- Symposium: The Mediterranean Sea and International Law
- Gabriela A. Oanta, Maritime Delimitations in The Mediterranean: Current Challenges
- Giuseppe Cataldi, The Italian Law Authorizing the Creation of an Exclusive Economic Zone
- Andrea Caligiuri, On the Legal Regime of Waters Off the Disputed Territories in The Eastern Mediterranean
- Tullio Scovazzi, The Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Sea
- Sofia Galani, Tensions and Cooperation in Realizing Maritime Security in The Mediterranean Sea: The Examples of Maritime Terrorism and Irregular Migration
- Laura Magi, The Mediterranean Sea Between Legend and Crime: The Tricky Question of Jurisdiction for Mediterranean States
- Simone Vezzani, The Conservation of Biodiversity in The Mediterranean Sea Through Marine Protected Areas: The Barcelona System Faced with The Expansion of Coastal State Jurisdiction
- Elisa Fornalé, Federica Cristani & Vilane Gonçalves Sales, Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources in a Time of Climate Change: An Overview of Initiatives in the Mediterranean Region
- Nicola Ferri, The Legal Regime Governing Mediterranean Fisheries: The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the FAO and the Added-Value of Article XIV Bodies
- Eleonora Branca, The Role of International Organizations in the Mediterranean Sea: An Appraisal of the Union for the Mediterranean
- Articles, Notes and Comments
- Mirko Sossai, The Place of Cities in the Evolution of International Humanitarian Law
- Natalino Ronzitti, The Treaty of Quirinale Between Italy and France
- Marina Mancini, Italy’s Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Its Amendments: Unresolved Issues
- Andrea Spagnolo, State Immunity, Delegation of Public Powers to Private Actors and Access to Justice: Anything New Under the (European) Sun?
- Pierfrancesco Rossi, The New Italian Law Against Investment in Anti-Personnel Mines and Cluster Munitions: Achievements and Loopholes
- Donato Greco, Italian Legislation in Times of Pandemics and International Law: Exceptionalism, Balancing and Compliance
Saturday, November 19, 2022
New Volume: Italian Yearbook of International Law
New Volume: Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law
Deftou: Exporting the European Convention on Human Rights
This book explores how the European Convention on Human Rights operates and influences on the global stage.
The ECHR and its interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) considerably echo in and outside Europe. To what degree has that influence translated into its norms, doctrines and methods of interpretation being exported into equivalent systems which also enact the protection of fundamental rights? This book answers that question by exploring the judicial dialogue of the ECHR system with comparable legal orders.
Through a horizontal and multifaceted study of regional and global systems, the book identifies the impact of the ECHR within the confines of their jurisprudence to provide scholars in the field of international human rights law with an essential text. Discussing the extent to which the ECHR penetrates into the judicial production of the most affected legal systems, the book mostly focuses on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee. It also investigates whether there is room for cross-fertilisation between them and finally, moves on to explore the legal consequences of the interplay of these mechanisms with the ECtHR and what it means for the overall functioning of international human rights law.
Friday, November 18, 2022
New Issue: International Journal of Transitional Justice

- Editorial
- Hugo van der Merwe & M Brinton Lykes, Transitional Justice and Corporate Accountability: Introducing New Players and New Theoretical Challenges
- Articles
- Elizabeth F Drexler, Impunity and Transitional Justice in Indonesia: Aksi Kamisan’s Circular Time
- Camilo Tamayo Gomez, Recognition as Transitional Justice ‘From Below’: Analysing Victims’ Grassroots Activism in Postconflict Colombia
- Moritz Vormbaum, The Long Shadows of Gwangju: Transitional Criminal Justice in South Korea
- Geoffrey Lugano, Distance in the International Criminal Court’s Relations with the ‘Local’
- Brianne McGonigle Leyh, Using Strategic Litigation and Universal Jurisdiction to Advance Accountability for Serious International Crimes
- Selbi Durdiyeva, Children of the Gulag, Long Road to Justice: The Challenges and Limitations of Reparations in Russia
- Dovilė Sagatienė, The Transformation of Lithuanian Memories of Soviet Crimes to Genocide Recognition
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, Breaking the Promise: Transitional Justice between Tactical Concession and Legacies of Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia
