Saturday, May 27, 2017
Workshop: Asian Society of International Law Interest Group on International Law in Domestic Courts
Friday, May 26, 2017
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 382
- Daniel P. Cooper & Christopher Kuner, Data Protection Law and International Dispute Resolution
- Bing Bing Jia, International Case Law in the Development of International Law
Call for Papers: Seventh Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference
Yale Law School is proud to host the Seventh Annual Doctoral Scholarship Conference, to be held on November 10-11, 2017, in New Haven, Connecticut. The conference aims to provide doctoral students and early-stage postdocs with a forum to workshop, present, and debate their work. It seeks to promote quality research and to facilitate meaningful academic dialogue, with a view towards fostering a community of legal scholars.
The conference is open to all current doctoral candidates, in law or related disciplines, and to those who completed their doctoral degrees during the 2015-2016 or 2016-2017 academic year. Participants will be selected on the basis of their abstracts’ quality and capacity to provoke thoughtful debate with other submissions.
This year’s conference will be divided into three separate “wheels”—thematic working groups which will run in parallel—comprising around eight participants each. This year’s three wheels will cover papers in the fields of “International Law”, “Law, Society, History”, and “Law, Politics, Theory”. The purpose of this breakdown into wheels is to allow enough time for each paper to be workshopped thoroughly and receive comments from scholars who are well versed in the academic field in which the article is situated. In addition to intensive workshops in small groups, there will be several receptions, and keynotes and workshops by Yale Law School faculty, open to all participants, allowing attendees to get to know one another, advance their professional development, and socialize.
Within individual wheels, authors will be expected to offer brief, 10-minute introductions, to their paper, followed by an intensive workshop-like discussion. Selected participants will be expected to attend all conference events. Additionally, participants will be expected to read, in advance, and come prepared to comment and discuss all papers presented in their respective wheels. We anticipate that the conference will be the beginning of a longer-term collaboration amongst participants.
The Doctoral Scholarship Conference is generously sponsored by the Graduate Programs Office at Yale Law School. We regret that we are unable to provide financial support for travel and accommodation.
Applications will be accepted through this online form until July 1, 2017. Each applicant must indicate which of the three wheels their proposal is to be associated with; each proposal can only be associated with a single wheel. A proposal must consist of (i) an extended abstract of up to 500 words; and (ii) a brief one-paragraph biographical note. Applicants of selected papers will be informed of acceptance no later than August 1, 2017. Selected participants will be required to submit papers of up to 10,000 words in length (excluding footnotes) by October 1, 2017, which will be circulated among the members and participants of their respective wheels.
For any questions or concerns, please contact[at]
Thursday, May 25, 2017
New Issue: Swiss Review of International and European Law
- Articles
- Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, L’Articulation entre droit international humanitaire et droits de l’homme dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Armin Steinbach, Insurance-type Cooperation Mechanisms Under EU Law
- Bernhard Stehle, Der Anwendungsbereich von Art. 15–17 LugÜ: Zugleich Besprechung von BGE 142 III 170
Lang: Genocide: The Act as Idea
The term "genocide"—"group killing"—which first appeared in Raphael Lemkin's 1944 book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, had by 1948 established itself in international law through the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Since then the charge of genocide has been both widely applied but also contested. In Genocide: The Act as Idea, Berel Lang examines and illuminates the concept of genocide, at once articulating difficulties in its definition and proposing solutions to them. In his analysis, Lang explores the relation of genocide to group identity, individual and corporate moral responsibility, the concept of individual and group intentions, and the concept of evil more generally. The idea of genocide, Lang argues, represents a notable advance in the history of political and ethical thought which proposed alternatives to it, like "crimes against humanity," fail to take into account.
