the ESIL
Conference Proceedings. If published otherwise, the ESIL IEL IG is happy to
authorize authors to indicate the presentation of a related paper at a ESIL IEL IG
workshop. The working languages of the ESIL IELIG are English and French,
and thus the proposals may be submitted in English or French (see below for the
paper submission procedure and timeline).
Call for Papers 1: The future of world economic law: new mega-regional
trade and investment agreements and the proposed International
Investment Court
The recent tendency to conclude free trade agreements is outstanding in regard
to the sheer numbers of such agreements or negotiation projects as well as in
terms of their intention to provide for a "deep" integration. Also, there is much
doubt whether Art. XXIV GATT / V GATS alone can effectively balance
multilateral inclusiveness and regional exclusivity. It appears, therefore, that
new ways are needed to reflect upon the future of the international economic
Also some fresh thinking is required in view of international investment law,
which recently has seen the innovative proposal of an international investment
court. This proposal, which has been included in the EU-Vietnam and EUCanada
Free Trade Agreements, marks a considerable point of departure for
international investment law, which urgently needs some analysis and
Call for Papers 2: International economic law and sustainable development
and climate change
The year 2015 has seen two important United Nations conferences, which have
been considered a remarkable success and at the same time are closely related to
international economic law. In September 2015, UN Sustainable Development
Summit formally adopted an ambitious new sustainable development agenda
with 17 newly formulated sustainable development goals (SDGs). This way, the
concept of sustainable development is getting more and more articulated. As
most of these goals relate to the economy or rely on economic activity for their
achievement, a reflection is urgently required as to how these new SDGs may
impact international economic law.
SDG No. 13 calls for “Climate Action” and in this way points to the second
important achievement in 2015, which has been the successful conclusion of the
2015 Paris Conference on climate change. And indeed, a fresh view on the
international economic law implications is also called for in this regard. From
emission trading to border tax adjustments, from flexible mechanisms to
technology transfer: manifold aspects involved in the implementation of the
results of the Paris Conference relate to international economic law and should
be discussed at our workshop.
Call for Papers 3: International Economic Law and Economic Sanctions
The recent economic sanctions imposed against Russia by the US and the EU
and the related reactions have raised a long-standing issue relating to the
compatibility of economic sanctions with free trade rules. However, in addition
to its trade dimension, the situations mentioned here or other possible scenarios
for economic sanctions furthermore raise new questions in view of international
investment law.
Submissions are welcome from senior and junior scholars. Abstracts must not
exceed 800 words, and have to be submitted to the following mail addresses:;
In addition to the abstract, each submission should contain a separate file
containing information on:
The topic of the call for papers for which the abstract is submitted
- he author’s name and affiliation
- A short (one page) author’s CV, including a list of relevant publications
- The author’s contact details, including email address and phone number
- The membership of the author with ESIL and the date of affiliation
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15 May 2016
Successful applicants will be informed by 30 May 2016
The deadline for the submission of the papers of accepted abstracts is 1 August
The Workshop will take place on Wednesday, 7 September 2016
The deadline for the submission of final papers for publication is 1 November