- Claire Whitlinger, From Truth Commission to Truth Project: The Evolution of Mississippi’s Incomplete Truth Commission, 2005–2010
- Julia Leib, How Justice Becomes Part of the Deal: Pre-Conditions for the Inclusion of Transitional Justice Provisions in Peace Agreements
- Notes from the Field
- Igor Lyubashenko, Game-based Learning: Introducing the Subject of Transitional Justice through a Serious Game
- Review Essay
- Evelyne Owiye Asaala, The Politics of Transitional Justice and Corporate Accountability for Atrocities: Options under International Law
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 427
- Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Indépendance et impartialité du juge et de l’arbitre dans le règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États (leçon inaugurale)
- Alan Edward Boyle, International Lawmaking in an Environmental Context
- Marc-Philippe Weller, La méthode tripartite du droit international privé : désignation, reconnaissance, considération
- Alexis Mourre, La légitimité de l’arbitrage
New Issue: Nordic Journal of Human Rights

- Hinako Takata, How are the Paris Principles on NHRIs Interpreted? Towards a Clear, Transparent, and Consistent Interpretative Framework
- Tien-Duc Nguyen & Pasquale Viola, Constitutional Rights in Socialist East Asia
- Ingrid Westendorp, A Right to Adequate Shelter for Asylum Seekers in the European Union
- Bård Drange, A Tug of War: Pursuing Justice Amid Armed Conflict
- Andrea Silkoset & Margot Igland Skarpeteig, Why do the Levels of Sexual Violence Vary Across Genocides? A Comparison of the Bengali and Kurdish Genocides
- Annika Frida Petersen, Accessing Late-Term Abortion Following Sexual Assault: Looking Inside the Danish Legal Black Box
Thursday, November 17, 2022
New Issue: Cooperation and Conflict
- Sara Hellmüller, A trans-scalar approach to peacebuilding and transitional justice: Insights from the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Diana Panke, Gurur Polat, & Franziska Hohlstein, Who performs better? A comparative analysis of problem-solving effectiveness and legitimacy attributions to international organizations
- Marius Mehrl & Christoph Dworschak, Female rebels and United Nations peacekeeping deployments
- Peter Albrecht & Maya Mynster Christensen, Trembling city: Policing Freetown’s war-peace transition
- Emil Edenborg, Disinformation and gendered boundarymaking: Nordic media audiences making sense of “Swedish decline”
- Benjamin Isakhan & Ali Akbar, Problematizing norms of heritage and peace: Militia mobilization and violence in Iraq
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Mishra & Agrawal: Addressing the Global Data Divide through Digital Trade Law
The global data divide has emerged as a major policy challenge threatening equitable development, poverty alleviation, and access to information. Further, it has polarised countries on either side of the data schism, who have often reacted by implementing conflicting and sub-optimal measures. This paper surveys such policy measures, the politics behind it, and the footprints that they have left on the digital trade or electronic commerce rules contained in free trade agreements (‘FTAs’). First, this paper details an understanding of what constitutes the global data divide, focusing on three components of access, regulation, and use. Second, the paper surveys electronic commerce or digital trade rules in FTAs to understand whether existing rules deal with the widening data divide in a comprehensive manner and, if so, how. Our primary argument is that existing FTA disciplines are deficient in addressing the global data divide. Key problems include insufficient participation by developing countries in framing digital trade rules, non-recognition of the data divide affecting developing countries, and lack of robust and implementable mechanisms to bridge the data divide. Finally, we present a proposal to reform digital trade rules in line with best practices emerging in FTA practice and the main areas where gaps must be bridged. Our proposals include enhancing technical assistance and capacity-building support, developing a tailored Special and Differential Treatment (‘SDT’) mechanism, incentivising the removal of data-related barriers, and boosting international regulatory cooperation.
New Issue: International Review of the Red Cross
- Bruno Demeyere, The power of asking “how” – a key to understanding the development of IHL?
- Interview with Peter Maurer: President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (2012–2022)
- How international humanitarian law develops: Towards an ever-greater humanization? An interview with Theodor Meron
- Interview with Emily Crawford
- Interview with Eirini Giorgou
- Antoon De Baets, The view of the past in international humanitarian law (1860–2020)
- Boyd van Dijk, What is IHL history now?