Call for Papers: Global Commons and Values in Oceans
Felz: Das Alien Tort Statute: Rechtsprechung, dogmatische Entwicklung und deutsche Interessen
Aufgrund des sog. »Alien Tort Statute« (ATS), eines kleinen und etwa 100 Jahre lang vergessenen Satzes des US-amerikanischen Gerichtsverfassungsgesetzes von 1789, gründeten die US-Gerichte ein amerikanisches Forum mit weltweit reichender Gerichtsbarkeit für milliardenschwere Schadensersatzklagen wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Dabei wurden insbesondere deutsche Gesellschaften in Anspruch genommen und Fälle, in denen deutsche Konzerne zu den Hauptbeklagten gehörten, mündeten in Leitentscheidungen der dogmatischen Expansion der ATS-Rechtsprechung. Daniel Felz arbeitet die enorme Masse an US-Entscheidungen auf, um die breitgefächerten dogmatischen Fundamente der ATS-Rechtsprechung zu ordnen. Alsdann widmet er sich der Behauptung der deutschen Bundesregierung, für derlei Klagen stünden die deutschen Gerichte offen, indem Felz einer Untersuchung der mit länderübergreifenden Menschenrechtsklagen verbundenen materiell- und prozessrechtlichen Fragen des deutschen Rechts nachgeht.
Call for Papers: Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America and International Economic Law
Cello: The legitimacy of international interventions in Vattel’s The Law of Nations
Although Emer de Vattel is widely acknowledged as a pivotal figure in the history of international thought, his legacy remains contested. Scholars struggle to find a comfortable intellectual collocation for what is often seen as an incoherent and contradictory thinker. The present article tackles this interpretation and suggests that the supposed inconsistencies in Vattel’s international thought diffuse once we fully grasp the nature of his intellectual intervention. In order to substantiate this view, the paper focuses on Vattel’s reasoning on the legitimacy of international interventions, as disclosed in his The Law of Nations. It recovers his casuistic mode of reasoning with reference to the historical and intellectual context from which it emerged. The article concludes by suggesting that this long-forgotten mode of reasoning offers a different entry point into current debates on international intervention and the use of force, one that might help us move beyond a merely moralistic approach.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- Damon Barrett, International Child Rights Mechanisms and the Death Penalty for Drug Offences
- Cristy Clark, Of What Use is a Deradicalized Human Right to Water?
- Vian Dakhil, Aldo Zammit Borda, & Alexander R. J. Murray, ‘Calling ISIL Atrocities Against the Yezidis by Their Rightful Name’: Do They Constitute the Crime of Genocide?
- Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez, Is French laïcité Still Liberal? The Republican Project under Pressure (2004–15)
- Erica Howard, Freedom of Speech versus Freedom of Religion? The Case of Dutch Politician Geert Wilders
- Başak Bağlayan & Johannes Hendrik Fahner, ‘One Can Always Do Better’: The Referral Procedure before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights
Peters: Trading Barriers: Immigration and the Remaking of Globalization
Why have countries increasingly restricted immigration even when they have opened their markets to foreign competition through trade or allowed their firms to move jobs overseas? In Trading Barriers, Margaret Peters argues that the increased ability of firms to produce anywhere in the world combined with growing international competition due to lowered trade barriers has led to greater limits on immigration.
Peters explains that businesses relying on low-skill labor have been the major proponents of greater openness to immigrants. Immigration helps lower costs, making these businesses more competitive at home and abroad. However, increased international competition, due to lower trade barriers and greater economic development in the developing world, has led many businesses in wealthy countries to close or move overseas. Productivity increases have allowed those firms that have chosen to remain behind to do more with fewer workers. Together, these changes in the international economy have sapped the crucial business support necessary for more open immigration policies at home, empowered anti-immigrant groups, and spurred greater controls on migration.
Debunking the commonly held belief that domestic social concerns are the deciding factor in determining immigration policy, Trading Barriers demonstrates the important and influential role played by international trade and capital movements.
