The protection of individuals, often necessary against their own states, may sometimes also be necessary against international organizations. This is a particularly delicate matter where the international organization is meant to represent international law. Drawing on the experience of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the author argues that the operations of the International Criminal Court will inevitably have a direct and significant impact on the treatment of individuals in countries that are not able or willing to stand up for their citizens' rights and interests under state laws or international law. The interface of the ICC with the ordinary state national is generally not regulated by the ICC's statute and rules (just as it is not by the ICTY's) and, in the absence of regular and effective state protections, constitutes a lawless frontier at which the court is all-powerful and the individual is at its mercy. The strong state/weak state divide (with the corresponding strong individual/weak individual effect) offers the ICC opportunities for evidence-gathering, but also risks damage to the Court's moral standing. The author concludes that the ICC needs, at the very least, a policy that foresees such situations and aims to maintain a balance of rights and interests in the relationship of international court and private citizen.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Zahar: International Court and Private Citizen
Friday, February 20, 2009
Conference: ASIL Annual Meeting 2009 (Update)
ICJ: Belgium Institutes Proceedings Against Senegal
Call for Papers: India-United States Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
The 123 Agreement was signed by the United States and India in 2007 to operationalise the Joint Statement by United States President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2005 whereby India agreed to separate its civilian and military nuclear facilities and place the former under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. The purpose of the 123 Agreement is to facilitate the exchange of civil nuclear technology between India and the United States. The Agreement is exceptional in that it goes against the grain of several decades of United States non-proliferation practice and implicitly recognises India’s status as a nuclear weapons state. Despite claims that the Agreement benefits India by ending its nuclear isolation and contributing to its burgeoning energy needs, there has been stinted opposition to the Agreement; the Singh government narrowly survived a no-confidence motion brought by opposition parties in 2008 over the issue.
The University of Reading, in association with Ambedkar Law College, Chennai, is organising three workshops to examine various issues arising from the Agreement. The first of these will be held in Reading on 14 September 2009 and is expected to be an overview workshop. We are interested in papers on themes including the following:
- The impact of the 123 Agreement on the existing international non-proliferation regime;
- The consequences of the 123 Agreement for India’s strategic objectives and traditional distance from United States influence in international relations;
- The implications of the 123 Agreement for other nuclear states, such as Pakistan, and for allegedly nuclear-aspirant states, such as Iran and North Korea;
- The role of the IAEA and its safeguards system under the 123 Agreement;
- The role of other international organisations on nuclear energy cooperation
Please submit an abstract (max. 1,000 words), together with a CV, to Dr. Robert P. Barnidge, Jr., at by 20 March 2009. Successful applicants will be informed by the end of March 2009. A first draft of the final papers will be required by 7 September 2009. Please contact Dr. Barnidge at with any queries.
Workshops: Hakimi, Waibel
Michael Waibel (Univ. of Cambridge - Law) will give a talk today at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law's Friday Lunchtime Lecture Series on "Financial Crises in International Law."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Conference: International Law in the Domestic Context
Until recently, legal scholars could confidently quote from The Paquete Habana and assert that international law is a part of the United States domestic law. That comfortable bedrock has been shaken, and it is no longer possible to say with confidence what the status of international law as domestic law is in the United States. This development coincides with new trends in American legal scholarship that emphasize sovereignty, executive power and neo-realist approaches to international relations theory.
The situation is different in many democracies, where international law is regularly considered in court decisions. The South African Constitutional Court, for example, is mandated to consider international law in the Courts jurisprudence. Regional courts - among them the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court - also consider international law as a matter of course. Conference participants will compare and contrast the divergent attitudes of the different nations on the status that international law ought to have in a domestic legal regime.
Conference speakers include: Prof. John Dugard, Professor of Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands, and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, Duke Law School; Prof. Paul Finkelman, President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law, Albany Law School; Prof. Stanley Halpin, Vick Professor of Public Law, Southern University Law Center; Prof. Gwynne Skinner, Willamette University College of Law ; Mr. Jim Kennan, Senior Counsel, Victorian Bar, Melbourne, Australia; Prof. Michael Aaron Granne, Seton Hall School of Law; Prof. Maxwell Chibundu, University of Maryland School of Law; Prof. Dianne Otto, University of Melbourne; Prof. Ernesto Hernandez, Chapman University School of Law; Mr. Gib van Ert, Lawyer, Hunter Litigation Chambers, Vancouver, British Columbia; Prof. Keyuan Zou, Harris Professor of International Law, University of Central Lancashire Law School.
Registration/Further Information: CLE credit is available for attendees. For more information or to register, please contact: JoAnn Campbell; Tel: 219.465.7829; Email:
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- John B. Bellinger III, Enforcing Human Rights in U.S. Courts and Abroad: The Alien Tort Statute and Other Approaches
- Robert Delahunty & Antonio F. Perez, The Kosovo Crisis: A Dostoievskian Dialogue on International Law, Statecraft, and Soulcraft
- Jacques de Werra, Fighting Against Biopiracy: Does the Obligation to Disclose in Patent Applications Truly Help?
- Yaël Ronen, Avoid or Compensate? Liability for Incidental Injury to Civilians Inflicted During Armed Conflict
- Kuei-Jung Ni, Legal Aspects of Prior Informed Consent on Access to Genetic Resources: An Analysis of Global Lawmaking and Local Implementation Toward an Optimal Normative Construction
New Issue: Internationales Handelsrecht

