- January 18, 2019: Mark Drumbl (Washington and Lee Univ.), From Timbuktu to The Hague and Beyond: The War Crime of Intentionally Attacking Cultural Property
- January 25, 2019: Louise Mallinder (Queen’s Univ. Belfast), Instigator or Inhibitor? The Role of International Law in Dealing with the Legacy of the Northern Ireland Conflict
- February 1, 2019: Christopher Greenwood (formerly, Judge, International Court of Justice), International Courts and Tribunals: Is there Strength in Diversity?
- February 8, 2019: Malcolm Shaw (Essex Court Chambers), Some Reflections on Territorial Sovereignty Today
- February 15, 2019: Miles Jackson (Univ. of Oxford), Instrumental International Criminal Justice
- February 22, 2019: Laurel Fletcher (Univ. of California, Berkeley), Let’s Talk About the Boteros: Law, Memory, and the Torture Memos at Berkeley Law
- March 1, 2019: James Loeffler (Univ. of Virginia), Double Amnesia: Zionism and Human Rights in History and Memory
- March 8, 2019: Petros C Mavroidis (Columbia Univ.), What is the WTO Agreement on TBT All About?