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- Robert W. Emerson, An International Model for Vicarious Liability in Franchising
- Daniel Francis, Exit Legitimacy
- Vera Korzun, The Right to Regulate in Investor-State Arbitration: Slicing and Dicing Regulatory Carve-Outs
- Peter Tzeng, Humanitarian Intervention at the Margins: An Examination of Recent Incidents
New Issue: Virginia Journal of International Law

- Daniel Abebe, Does International Human Rights Law in African Courts Make a Difference?
- Kishanthi Parella, The Stewardship of Trust in the Global Value Chain
- Sergio Puig, Blinding International Justice
Schniederjahn: Das Verschwindenlassen von Personen in der Rechtsprechung internationaler Menschenrechtsgerichtshöfe
Das Verschwindenlassen von Personen ist wohl eines der grausamsten Menschenrechtsverbrechen der Neuzeit und zugleich das unbekannteste. Unter dem Verschwindenlassen versteht man jede Freiheitsentziehung durch Staatsbedienstete oder andere Personen, die mit Unterstützung oder Duldung des Staates handeln, gefolgt von der Weigerung, den Freiheitsentzug anzuerkennen und über den Verbleib des Opfers Auskunft zu geben. Oftmals endet das Verschwindenlassen für die betroffene Person mit dem Tod, ohne dass jemals ein Leichnam gefunden wird und die Angehörigen Gewissheit über das Schicksal des Opfers erhalten. Die Arbeit vergleicht die rasch anwachsende Judikatur des Inter-Amerikanischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte zu diesem Verbrechen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Beweislastverteilung. Zudem wird der Beitrag der Gerichtshöfe zur Aufarbeitung, Verfolgung und Verhinderung des Verschwindenlassens, insbesondere am Beispiel Perus, untersucht.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Conference: XXII Convegno annuale della SIDI
Renshon: Fighting for Status: Hierarchy and Conflict in World Politics
There is widespread agreement that status or standing in the international system is a critical element in world politics. The desire for status is recognized as a key factor in nuclear proliferation, the rise of China, and other contemporary foreign policy issues, and has long been implicated in foundational theories of international relations and foreign policy. Despite the consensus that status matters, we lack a basic understanding of status dynamics in international politics. The first book to comprehensively examine this subject, Fighting for Status presents a theory of status dissatisfaction that delves into the nature of prestige in international conflicts and specifies why states want status and how they get it.
What actions do status concerns trigger, and what strategies do states use to maximize or salvage their standing? When does status matter, and under what circumstances do concerns over relative position overshadow the myriad other concerns that leaders face? In examining these questions, Jonathan Renshon moves beyond a focus on major powers and shows how different states construct status communities of peer competitors that shift over time as states move up or down, or out, of various groups.
Combining innovative network-based statistical analysis, historical case studies, and a lab experiment that uses a sample of real-world political and military leaders, Fighting for Status provides a compelling look at the causes and consequences of status on the global stage.
New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law

- Editorial Comment
- Hans Köchler, Justice and Realpolitik: The Predicament of the International Criminal Court
- Articles
- Nina H.B. Jørgensen, Complicity in Torture in a Time of Terror: Interpreting the European Court of Human Rights Extraordinary Rendition Cases
- Xiaohui Wu, Friendly Competition for Co-Progressive Development: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank vs. the Bretton Woods Institutions
- Gbenga T. Oduntan, Legal and Evidential Implications of Emerging Satellite Imagery of Ancient African Relict Boundaries
- Comment
- Sherzod Shadikhodjaev, The “Regionalism vs Multilateralism” Issue in International Trade Law: Revisiting the Peru–Agricultural Products Case
Titi: Procedural Multilateralism and Multilateral Investment Court
Recent decades have witnessed the growing malaise of multilateralism within international economic governance and an inclination for bilateralism and tailor-made solutions. And yet procedural multilateralism does exist in international investment law. The ICSID Convention is a multilateral treaty, and UNCITRAL’s Mauritius Convention, is multilateral – or at least of multilateral ambition. Some limited subject-matter multilateral initiatives also exist outside international investment law and offer inspiration in this respect. This paper assesses the Mauritius Convention and the OECD’s Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), in order to draw inspiration for the European Union’s multilateral investment court. Its emphasis is on recent developments, in light of the EU’s 2017 public consultation on a multilateral reform of investment dispute resolution. It argues that while the UNCUTRAL and OECD examples of ‘retroactively’ reforming thousands of existing treaties can offer useful guidance, the establishment of a multilateral investment court ‘applicable’ to existing IIAs would require two instruments: a convention regulating the relationship between IIAs and the multilateral investment court, and a standalone convention (the statute) on the multilateral investment court; and that only the first of these instruments can draw on the UNCITRAL and OECD precedents.
