Saturday, January 6, 2024

De Vido & Frulli: Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention

Sara De Vido
(Ca' Foscari Univ. of Venice - Law) & Micaela Frulli (Univ. of Florence - Law) have published Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:
This Commentary provides the first comprehensive and holistic analysis of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention). It offers a complete article-by-article guide to the Convention with reference to the explanatory report, the findings of the monitoring body (GREVIO) and relevant State practice.

Sun: International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining

Linlin Sun
(Zhongnan Univ. of Economics and Law) has published International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
Should deep seabed mining (DSM) stop or proceed? The international community is now facing a difficult choice. No matter what decision is made, environmental consideration is the core of the issue. This book tackles the compelling question of how to secure the marine environmental protection in DSM from an international law perspective. It deals with two major research questions: What are the international environmental requirements of participants – the contractor, the sponsoring State and the International Seabed Authority (ISA)? What are the legal consequences for them when environmental damage occurs? In doing so, it analyses the international DSM legal regime and general international environmental principles, observes the functioning of the ISA, and draws on law and practice of various environmental treaty mechanisms. The examination reveals the potential practical difficulties as well as fundamental obstacles in the application of international environmental rules and principles in the specific context of DSM.

Brand, Coffee, & Herrup: The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention

Ronald A. Brand
(Univ. of Pittsburgh - Law), Michael S. Coffee (U.S. Department of Justice), & Paul Herrup (U.S. Department of Justice) have published The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
Declared a 'game-changer' by the Hague Conference Secretary General, the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters has introduced international obligations of unprecedented sweep and power. Now, this authoritative treatise provides the diplomatic background and the historical context for the Convention, discussing the law on judgments recognition in the absence of the Convention's ratification. After recounting the twenty-seven-year history of the negotiations leading to the Convention's conclusion, it offers an article-by-article discussion of each provision. It also considers paths not taken, advancing possible solutions to address future pressures and developments.

McInerney-Lankford & McCorquodale: The Roles of International Law in Development

Siobhan McInerney-Lankford
(World Bank) & Robert McCorquodale (Univ. of Nottingham - Law) have published The Roles of International Law in Development (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:

The Roles of International Law in Development provides an in-depth analysis of the relationship between public international law and development. Unlike the existing body of literature on public international law, this book investigates how international law and development interact, and evaluates the significant and multifaceted roles that international law plays in development.

Bringing together a collection of perspectives from contributors working across multiple fields, the chapters explore the relevance and applicability of international law to particular sectors and issues implicated in development activities. This includes chapters on human rights, gender equality, race and discrimination, environmental law and climate change, forced displacement and migration, and international trade and investment. They analyse how international law rules and processes can influence procedural and substantive aspects of development policies as these regulate various forms of financial support, trade, technical assistance, and policy dialogue. They also explore whether, and how, development could be more effective and yield more equitable and sustainable outcomes if the relevant and applicable rules of international law were better understood, consistently incorporated, and appropriately applied to development activities. A foundational premise of this book is that development policy and practice should be grounded more systematically in international law, rejecting the notion that development law and policy comprise a 'self-contained' regime or that development is undertaken in a legal vacuum. The proposed systematic grounding in public international law would in turn help uphold international legal accountability in the context of development activities.

Gill & Tibori-Szabó: The Use of Force and the International Legal System

Terry D. Gill
(Univ. of Amsterdam - Law) & Kinga Tibori-Szabó (Univ. of Amsterdam - Role of Law in Armed Conflict and Military Operations research programme) have published The Use of Force and the International Legal System (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
This book provides in-depth coverage and analysis of the international law, rules and principles that govern the use of force. Through a unique intra-disciplinary perspective, it examines how the law on the use of force functions within the international legal system and how it interacts with other relevant areas of the law. This includes arms control law, the law governing the use of the international commons, the law of armed conflict and human rights law, and the law of international responsibility. It offers an accessible guide to the law on the use of force to students and practitioners, alongside providing a unique perspective on the place and function of the law on the use of force within the wider legal landscape which will appeal to both academic professionals and others interested in how law regulates the use of force.