- Sarah Jean Mabeza & Tamalin Bolus, Changing the narrative: A Tool on African Traditions and the Preservation of Humanity during War
- Tania Ixchel Atilano, The 1871 Mexican Criminal Code as the missing piece in the history of criminalizing violations of the laws of war
- Maartje Abbenhuis, Branka Bogdan & Emma Wordsworth, Humanitarian bullets and man-killers: Revisiting the history of arms regulation in the late nineteenth century
- Vitaliy Ivanenko, The origins, causes and enduring significance of the Martens Clause: A view from Russia
- Andrew Bartles-Smith, Religion and international humanitarian law
- Raj Balkaran & A. Walter Dorn, Charting Hinduism’s rules of armed conflict: Indian sacred texts and international humanitarian law
- Cordula Droege & Eirini Giorgou, How international humanitarian law develops
- Christopher Greenwood, The International Court of Justice and the development of international humanitarian law
- Marko Milanovic & Sandesh Sivakumaran, Assessing the authority of the ICRC Customary IHL Study
- Charlotte Mohr & Ellen Policinski, From the Gilded Age to the Digital Age: The evolution of ICRC legal commentaries
- Namira Negm, The African Union’s humanitarian policies: A closer look at Africa’s regional institutions and practice
- Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Going for a test drive? Some observations on the turn to informality in the laws of armed conflict
- Jan Hladík, How the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 contribute to better protection of cultural property
- Martin Fink, The ever-existing “crisis” of the law of naval warfare
- Rachael Kitching & Anne Quintin, The well-trodden path of national international humanitarian law committees Oscar G. Macias Betancourt, Implementation of international humanitarian law: The work of Latin American international humanitarian law committees
- Frédéric Casier & Laura De Grève, The role of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the development of international humanitarian law: Lessons learned and perspectives based on the Belgian Red Cross experience
- Marco Sassòli, How will international humanitarian law develop in the future?
- Paul B. Stephan, The crisis in international law and the path forward for international humanitarian law
- Michael N. Schmitt, Normative architecture and applied international humanitarian law
- Pauline Charlotte Janssens & Jan Wouters, Informal international law-making: A way around the deadlock of international humanitarian law?
- Yahli Shereshevsky, International humanitarian law-making and new military technologies
- Jann K. Kleffner, The unilateralization of international humanitarian law
- Ana Peyró Llopis, The UN75 Declaration, Our Common Agenda and the development of international law
New Issue: Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
- Pablo P. Castelló, A Strategic Proposal for Legally Protecting Wild Animals
- Samantha de Vries & Gail Anderson, Mutual Legal Assistance in Wildlife Criminal Matters in Eastern Africa
- Dilip Gogoi & Biplob Gogoi, Endangering the Endangered: The Poaching and Conservation Conundrum Facing the Greater Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India
- Rashesh Vaidya & Shatkon Shrestha, The Legal Framework and Verdicts of the Supreme Court in Protection of the Greater One-horned Rhinoceros: The Case of Nepal
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
New Issue: Trade, Law and Development

- Special Issue: Looking Ahead: Addressing the Challenges Faced by the International Trade Regime
- Amogh Pareek & Sahil Verma, Recounting the Past Year
- Carlos Primo Braga, M. Sait Akman, Bozkurt Aran, Leonardo Borlini, Uri Dadush, Fernando De Mateo, Alejandro Jara, Douglas Lippoldt, & Giorgio Sacerdoti, Confronting Deglobalisation in the Multilateral Trading System
- Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, Covid-19 and World Trade: In the Eye of the Perfect Storm?
- Alan Swinbank, The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture: Where Next?
- Vitaliy Pogoretskyy, Boris Ohanyan, & Laura M. Fernández, Is the WTO Losing its Crown Jewel to FTAs and Why Should This Concern Economically Disadvantaged WTO Members?
- Mmaobi Nwafor-Orizu, Policy Challenges in International Trade Amidst COVID-19 Recovery: The Need for Greater Economic Cooperation and Coordination of States’ Economic Policies
Zeitner: Das Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC): Institution, Legitimation, Rezeption
Die umweltvölkerrechtliche Aarhus-Konvention von 1998 gibt der Zivilgesellschaft in Europa, im Kaukasus und in Zentralasien elementare Rechte in Umweltsachen. Die Einhaltung des Abkommens überwacht seit 2004 ein unabhängiger Ausschuss, das ›Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee‹ (ACCC). Den Erfolg des Gremiums prägt in entscheidender Weise, dass sich Umweltverbände und Privatpersonen bei Konventionsverletzungen mit Individualbeschwerden (›communications‹) an das ACCC wenden können. So hat zuletzt die Umwelt-NGO ›ClientEarth‹ vor dem ACCC erreichen können, dass die Europäische Union die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1367/2006 (»Aarhus-Verordnung«) in wesentlichen Teilen ändern musste. Florian Zeitner beschreibt das einzigartig ausgestaltete Überwachungsverfahren, in dessen Zentrum das ACCC steht, in umfassender Weise. Eine besondere Berücksichtigung erfährt die Darstellung des von ›ClientEarth‹ und anderen angestoßenen Verfahrens, dessen Kontroversen als Fall 32 (Part II) bekannt geworden sind. Die ab dem 29.04.2023 vollständig geltenden Änderungen der Aarhus-Verordnung werden umfänglich eingeordnet.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Cronin-Furman: Hypocrisy and Human Rights: Resisting Accountability for Mass Atrocities
Hypocrisy and Human Rights examines what human rights pressure does when it does not work. Repressive states with absolutely no intention of complying with their human rights obligations often change course dramatically in response to international pressure. They create toothless commissions, permit but then obstruct international observers' visits, and pass showpiece legislation while simultaneously bolstering their repressive capacity.