Monday, May 22, 2017
New Issue: Revista Tribuna Internacional
- Especial
- Maricruz Gómez de la Torre Vargas, Discurso de reconocimiento a la calidad de Profesor Emérito del profesor Mario Ramírez Necochea
- Marisol Peña Torres, Presentación del libro “Temas actuales de Derecho Internacional” en homenaje al Profesor Emérito Mario Ramírez Necochea
- Artículos
- Raúl F. Campusano Droguett & Luis Hernán Acevedo Espínola, Naturaleza jurídica de los atentados en París. ¿Terrorismo o crímenes de guerra?
- Susana Mosquera Monelos, Reflexiones sobre el sistema internacional a través de los tratados de inversión
- Magdalena Bas Vilizzio, Posiciones y debates en torno a los mecanismos de solución de controversias inversor – Estado
- Gonzalo J. Arias, ¿Están las reglas del derecho a la legítima defensa obsoletas para solucionar conflictos actuales como ataques de agentes no-estatales y ciberataques?
- Margarita Trejo Poison, Refugiados climáticos: un vacío legal
- Natalia M. Luterstein, El principio de prohibición y la clausura del derecho internacional como sistema normativo: Hans Kelsen y la historia de un barco
New Volume: Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional
- Doctrina
- Soledad Torrecuadrada García-Lozano & Pedro García Fuente, ¿Qué es el Brexit? Origen y posibles consecuencias
- Claudio Oliveira de Carvalho & Raoni Andrade Rodrigues, Los juegos olímpicos en Río de Janeiro y las leyes de excepción
- Nicolás Carrillo Santarelli, La influencia “artística” de las emociones y la empatía en el contenido, la interpretación y la efectividad del derecho internacional
- Humberto Cantú Rivera, Planes de acción nacional sobre empresas y derechos humanos: sobre la instrumentalización del derecho internacional en el ámbito interno
- Juan Pablo Pérez-León Acevedo, La relación cercana entre violaciones serias de los derechos humanos y crímenes de lesa humanidad: criminalización internacional de serios abusos
- Arturo Villarreal Palos, Los crímenes de genocidio, lesa humanidad y de guerra. Notas para su incorporación a la legislación mexicana
- Isabella Christina da Mota Bolfarini, La influencia del derecho internacional sobre Violencia Física
- Juan Bautista Cartes Rodríguez, El Tribunal Africano de Derechos Humanos y de los Pueblos: ¿hacia un África en paz?