Carmody: A Communitarian Theory of WTO Law

Chios Carmody
(Univ. of Western Ontario - Law) has published A Communitarian Theory of WTO Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
Since 1995 there has been intense debate about whether the WTO Agreement is just. Many observers point to the association of the treaty with intensive interdependence and the disruptive effects of globalization to assert that it is unjust. Nevertheless, justice in sovereign terms is different from justice in human terms. This book puts forward a theory of WTO law to explain the difference and its implications for the international trading system. It details how economic interdependence gives rise to an interdependent view of the relationship between different forms of justice and to interdependent obligations in WTO law. It also suggests how the WTO dispute settlement system might have a residual value as a locus for transformative outcomes despite contemporary concerns about the system's political acceptability. Taken together, such insights may assist in identifying elements of a general theory of law.

Call for Submissions: International Food Law

The Brazilian Journal of International Law/Revista de Direito Internacional has issued a call for submissions for a special issue on "International Food Law." Here's the call:

Call for Papers
Vol. 21 n. 2 2024

Deadline for submissions: 1st June 2024


The Brazilian Journal of International Law, a SCOPUS-indexed review, invites submissions for a special issue on “International Food Law” to be published in October 2024. The issue will be edited by Professors Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho (Federal University of Paraíba) and Ardyllis Alves Soares (University Centre of Brasilia).

The relationships between food, flavor, taste, palate and law are as old as they are broad. For many centuries, legal norms have been responsible for regulating our ways of eating, drinking, producing food and consuming it, including rules on health protection, labelling, geographical demarcations, authenticity, international trade, food safety, human rights to food, religion (kosher and halal foods) and gastronomic cultural heritage. Private international law, in turn, in addition to many types of contracts on the production, consumption and transport of food, also deals with the “duty of food”. In Europe and the United States, an autonomous branch of Law called Food Law has long been well established, a transdisciplinary field located somewhere between Economic Law, Administrative Law, International Law and Consumer Law. It is also important to mention international organizations related to specific products, such as the “Association Internationale des Juristes pour le Droit de la Vigne et du Vin” (AIDV), founded in 1985 to analyze legal issues relating to the international wine trade. All these circumstances denote the current nature of the debate on Law & Food and legitimize the production of a Dossier on "Food and International Law", in the Brazilian Journal of International Law, which could host texts by Brazilian and foreign colleagues on the following topics:

  • Human Right to Food
  • Food safety
  • Labeling, risks, precautions and traceability
  • New Foods (insects, flowers, GMOs, etc.) and international regulation
  • Intellectual property and food
  • ESG and international food trade
  • International regulation of certain foods in kind such as sugar, coffee, wine, spirits and cheese
  • International protection of food consumers
  • SDGs and food
  • Climate change and food
  • The protection of animals
  • Sanitary and phytosanitary measures
  • International organizations with influence on the agri-food sector: FAO, UNESCO, WHO, Codex Alimentarius, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
Formal aspects (requirements):

1) Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space between lines 1,0 throughout the manuscript (including all quotations, endnotes and references).
2) Minimum degree:
* Individual authorship: Doctor;
* Co-authorship: Master, being in co-authorship with a Doctor. If there are three or more authors, only one co-author must be a non-doctor with the aforementioned minimum degree (Master).
3) Footnote citation (author-date will be rejected without review);
4) Do not use Latin expressions on footnotes (id., ibid., op. cit, supra, note…). Repeat the whole reference and the referred pages.
5) Reference list at the end;
6) 15-25 pages, including the reference list at the end.


Important remarks:

Only International Law and Comparative Law approaches will be considered. National or majorly national approaches won't be considered.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Call for Papers: Dialogues on International Law/Diálogos sobre Derecho Internacional

A call for papers has been issues for the 7th “Dialogues on International Law” conference, which will take place August 15, 2024, at Di Tella Law School, Buenos Aires. The theme is: “International Law & History.” The call is here (English/Español).

Giorgetti, Pearsall, & Ruiz-Fabri: Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions

Chiara Giorgetti
(Univ. of Richmond - Law), Patrick W. Pearsall (Allen & Overy LLP), & Hélène Ruiz-Fabri (Sorbonne Law School) have published Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:

International claims commissions (ICCs) are unique dispute resolution mechanisms designed to be highly flexible and responsive to international crises. This timely Research Handbook explores the history of ICCs, how and why states create them, and the role of states and secretariats within them.