Covering debates over transitional justice in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and other countries, Kate Cronin-Furman investigates the diverse ways in which repressive states respond to calls for justice from human rights advocates, UN officials, and Western governments who add their voices to the victims of mass atrocities to demand accountability. She argues that although international pressure cannot elicit compliance in the absence of domestic motivations to comply, the complexity of the international system means that there are multiple audiences for both human rights behavior and advocacy and that pressure can produce valuable results through indirect paths.
New Volume: Hague Yearbook of International Law

- Leoni Ayoub, The Death Knell of Forum Prorogatum or: How the ICJ Missed its Opportunity to Generate its Own Jurisdiction
- Dimitris Kontogiannis, Provisional Measures of the International Court of Justice: Recapturing the Plausibility Test as Foreshadowed
- Gemmo Bautista Fernandez, Outside the Margin for Error: The Invalidity of the Philippines’ Withdrawal from the Rome Statute
- Jennifer Keene-McCann, A Dual Threshold: Understanding the Test for Apprehended Bias at the ICC
- Mary Levine, Jurisprudential Failures: How Systemic Judicial Errors in Both the United States Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights Perpetuate Law Enforcement’s Racially Motivated Violence
- Charuka Ekanayake, The International Humanitarian Law Principle of Distinction and UN Peace Support Operations’ Deployment Objectives – Conflicting Approaches and Undesirable Outcomes?
- Ursula Werther-Pietsch, Global Pandemic and the Regionalisation of Security
- Henrique Lenon Farias Guedes & João Victor Porto Jarske, The Rise of Private Regulation in International Arbitration: How the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the Court of Arbitration for Art Try to Shape Artwork Dispute Resolution
- Daniel Rietiker, Football-Related Corruption as a Human Rights Issue: The Case of Michel Platini v. Switzerland before the European Court of Human Rights (Inadmissible, 11 February 2020)
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Bellal & Casey-Maslen: The Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions in Context
The Additional Protocols to the 1949 Geneva Conventions remain a landmark in the development of international humanitarian law. The first two Additional Protocols were adopted by states in 1977. These protocols encompass the rules governing the treatment and protection of those in the power of an enemy, as well as the conduct of hostilities. Crucially, they address non-international armed conflicts and wars of national liberation. In 2005, a third additional protocol designating an additional distinctive humanitarian emblem was adopted in controversial circumstances.
The Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions in Context interprets the key rules and issues of the Additional Protocols and considers their application and implementation over the past forty years. Taking a thematic approach, the book examines subjects including the protection of women, armed non-state actors, relief operations, and prohibited weapons. Each chapter discusses the pertinence of existing laws, the challenges raised by the rules in the Additional Protocols, and what more could be done to better protect civilians. This book also considers whether new technologies, such as offensive cyber operations and autonomous weapons, need new treaty rules to regulate their application in armed conflict.
Loja: International Agreements between Non-State Actors as a Source of International Law
This book examines whether international agreements between non-state actors can be identified as a source of international law using objective criteria. It asks whether, beyond Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, there is a system of rules, processes, beliefs or semantics by which these agreements can be objectively identified as a source of international law. Departing from the more usual state-centric analysis, it adopts postmodern legal positivism as its analytical tool. This allows for the reality that international law-making takes place in subjective social landscapes. To test the effectiveness of this approach, it is applied to agreements between petroleum agencies and corporations which allow two or more states to exploit disputed resources across boundaries looking in particular at arrangements involving China, Vietnam and the Philippines. By so doing it illustrates an alternative way that states can manage disputes, without having to resort to conflict. It will appeal to both scholars and practitioners of public international law, as well as civil servants.