- Karl H. Lincke & Anne-Christin Mittwoch, Überblick über das Recht des Handelsvertreters in Spanien Rechtsanwalt
- Franco Ferrari, Homeward Trend: What, Why and Why Not
Jesse: Der Verbrechensbegriff des Römischen Statuts

Das Römische Statut baut auf einem eigenständigen, zweiteiligen Verbrechensbegriff auf. Er teilt sich in die Unrechts- und die Verantwortlichkeitsbeziehung von Täter und Verbrechen auf. Die Voraussetzungen einer Strafbarkeit lassen sich in diesem System in widerspruchsfreier Weise verorten. Den in der bisherigen Diskussion uneinheitlichen Begriffsgebrauch überwindet der Autor durch eine eigenständige Begriffsbildung. Dies ist umso wichtiger, als das Völkerstrafrecht nach dem Römischen Statut nicht weniger als sechs gleichermaßen authentische Sprachen kennt, für die eine gemeinsame Basis unabdingbar ist, die die Arbeit nunmehr anbietet.
Workshops: Gray, Hyrvarinen, Kaikobad, Sassòli
Joy Hyrvarinen (Foundation for International and Environmental Law) will deliver a lecture today at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law on "International Environmental Governance - Where from Here?"
Kaiyan Kaikobad (Brunel Univ. - Law) will give a talk today at the Oxford Public International Law Discussion Group on "Legal Implications of the Kosovo Declaration of Independence."
Marco Sassòli (Univ. of Geneva - Law) will deliver a lecture today at the LSE International Humanitarian Law Project on "IHL and International Human Rights Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New Volume: Yearbook of International Environmental Law

- David Hunter, Regional treaties - Lessons to be learned for global Regimes
- Wiek Schrage & Keith Bull, Environmental legal instruments in the UNECE region
- Eric Dannenmaier, Europe's commitment to environmental citizenship - Article 3.7 of the Aarhus Convention and public participation in international fora
- Michelle-Ann Williams, Regional Environmental Agreements and Initiatives in the Americas: Filling Institutional and Substantive Gaps
- Gabriel Eckstein & Amy Hardberger, State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Ground Water Resources in North America
- Willem D Lubbe, Straddling borders and legal regimes: The case for co-operative transfrontier biodiversity conservation in SADC
New Issue: Rivista di Diritto Internazionale