Written by accomplished experts and past claims commission members to present a unique perspective on ICCs, this Research Handbook analyses past claims commissions including the Iran–US Claims Tribunal, the UN Compensation Commission, the Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims Commission and the Commission for Real Property Claims in Bosnia. Providing a comprehensive review of institutional design issues, this Handbook examines the challenges associated with mass claims processes, diplomatic protection, domestic liability, and enforcement, as well as how to address them. Looking ahead to the future, the contributing authors propose innovative ways in which claims commissions could be used to address contemporary challenges such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the construction of the wall in Occupied Palestinian Territory, climate change and environmental law disputes.

Arvidsson & Jones: International Law and Posthuman Theory

Matilda Arvidsson
(Göteborgs Universitet - Law) & Emily Jones (Newcastle Univ. - Law) have published International Law and Posthuman Theory (Routledge 2024). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:

Assembling a series of voices from across the field, this book demonstrates how posthuman theory can be employed to better understand and tackle some of the challenges faced by contemporary international law.

With the vast environmental devastation being caused by climate change, the increasing use of artificial intelligence by international legal actors and the need for international law to face up to its colonial past, international law needs to change. But in regulating and preserving a stable global order in which states act as its main subjects, the traditional sources of international law – international legal statutes, customary international law, historical precedents and general principles of law – create a framework that slows down its capacity to act on contemporary challenges, and to imagine futures yet to come. In response, this collection maintains that posthuman theory can be used to better address the challenges faced by contemporary international law. Covering a wide array of contemporary topics – including environmental law, the law of the sea, colonialism, human rights, conflict and the impact of science and technology – it is the first book to bring new and emerging research on posthuman theory and international law together into one volume.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Holloman: Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 2022

Tiffany Holloman
(Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State) has published Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 2022.

New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law

The latest volume of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (Vol. 25, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • International Humanitarian Law and Neighbouring Frameworks
    • Yiokasti Mouratidi, You Say Precautions, I Say Prevention: Towards the Systemic Integration of International Humanitarian Law and International Environmental Law
    • Tobias Ackermann & Sebastian Wuschka, International Humanitarian Law and International Investment Law: Mapping a Developing Relationship
    • Federica I. Paddeu & Kimberley N. Trapp, Defences to State Responsibility in International Humanitarian Law
    • Julien Antouly & Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, Thinking with IHL in Contexts of Counterterrorism: The Case of Criminal Justice Systems in the Sahel
  • Focus Section: International Humanitarian Law, and the Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
    • Marcela Prieto Rudolphy, Who is at War? On the Question of Co-belligerency
    • Alejandro Chehtman & Eduardo Rivera-López, “Inside” and “Outside”: Assessing the Russian Blockade Against Ukraine
    • Frédéric Mégret & Camille Marquis Bissonnette, Heads of State as War Criminals: The Prospects and Challenges of Tracing War Crimes to Senior Political Leaders in Russia
  • Year in Review
    • Catherine Gregoire, Noemi Zenk-Agyei, & Niamh Frame, Year in Review 2022

Urs: Gravity at the International Criminal Court: Admissibility and Prosecutorial Discretion

Priya Urs
(Univ. of Oxford) has published Gravity at the International Criminal Court: Admissibility and Prosecutorial Discretion (Oxford Univ. Press 2024). Here's the abstract:

The gravity of a crime or case features in various international and national legal frameworks for the investigation and prosecution of international crimes. At the International Criminal Court (ICC), 'sufficient gravity' is a requirement for the admissibility of a case specified in Article 17(1)(d) of the Rome Statute. The open-textured nature of the provision leaves the manner of its application and, ultimately, its purpose in the context of the Prosecutor's decisions whether to investigate and prosecute, open to discussion.

Set against the backdrop of ongoing debates on how to justify selective investigations and prosecutions at the Court, Gravity at the International Criminal Court: Admissibility and Prosecutorial Discretion addresses the question of how the gravity criterion is to be applied in the context of the Prosecutor's respective decisions whether to investigate and prosecute. It argues that the purpose of the gravity criterion in this context is the allocation of investigative and prosecutorial resources.

First, identifying appropriate indicators of gravity, the book contends that the application of Article 17(1)(d) requires a subjective assessment that involves the exercise of discretion. Second, by clarifying the respective roles of the Prosecutor and the Pre-Trial Chambers of the Court in the assessment of gravity in different contexts, it argues in favour of wide prosecutorial discretion in the making of this assessment compared with the limited powers of judicial oversight conferred on the Pre-Trial Chamber.

