This week, the
Virginia Journal of International Law and the
Opinio Juris blog are hosting a
symposium on articles published in the first two issues of Volume 52 of the
Journal. Thus far, discussion has focused on:
I. Glenn Cohen's (Harvard Univ. - Law) “Medical Tourism, Access to Health Care, and Global Justice” (with comments by Nathan Cortez (Southern Methodist Univ. - Law), Colleen M. Flood and Y.Y. Brandon Chen (Univ. of Toronto - Law), and Jeremy Snyder and Valorie A. Crooks (Simon Fraser Univ.));
Stephan W. Schill’s (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law) “Enhancing International Investment Law’s Legitimacy: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of a New Public Law Approach” (with comments by Anthea Roberts (London School of Economics - Law) and Jürgen Kurtz (Melbourne Univ. - Law)); and
Gregory Shaffer (Univ. of Minnesota - Law) and Joel Trachtman's (Tufts Univ. - The Fletcher School) “Interpretation and Institutional Choice at the WTO” (with comments by Rachel Brewster (Harvard Univ. - Law), Robert Howse (New York Univ. - Law), and Joost Pauwelyn (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - Law)). Tomorrow, the focus will turn to
Sungjoon Cho's (Chicago-Kent College of Law) “Beyond Rationality: Toward a Sociological Construction of the World Trade Organization” (with comments by Gregory Shaffer and Joel Trachtman, as well as Claire Kelly (Brooklyn Law School)), and on Friday the symposium will conclude with
Aslı Ü. Bâli's (Univ. of California, Los Angeles - Law) “The Perils of Judicial Independence: Constitutional Transition and the Turkish Example” (with comments by Tom Ginsburg (Univ. of Chicago - Law) and Hootan Shambayati (Florida Gulf Coast Univ.)) and
Marco Ventoruzzo’s (Penn State Univ. - Law) “Like Moths to a Flame? International Securities Litigation After Morrison: Correcting the Supreme Court’s ‘Transactional Test’” (with comments by Hannah L. Buxbaum (Indiana Univ. – Law)).