New Issue: International Interactions
- Federica Genovese & Héctor Hermida-Rivera, Government ideology and bailout conditionality in the European financial crisis
- Lauren Sukin, Why “cheap” threats are meaningful: Threat perception and resolve in North Korean propaganda
- Marina G. Petrova, Is it all the same? Repression of the media and civil society organizations as determinants of anti-government opposition
- Jonathan Pinckney & Babak RezaeeDaryakenari, When the levee breaks: A forecasting model of violent and nonviolent dissent
- Tianjing Liao & Wonjae Hwang, Political protests and the diversionary use of media: Evidence from China
- Elad Segev, Atsushi Tago & Kohei Watanabe, Could leaders deflect from political scandals? Cross-national experiments on diversionary action in Israel and Japan
- Jillienne Haglund, Courtney Hillebrecht & Hannah Roesch Read, International human rights recommendations at home: Introducing the Women’s Rights Compliance Database (WRCD)
Bajrami: Selbstverteidigung gegen nichtstaatliche Akteure: Eine Systematisierung und Auswertung der unwilling or unable-Doktrin
Staaten greifen zunehmend auf militärische Gewalt gegen nichtstaatliche Akteure zurück. Ob und wie nichtstaatliche Akteure in das Selbstverteidigungsrechtsregime einbezogen werden können, ist eine zentrale Frage des modernen Friedenssicherungsrechts. Shpetim Bajrami untersucht den völkerrechtsdogmatischen Rahmen, beleuchtet die methodischen Anforderungen an einen Rechtswandel und wertet anhand der entwickelten Maßstäbe die Staatenpraxis – insbesondere mit Blick auf die unwilling or unable-Doktrin – aus.
New Issue: Nordic Journal of Human Rights

- Article Hinako Takata, How are the Paris Principles on NHRIs Interpreted? Towards a Clear, Transparent, and Consistent Interpretative Framework
- Tien-Duc Nguyen & Pasquale Viola, Constitutional Rights in Socialist East Asia
- Ingrid Westendorp, A Right to Adequate Shelter for Asylum Seekers in the European Union
- Bård Drange, A Tug of War: Pursuing Justice Amid Armed Conflict
- Andrea Silkoset & Margot Igland Skarpeteig, Why do the Levels of Sexual Violence Vary Across Genocides? A Comparison of the Bengali and Kurdish Genocides
- Annika Frida Petersen, Accessing Late-Term Abortion Following Sexual Assault: Looking Inside the Danish Legal Black Box
New Issue: ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal

- Lecture
- Sundaresh Menon, A Tale of Two Systems: The Public and Private Faces of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- Case Comments
- Julien Chaisse, Consutel Group SpA in liquidazione v People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria: Umbrella Clauses and Breaches of Contract by Public Entities
- Gabriel M Lentner & Dayana Zasheva, Bridgestone v Panama: Denial of Justice in a Trade Mark Dispute and the Locus Standi of a Licensee in International Investment Arbitration
- Ibrahim Shehata, Ahmed Rasekh, & Kabir Duggal, All’s Well That Ends Well? Looking at the Future of the Unified Arab Agreement in Light of the Al-Kharafi v Libya Decisions by the Egyptian Courts
- Articles
- Johannes Hendrik Fahner, Compensation or Competitive Advantage? Reconciling Investment Arbitration with EU State Aid Law
- Massimo V Benedettelli, Determining the Applicable Law in Commercial and Investment Arbitration: Two Intertwined Road Maps for Conflicts-Solving
Call for Papers: Limits of Legal Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly
- Eleonora La Spada, Costly Concessions, Internally Divided Movements, and Strategic Repression: A Movement-Level Analysis
- Sijeong Lim & Seiki Tanaka, Why Costly Rivalry Disputes Persist: A Paired Conjoint Experiment in Japan and South Korea
- Melani Cammett & Aytuğ Şaşmaz, The IO Effect: International Actors and Service Delivery in Refugee Crises
- Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, An Anarcho-Pacifist Reading of International Relations: A Normative Critique of International Politics from the Confluence of Pacifism and Anarchism
- Christoph Dworschak & Deniz Cil, Force Structure and Local Peacekeeping Effectiveness: Micro-Level Evidence on UN Troop Composition
- Mi Hwa Hong & Nam Kyu Kim, Electing More Women to National Legislatures: An Interplay between Global Normative Pressure and Domestic Political Regimes
- Megumi Naoi & Weiyi Shi, Boliang Zhu, “Yes-Man” Firms: Government Campaign and Policy Positioning of Businesses in China
- Dan Altman & Melissa M Lee, Why Territorial Disputes Escalate: The Causes of Conquest Attempts since 1945
- Martin C Steinwand & Nils W Metternich, Who Joins and Who Fights? Explaining Tacit Coalition Behavior among Civil War Actors
- Alexander de la Paz, The Genesis of Miracle Stories in Jihad
- Christopher M Faulkner & Blair Welsh, Rebel Child Soldiering and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
- Alessandro Guasti & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Has Global Trade Competition Really Led to a Race to the Bottom in Labor Standards?