Timely and thorough, Gravity at the International Criminal Court proposes a more coherent and persuasive application of the criterion, contextualizing and comparing the ICC's approach in relation to other courts and bodies of law including international human rights law, international investment law, and international trade law.

Buchan, Franchini, & Tsagourias: The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Prospects

Russell Buchan
(Univ. of Reading - Law), Daniel Franchini (Univ. of Sheffield - Law), & Nicholas Tsagourias (Univ. of Sheffield - Law) have published The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Prospects (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
The international dispute settlement system is currently facing many challenges regarding the authority, effectiveness, and legitimacy of its methods and mechanisms and their coordination. These challenges cut across different fields of international law and relations such as investment, trade, human rights, water resources, the law of the sea, the environment, international peace and security, disaster law, space, and cyberspace. New technologies also impact on the scope of existing disputes and their settlement, which lead to the emergence of new disputes and ways of settling them. This book offers insightful reflections by academics and practitioners on such challenges and how they can be addressed as well as on how the international dispute settlement system should adapt to attain its aim of maintaining peace and international legality. It deals with many contemporary issues and is wide-ranging in scope. It is suitable for students, scholars, and practitioners of international dispute settlement, international law, and international relations.

New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement

The latest issue of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Vol. 14, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Tommaso Soave, Of squares, spheres and the elusive third dimension
  • Articles
    • Yanwen Zhang, Equitable representation on international benches and the appointment of tribunal members in investor–State dispute settlement: a historical perspective
    • Ying Sun, Why states refuse to participate in judicial proceedings: uncovering key reasons and historical evolution
    • Yueming Yan, Returning the Home State to the Global Anti-Corruption Campaign
    • Ilias Bantekas, The resolution of professional tennis disputes
  • Current Developments
    • Patrick Dumberry, New developments in the interpretation and application of the clean hands doctrine by investment tribunals
    • Güneş Ünüvar, A tale of policy carve-outs and general exceptions: Eco Oro v Colombia as a case study

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Volume: Canadian Yearbook of International Law

The latest volume of the Canadian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 59, 2021) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Davorin Lapaš, Climate Change and International Legal Personality: “Climate Deterritorialized Nations” as Emerging Subjects of International Law?
    • Emmanuel Simo, Réflexions épistémologiques sur l’illicéité résultant de l’incompatibilité du droit interne par rapport au droit international
    • Julia Grignon, The “General Close of Military Operations” as the Benchmark for the Declassification of Armed Conflicts and the End of the Applicability of International Humanitarian Law
    • Robert J. Currie & Elizabeth Matheson, State Responsibility for International Bail Jumping
    • Amara Kone, La détermination de l’objet du différend et la compétence ratione materiae dans le contentieux des mesures conservatoires devant la Cour internationale de Justice
    • Gail Lythgoe, The Changing “Landscape” of Sovereignty Viewed through the Lens of International Tax: Reterritorializing the Offshore
    • Bjørn Kunoy, The Delimitation of Outer Continental Shelf Areas: A Critical Analysis of Courts’ and Tribunals’ Heterogeneous Approaches
    • Christian Tshiamala Banungana, Vers l’intégration de l’écocide dans le Statut de Rome
    • Vonintsoa Rafaly, The Concept of “Marine Living Resources”: Navigating a Grey Zone in the Law of the Sea
    • Elen De Paula Bueno & Emílio Mendonça Dias Da Silva, An International Legal Perspective on Human Dignity: The Extrinsic Recognition of an Intrinsic Condition
  • Notes and Comments
    • Ljiljana Biukovic, The First Challenge to Canada’s Supply Management System under CUSMA: Tweaking the Supply Management System One Dispute at a Time
    • Raphaël Maurel, La confirmation des évolutions récentes du droit des mesures conservatoires par et devant la Cour internationale de Justice: remarques sur les ordonnances en indication de mesures conservatoires du 7 décembre 2021 dans les affaires relatives à l’Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale (Arménie c Azerbaïdjan et Azerbaïdjan c Arménie)
    • Geneviève Dufour Pierre-Luc Morin, Buy America and Buy American: Can Canada Expect a Deal from the Biden Administration?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