- Articoli
- Antonello Tancredi, Di pirati e Stati "falliti": il Consiglio di sicurezza autorizza il ricorso alla forza nelle acque territoriali della Somalia
- Enrico Milano, Il trasferimento di funzioni da UNMIK a EULEX in Kosovo
- Alessandra Annoni, Esecuzioni mirate di sospetti terroristi e diritto alla vita
- Note e Commenti
- Natalino Ronzitti, L'immunità funzionale degli organi stranieri dalla giurisdizione penale: il caso Calipari
- Valeria Tonini, La definizione di investimento nell'arbitrato tra Italia e Cuba
- Panorama
- Enzo Cannizzaro, Sugli effetti delle risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza nell'ordinamento comunitario: la sentenza della Corte di giustizia nel caso Kadi
- Alessandra Gianelli, L'"autonomia" del sistema giuridico comunitario rispetto al diritto delle Nazioni Unite
- Paolo Palchetti, Può il giudice comunitario sindacare la validità internazionale di una risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza?
- Adelina Adinolfi, "Pacchetto sicurezza" e violazioni (. . . sicure) di obblighi comunitari
New Issue: Yale Journal of International Law
- Molly Beutz Land, Protecting Rights Online
- Robert D. Sloane, The Cost of Conflation: Preserving the Dualism of Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello in the Contemporary Law of War
- Pierre-Hugues Verdier, Transnational Regulatory Networks and Their Limits
New Volume: Anuario Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional

- Ponencias del XXIV Congreso
- Luís García-Corrochano Moyano, Jurisdicción internacional y responsabilidad individual: Nuevas tendencias del Derecho
- Amalia Uriondo de Martinoli, Una mirada argentina sobre el Derecho penal internacional
- Manuel E. Ventura Robles, La supervisión del cumplimiento de sentencias en el sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos
- Antônio Celso Alves Pereira, Notas sobre a reforma do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas
Marchetti & Roy: Opening Markets for Trade in Services: Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations

Trade in services is an increasingly important part of global trade and, as such, figures prominently in multilateral, regional and bilateral trade negotiations. In this volume of essays, academics, negotiators and experts from various international organizations explore the achievements of such negotiations, together with the challenges and opportunities which arise and the motivations that come into play in such negotiations. The contributions highlight issues in important services sectors, such as distribution, energy, finance, telecommunications, air transport and the postal and audiovisual sectors, as well as areas such as cross-border trade and government procurement. Case studies look into the experiences of specific countries. The focus on sector analysis and country experiences sheds light on the state of services liberalization and the regulation of international trade in services at the beginning of the twenty-first century, making this an indispensable guide to ongoing and future international negotiations on this topic.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
New Issue: Review of International Organizations

