Cedric Ryngaert (Utrecht Univ. - Law),
Erik J. Molenaar (Utrecht Univ. - Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea), &
Sarah M.H. Nouwen (Univ. of Cambridge - Law) have published
What's Wrong with International Law? Liber Amicorum A.H.A. Soons (Brill | Nijhoff 2015). Contents include:
Patricia Jimenez Kwast, International Law as We Know It
- Cedric Ryngaert, Erik J. Molenaar, & Sarah M.H. Nouwen, Introduction
- André Nollkaemper, Fred Soons: A Pragmatic Trust in International Law
- John Gamble, An Appreciation of Fred Soons
- Rosemary Rayfuse, Some Reflections on What's Wrong with the Law of the Sea
- Jessica N.M. Schechinger, Responsibility for Human Rights Violations Arising from the Use of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel Against Piracy: Re-emphasizing the Primary Role and Obligations of Flag States
- Yoshinobu Takei, A Sketch of the Concept of Ocean Governance and its Relationship with the Law of the Sea
- Seline Trevisanut, Is There Something Wrong with the Increasing Role of Private Actors?
- Vivian van der Kuil, Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims and Politics: Curse or Cure?
- Matthijs de Blois, Bad Law and a Hard Case? The Impact of the Wall Advisory Opinion
- Jenny E. Goldschmidt, International Human Rights Implementation: Strengthen Existing Mechanisms, Establish a World Court for Human Rights, or Both?
- Patricia Jimenez Kwast, Prohibitions on Dissenting Opinions in International Arbitration
- Menno T. Kamminga, Transnational Human Rights Litigation against Multinational Corporations post-Kiobel
- Frans Pennings, What is Wrong with International Standards on Social Protection?
- Teun Jaspers, Corporate Social Responsibility: A New Framework for International Standard Setting
- Arie Trouwborst, Caught Napping by (Sea) Wolves: International Wildlife Law and Unforeseen Circumstances Involving the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) and the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)
- Johan G. Lammers, What is Wrong with International Environmental Law?
- Irina Buga, A Critical Look at the Law of Treaties: Giving Recognition to Informal Means of Treaty Adaptation
- Guide den Dekker, Absolute Validity, Absolute Immunity: Is There Something Wrong With Article 103 of the UN Charter?
- Kenneth J. Keith, Aspects of the Law of Treaties
- Henk Addink, Good Governance: A Principle of International Law
- Peter van Kriekan, The Right to Peace: A Mischevious Declaration
- Brianne McGonigle Leyh, Self-determination and Regional Human Rights Bodies: The Case of Southern Cameroons and the African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights
- Otto Spijkers, What's Wrong with the Relationship between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council?
- M.C.W. Pinto, What's Wrong with International Law?
- Pieter Bekker & Thomas Innes, The Under-appreciated Role of Curial Settlement in International Law Norm-making: Using Transnational Law and Diffusion Studies to Re-Assess the Status of Prior Decisions
- John Gamble, How and to Whom Do We Explain International Law?
- Charlotte Ku, Fragmentation in International Law and Governance: Understanding the Sum of the Parts
- Cedric Ryngaert, Whither Territoriality? The European Union's Use of Territoriality to Set Norms with Universal Effects
- Ramses A. Wessel, Revealing the Publicness of International Law
- John Dugard, What is Wrong with International Lawyers?