The latest issue of Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 19, no. 1, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Enrika Naujoke, Commentary: Practical Customs Aspects of CBAM
  • Nicolaj Kuplewatzky, Interim Measures before the EU Courts in the Realm of the Common Commercial Policy and the Common Foreign and Security Policy
  • Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki, Knowledge of Facts and Personal Scope of Customs and Excise Duties
  • Tracey Epps, Vanquishing the Paper Trail: An Update on Progress in Moving to a Global Paperless Trading System
  • Maria R.U.D. Tambunan, Notes on Tax Disputes from Misapplication of Indonesia-Japan Tax Treaty: A Study Based on Indonesian Tax Court Decisions
  • Phan Thi Thu Hien & Mac Thi Ngoc Diep, Foreign Investment in Vietnam: A Review of Corporate Compliance by Investors from Japan

Clements: The Justice Factory: Management Practices at the International Criminal Court

Richard Clements
(Tilburg Univ. - Law) has published The Justice Factory: Management Practices at the International Criminal Court (Cambridge Univ. Press 2024). Here's the abstract:
Spend time at the International Criminal Court, and you will hear the familiar language of anti-impunity. Spend longer, and you will encounter the less familiar language of management – efficiency, risk, and performance, and tools of strategic planning, audit, and performance appraisal. How have these two languages fused within the primary institution of global justice? This book explores that question through an historical and conceptually layered account of management's effects on the ICC's global justice project. It historicises management, forcing international lawyers to look at the sites of struggle – from the plantation to the United Nations – that have shaped the court's managerial present. It traces the court's macro, micro and meso scales of management, showing how such practices have fashioned a vision of global justice at organisational, professional, and argumentative levels. And it asks how those who care about global justice might engage with managerial justice at an institution animated by forms, reforms, and the promise of optimisation.

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

The latest issue of the International Organizations Law Review (Vol. 20, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Kristina Daugirdas & Katerina Linos, Are International Organizations Obsolete?
  • Ukri Soirila, UNOPS and the Rise of Entrepreneurial International Organizations: A Case Study
  • Valentin Schatz & Maia Perraudeau, Virtual Voting in rfmos: A Procedural Odyssey at the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  • Doris Uwicyeza Picard, The United Nations’ Obligation to Provide Access to Remedies to Third-Party Claimants Under International Law
  • Steven van de Put, Acquiescence and the Immunity of UN Peacekeepers; Implicit Acceptance?
  • Adam Kamradt-Scott, The United Nations Security Council and Global Health Threats
  • Hannah Birkenkötter, “What the Secretariat Makes It”: United Nations Civil Servants between Administrative Function and Contemporary International Lawmaking

Haase & Kofler: The Oxford Handbook of International Tax Law

Florian Haase
(HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration) & Georg Kofler (Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien - Law) have published The Oxford Handbook of International Tax Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:

International Tax Law is at a turning point. Increased tax transparency, the tackling of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the reconstruction of the network of bilateral tax treaties, the renewed discussion about a fair and efficient allocation of taxing rights between States in a global, digitalized economy, and the bold push for minimum corporate taxation are some expressions of this shift. This new era also demonstrates the increased influence of international standard setters such as the OECD, the UN, and the EU. Each of these developments alone has the potential of being disruptive to the traditional world of international tax law, but together they have the potential to reshape the international tax system. The Oxford Handbook of International Tax Law provides a comprehensive exploration of these key issues which will shape the future of tax law.

Divided into eight parts, this handbook traces the history of international tax law from its earliest days until the present, including reflections on the developments that have characterized the last one hundred years. The second section places tax law within the broader international context considering how it relates to public and private international law, as well as corporate, trade, and criminal law. Sections three and four consider key legal principles and issues such as regional tax treaty models, OECD dispute resolution, and transfer pricing versus formulary apportionment. Subsequent analysis places these issues within their European and cross-border contexts providing an assessment of the role of the ECJ, state aid, and cross-border VAT. Section seven broadens the scope of this analysis, asking how trends in recent major economies and regions have helped shape the current outlook. The final section considers emerging issues and the future of international tax law.

Latoszek & Kłos: Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Practice of International Organizations: Responding to Challenges of Today’s World

Ewa Latoszek
(SGH Warsaw School of Economics) & Agnieszka Kłos (SGH Warsaw School of Economics) have published Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Practice of International Organizations: Responding to Challenges of Today’s World (Brill 2023). Here's the abstract:
This volume examines in an innovative and applied perspective the interdependence between the role of international organizations, the existence of global public goods and the need of sustainable development. Moreover, it is set within the context of current challenges in today’s world of dramatic transition and clearly responds to the need for filling the existing research gap in this area. It also demonstrates excellent knowledge of primary resources and a very good mastery of the various concepts and policy issues. Moreover, it offers an important added value to the theory, research and recent publications of the concerned broad study field.