- Armelle Gouritin & Adriana Aguilar, La adopción de la Declaración Americana sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas: un análisis crítico desde el punto de vista de los derechos ambientales
- Daniel García San José, Epigenética y gestación por sustitución: más razones a favor de una regulación internacional para un negocio global
- Javier Echaide, Inversiones y solución de controversias: el proyecto dentro de la Unasur y propuestas alternativas
- Werner Miguel Kühn Baca, El proyecto de protocolo relativo a la creación de un Tribunal de Justicia del Mercosur. Un hito en la judicialización del derecho de integración regional
- Méryl Thiel, Alianza del Pacífico: reto de la estética de los mecanismos de solución de controversias
- Laura Victoria García Matamoros & Walter Arévalo Ramírez, El estado de necesidad en el arbitraje de inversión: su invocación consuetudinaria y convencional en los arbitrajes Enron, Sempra, CMS, LG&E y Continental ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI)
- Arno Dal Ri Júnior & Gustavo Carnesella, El reconocimiento de nuevos Estados como sujetos en la ciencia del derecho internacional a partir de la deflagración de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: abordajes doctrinarios de la Convención de Montevideo a la “Opinión Consultiva Kosovo” (1933-2010)
- Manuel de Jesús Rocha Pino, Los proyectos de integración megarregional de China: el caso de la iniciativa Cinturón y Ruta (CYR)
- Ademar Pozzatti Junior, Existe un fundamento para afirmar un deber de cooperación internacional? Ensayo sobre el derecho internacional en el marco de la ética práctica kantiana
- Elen de Paula Buen, Marina Freire, & Victor Arruda Pereira de Oliveira, Los orígenes históricos de la diplomacia y la evolución del concepto de protección diplomática de los nacionales
- Sergio Peña Neira, Interpretación y aplicación de una obligación internacional en el sistema jurídico nacional: considerando seriamente la división de beneficios de la utilización de recursos genéticos en la India
- Luciana Carla Silvestri, Protocolo de Nagoya: desafíos originados a partir de un texto complejo, ambiguo y controversial
- Pablo González Domínguez, Reconfiguración de la relación entre el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y el derecho nacional sobre la base del principio de subsidiariedad
- Comentarios
- Ricardo Aranda Girard & Iliana Rodríguez Santibáñez, La gobernanza de los recursos marinos vivos a través del derecho internacional
- María Pilar Llorens, Los desafíos del uso de la fuerza en el ciberespacio
New Issue: Trade, Law and Development

- Special Issue: Trade and Public Health
- Kamala Dawar & Eyal Ronen, How ‘Necessary’? A Comparison of Legal and Economic Assessments – GATT Dispute Settlements Under: Article XX(B), TBT 2.2 And SPS 5.6
- Dominique Sinopoli & Kai P. Purnhagen, When Life Gives You Lemons: The “Battle of Science” on the Correct Interpretation of Data on Citrus Black Spot Disease Between the European Union and South Africa According to the SPS Agreement
- Thaddeus Manu, Interpreting Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations in WTO Jurisprudence in its Application to Compulsory Licensing
- Mengyi Wang & Ching-Fu Lin, Towards a bottom-up SPS cooperation: An analysis of regulatory convergence in Food Safety Regimes
- Tommaso Soave, Political, Legal and Institutional Perspectives on Pharmaceutical Patents and Access to Medicines
Conference: TTIP and Beyond . . . Negotiating and Implementing the EU's Free Trade Agreements in an Uncertain Environment
Call for Papers: The Emergence of New and Dynamic China-Africa Economic Relationships: International Economic Law Perspectives
New Additions to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law
Sunday, May 21, 2017
New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement

- Michael A. Becker & Cecily Rose, Investigating the Value of Site Visits in Inter-State Arbitration and Adjudication
- Luiz Gustavo Meira Moser, Inside Contracting Parties’ Minds: The Decision-making Processes in Cross-border Sales
- Michal Swarabowicz, Identity of Claims in Investment Arbitration: A Plea for Unity of the Legal System
- Vincent-Joël Proulx, An Incomplete Revolution: Enhancing the Security Council’s Role in Enforcing Counterterrorism Obligations
- Brian McGarry, The Development of Custom in Territorial Dispute Settlement
- Jean d’Aspremont, The International Court of Justice and the Irony of System-Design
- Stefan Talmon, The South China Sea Arbitration and the Finality of ‘Final’ Awards
New Issue: Michigan Journal of International Law
- Damjan Kukovec, Economic Law, Inequality, and Hidden Hierarchies on the EU Internal Market
- Lan Cao, Currency Wars and the Erosion of Dollar Hegemony
- Ryan Scoville & Milan Markovic, How Cosmopolitan are International Law Professors?