- Constantine Boussalis, Thomas Chadefaux, Andrea Salvi, & Silvia Decadri, Public and Private Information in International Crises: Diplomatic Correspondence and Conflict Anticipation
- Yu Wang, Leader Visits and UN Security Council Membership
- J Andrés Gannon, One if by Land, and Two if by Sea: Cross-Domain Contests and the Escalation of International Crises
- Renu Singh & Scott Williamson, Where Is the Money From? Attitudes toward Donor Countries and Foreign Aid in the Arab World
- Michael C Horowitz & Erik Lin-Greenberg, Algorithms and Influence Artificial Intelligence and Crisis Decision-Making
- Jeffrey Kucik & Sergio Puig, Do International Dispute Bodies Overreach? Reassessing World Trade Organization Dispute Ruling
Lyons: The U.S.’s Recent Enhanced Efforts to Fight Corruption by Protected Individuals
2022 Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Articles
- Lavanya Madhusoodanan, Rahul Sharma, Patrika Soni, & Amit Dubey, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and its role in propelling the growth of the MSME sector
- Meghna Chaudhary, Bhawna Agarwal, & Meena Bhatia, Geographical indications in India: A case of Handicraft industry in Uttar Pradesh
- Madanoor Mohamed Wasaf & Jianhua Zhang, A dual-case analysis of the IP governance system in e-commerce: Amazon and Alibaba
- Justin Koo, Forging a coherent copyright jurisprudence in Trinidad and Tobago
- Ryan Y. Wang, Bumgi Min, Yang Bai, Jenna Grzeslo, & Krishna Jayakar, Transnational capital and national legal regimes: Analysis of Internet domain name disputes in India
- Ranti F. Mayana & Tisni Santika, The social function of intellectual property and government intervention in mitigating the pandemic: A perspective from Indonesia
- Lukas Ruthes Gonçalves, Preserving the right of access to copyrighted works based on data regulation
- Notes
- Ayoyemi Lawal-Arowolo & Ademola Taiwo, Traditional intellectual properties and Yoruba (Ifa) philosophy in South-West Nigeria: Intellectual property versus traditional protection approach
- Emmanuel Kolawole Oke, Rethinking Nigerian geographical indications law
- Shinu Vig, Intellectual property rights and the metaverse: An Indian perspective
Crootof: Implementing War Torts
Under the law of armed conflict, no entity is accountable for lawful acts in war that cause harm, and accountability mechanisms for unlawful acts (like war crimes) rarely create a right to compensation for victims. Accordingly, states now regularly create bespoke institutions, like the proposed International Claims Commission for Ukraine, to resolve mass claims associated with international crises. While helpful for specific and politically popular populations, these one-off institutions have limited jurisdiction and thus limited effect. Creating an international “war torts” regime—which would establish route to compensation for civilians harmed in armed conflict—would better address this accountability gap for all wartime victims.
This Article is the first attempt to map out the questions and considerations that must be navigated to construct a war torts regime. With the overarching aim of increasing the likelihood of victim compensation, it considers (1) the respective benefits of international tribunals, claims commissions, victims’ funds, domestic courts, and hybrid systems as institutional homes; (2) appropriate claimants and defendants; and (3) the elements of a war torts claim, including the necessary level and type of harm, the preferable liability and causation standards, possible substantive and procedural affirmative defenses, and potential remedies.
Domestic law has long recognized that justice often requires a tort remedy as well as criminal liability; it is past time for international law to do so as well. By describing how to begin implementing a new war torts regime to complement the law of state responsibility and international criminal law, this Article provides a blueprint for building a comprehensive accountability legal regime for all civilian harms in armed conflict.