- Thomas Edward Flores & Irfan Nooruddin, Financing the peace: Evaluating World Bank post-conflict assistance programs
- Robert Lavigne, Philipp Maier, & Eric Santor, Renewing IMF surveillance: Transparency, accountability, and independence
- M. Rodwan Abouharb & David L. Cingranelli, IMF programs and human rights, 1981–2003
- Friedrich Heinemann, Philipp Mohl, & Steffen Osterloh, Who’s afraid of an EU tax and why?—revenue system preferences in the European Parliament
Call for Papers: The Great Lakes Pact – Two Years On: Issues of Implementation and Enforcement
The Great Lakes Region in Central Africa has been the site of the most devastating armed conflicts and humanitarian crises the world has witnessed since the end of the Cold War. In various parts of the region, the legacy of colonialism, ethnic rivalry, weak state structures and opportunities for the exploitation of natural resources have given rise to a vicious cycle of violence, displacement, and institutional collapse.
The Great Lakes Pact, adopted by eleven African states in December 2006, represents the most comprehensive effort yet to address the root causes of these conflicts and lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development in the region. Within the framework of the Pact, the member states have assumed detailed obligations in areas ranging from democracy and good governance to economic and humanitarian issues, and committed themselves to their implementation through the adoption of concrete Programmes of Action. The Pact thus comprises a complex set of interlocking and mutually reinforcing legal frameworks designed to create conditions for security, stability, and reconstruction in the region.
In September 2007, the International Humanitarian Law Project at the London School of Economics and Political Science held a Symposium to discuss the content of the Pact and its Protocols. The follow-up Conference on 29-30 May 2009 will focus on the implementation and enforcement of the Protocols. Individuals who played an integral role in drafting the Pact and Protocols as well as those responsible for its implementation have been invited to participate during the course of the first day. The second day has been specifically set aside for the scholarly community to offer critical input and engage with those responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Pact.
Papers are invited on questions relevant to the implementation and enforcement of the Great Lakes Pact, the Programmes for Action and the Protocols, in particular:
The Programme of Action for the Promotion of Democracy and Good Governance, including the
- Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance
- Protocol on Judicial Cooperation
- Protocol against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources
- Protocol on the Management of Information and Communication
- Protocol for the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity and All Forms of Discrimination
The Programme of Action on Economic Development and Regional Integration, including the
- Protocol on the Specific Reconstruction and Development Zone
The Programme of Action for Peace and Security, including the
- Protocol on Non-Aggression and Mutual Defence
The Programme of Action on Humanitarian and Social Issues, including the
- Protocol on the Prevention and Suppression of Sexual Violence Against Women and Children
- Protocol on the Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons
- Protocol on Property Rights of Returning Persons
The text of the Pact, the Programmes of Action and the Protocols can be accessed here.
We will also consider submissions which critically examine the implementation and enforcement of international legal norms in armed conflicts and post-conflict environments outside the region to the extent that they may shed light on the challenges that face the region. However, substantial attention should be devoted to the implications and relevance of these experiences to the implementation and enforcement of those norms in the Great Lakes Region.
Abstracts (max. 500 words), together with a short informal biography (max. 100 words) should be submitted to by 1 March 2009. Successful applicants will be informed by mid-March 2009. A first draft of the final papers will be required by 18 May 2009. Please contact with any queries.
Bjorklund, Laird, & Ripinsky: Investment Treaty Law: Current Issues III

- Kaj Hobér, Remedies in Investment Disputes
- Robert Volterra, Provisional Measures (Interim Measures) and Investment Treaty Arbitration under ICSID and UNCITRAL: Developments and Trends
- Irmgard Marboe, Compensation in International Investment Law and Arbitration
- Maurice Mendelson, Double Counting and the Origins of Lucrum Cessans: Introductory Comments
- Sergey Ripinsky, Damnum Emergens and Lucrum Cessans in Investment Arbitration: Entering through the Back Door
- Simon de Quidt & Phil Rees, Methods of Valuation: Which Method for Which Case?
- John Y Gotanda, Assessing Damages in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparison with Investment Treaty Disputes
- Ian A. Laird, Introduction to Conference
- Jan Paulsson, Awards – and Awards
- Campbell McLachlan, Investment Treaties and General International Law
- Tai-Heng Cheng, Precedent and Control in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Roberto Aguirre Luzi & Ben Love, Individual Nationality in Investment Treatry Arbitration: The Tension Between Customary International Law and Lex Specialis
- Meg Kinnear, The Continuing Development of the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard
- Yas Banifatemi, The Emerging Jurisprudence on the Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment in Investment Arbitration
- Anthony C Sinclair, The Umbrella Clause Debate
- Audley Sheppard, Federico Ortino, William Rowley, Christoph Schreuer, & Brigitte Stern, The Forum Panel Discussion: Precedent in Investment Arbitration
New Volume: Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional

- Jaume Ferrer Lloret, La inmunidad de ejecución de la Convención de 2004: un análisis desde la práctica de España
- La inmunidad de ejecución de los Estados en la práctica jurisprudencial española
Franciso Jesús Carrera Hernández - El programa TACIS (19991-2006): balance y sustitución por el nuevo instrumento europeo de vecindad y asociación
Antonio Blanc Altemir - Angel José Rodrigo Hernández, El Derecho internacional hegemónico y sus límites
- José Roberto Pérez Salom, Comercio internacional y Salud pública: la Organización Mundial del Comercio y el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco
- José Luis Borgoño Torrealba, Arbitraje comercial internacional online
- Miguel Ángel Elizalde Carranza, Las medidas comerciales multilaterales para la protección del medio ambiente
- María del Pilar Pozo Serrano & Lourdes Hernández Martín, El marco jurídico de las CMSP. Reflexiones a propósito de la experiencia en Irak
- Juan Pablo Pérez-León Acevedo, Las desapariciones forzadas de personas en el Derecho internacional contemporáneo
- Matteo Fornari, Garantías diplomáticas y lucha contra el terrorismo internacional
- Milena Costas Trascasas, La ley estadounidense de comisiones militares: un análisis crítico desde la perspectiva del derecho internacional
- José Gerson Revanales Monsalve, Estructura morfológica del ALBA: ni el ALBA ni el ALCA son esquemas de integración
- Adela Aura y Larios de Medrano, El agua en España: un análisis de las recientes reformas estatutarias desde el Derecho internacional
- Romualdo Bermejo García & Rosana Garciandía, Una forma de renegociación equitativa de la deuda: los "swaps" de deuda por salud
- María José Cervell Hortal & Elena López-Almansa Beaus, Decisiones de órganos judiciales españoles en materia de derecho internacional público
Workshop: Drumbl
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gallant: The Principle of Legality in International and Comparative Criminal Law

This book fills a major gap in the scholarly literature concerning international criminal law, comparative criminal law, and human rights law. The principle of legality (non-retroactivity of crimes and punishments and related doctrines) is fundamental to criminal law and human rights law. Yet this is the first book-length study of the status of legality in international law – in international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law. This is also the first book to survey legality/non-retroactivity in all national constitutions, developing the patterns of implementation of legality in the various legal systems (e.g., Common Law, Civil Law, Islamic Law, Asian Law) around the world. This is a necessary book for any scholar, practitioner, and library in the area of international, criminal, comparative, human rights, or international humanitarian law.
New Issue: Göttingen Journal of International Law
- Thomas Buergenthal, Foreword
- Jutta Limbach, Human Rights in Times of Terror - Is Collective Security the Enemy of Individual Freedom?
- Evelyne Schmid, The Right to a Fair Trial in Times of Terrorism: A Method to Identify the Non-Derogable Aspects of Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- Robert Cryer, Prosecuting the Leaders: Promises, Politics and Practicalities
- Diane Desierto, Universalizing Core Human Rights in the 'New' ASEAN: A Reassessment of Culture and Development Justifications Against the Global Rejection of Impunity
- Dimitris N. Chryssochoou, The European Synarchy: New Discourses on Sovereignty
New Issue: Melbourne Journal of International Law

- Rewi Lyall, Voluntary Human Shields, Direct Participation in Hostilities and the International Humanitarian Law Obligations of States
- Tom Ruys, Quo Vadit Jus ad Bellum?: A Legal Analysis of Turkey's Military Operations against the PKK in Northern Iraq
- Philippe Sands, Torture Team: The Responsibility of Lawyers for Abusive Interrogation
- Malcolm Fraser, Torture Team: Human Rights, Lawyers, Interrogations and the 'War on Terror' — A Response to Philippe Sands
- Christian Tomuschat, R (on the Application of Al-Jedda) v Secretary of State for Defence: Human rights in a Multi-Level System of Governance and the Internment of Suspected Terrorists
- Owen Cordes-Holland, The Sinking of the Strait: The Implications of Climate Change for Torres Strait Islanders' Human Rights Protected by the ICCPR
- Megan Davis, Indigenous Struggles in Standard-Setting: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Hugh King, Corporate Accountability under the Alien Tort Claims Act
- Shirley V Scott, Climate Change and Peak Oil As Threats to International Peace and Security: Is It Time for the Security Council to Legislate?
Conference: Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law
Workshop: Hollis
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Klabbers: Treaty Conflict and the European Union

Jan Klabbers questions how membership of the European Union affects treaties concluded between the Union’s member states and third states, both when it concerns treaties concluded before EU membership and treaties concluded after joining. Following a discussion of the public international law rules on treaty conflict, the author analyzes the case-law of the European Court of Justice and examines how such conflicts are approached in state practice.