Eliantonio, Korkea-aho, & Mörth: Research Handbook on Soft Law

Mariolina Eliantonio
(Maastricht Univ. - Law), Emilia Korkea-aho (Univ. of Eastern Finland - Law), & Ulrika Mörth (Stockholm Univ. - Political Science) have published Research Handbook on Soft Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:
This pioneering Research Handbook provides a comprehensive and in-depth scholarly overview of the field of soft law, exploring the scope of current thinking in the field as well as proposing future pathways for soft law research. Organized into four broad themes, the Research Handbook offers important and unique insights into the dynamic and complex nature of soft law. The first section delves into the conceptual history and development of soft law. Second, the Handbook explores the disciplinary understandings of soft law, examining how scholars from different fields investigate the topic. The third theme focuses on the public and private actors and institutions involved in soft law-making, providing a detailed analysis of the complex relationships that shape soft law. Finally, the fourth theme explores the role of soft law in addressing major global societal challenges, including among others climate change, gender inequality, and the regulation of artificial intelligence.

Harrington: The Future of Peace: Incorporation of Intergenerational Equity and Justice in Peace Treaties and Reconciliation Agreements

Alexandra Harrington
(Lancaster Univ. - Law) has published The Future of Peace: Incorporation of Intergenerational Equity and Justice in Peace Treaties and Reconciliation Agreements (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:

In this timely book, Alexandra Harrington examines the legal and policy terms contained in transitional justice mechanisms through the lenses of intergenerational equity and justice, and the impact on current and future generations. Based on these findings, she offers a new definition of transitional justice that focuses on generational incorporation to ensure a durable, equitable and just peace.

Proposing a more nuanced definition of transitional justice in the setting of internal armed conflict, chapters address both the histories and the analyses of different conflicts. Harrington reviews the core findings and their potential impacts for crafting transitional justice mechanisms that are inclusive of the needs of children and youth, current and future generations, intergenerational equity and intergenerational justice. The book also focuses on the variety of agreements and instruments adopted for peace through trend analysis and information gathering.

Roberts: Research Handbook on International Food Law

Michael T. Roberts
(Univ. of California, Los Angeles - Law) has published Research Handbook on International Food Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:
With contributions from over 30 international legal scholars, this topical Research Handbook on International Food Law provides a reflective and crucial examination of the rules, power dynamics, legal doctrines, societal norms, and frameworks that govern the modern global food system. The Research Handbook analyses the interlinkages between producers and consumers of food, as well as the environmental effects of the global food network and the repercussions on human health. Chapters explore the development of food law and governance strategies, the regulation of novel foods, including insects, and the application of technology and science in food production, such as genetically engineered food. The insightful contributions examine the legal challenges facing the global food system and suggest practical recommendations for future research and reform.

Gulati, John, & Köhler: The Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL

Rishi Gulati
(Univ. of East Anglia), Thomas John, & Ben Köhler (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law) have published The Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:
As one of the most important international organisations in the sphere of international trade law, UNCITRAL aims to further the progressive unification of the law of international trade. This comprehensive Companion delineates the range of issues considered at UNCITRAL, as well as assessing the potential for future work and reforms. Split into four key thematic sections, the book starts by providing an institutional background to UNCITRAL, before moving on to discuss the topic of dispute resolution, including contributions on international arbitration, mediation, and online dispute resolution. Further chapters then explore key topics in international contract law, especially relating to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The final section of the Companion consists of chapters on a variety of matters considered at UNCITRAL, namely, micro, small and medium-sized businesses; insolvency; secured transactions; negotiable instruments; public procurement; electronic commerce and transport law.

Buchanan, Eslava, & Pahuja: The Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development

Ruth Buchanan
(Osgoode Hall Law School), Luis Eslava (La Trobe Univ. - Law); Univ. of Kent - Law), & Sundhya Pahuja (Univ. of Melbourne - Law) have published The Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:

Since the mid-twentieth century, 'international law' and 'international development' have become two of the most prominent secular languages through which aspirations about a better world are articulated. They have shaped the both the treatment and self-understanding of the 'developing' world, often by positing the West as a universal model against which developing states, their citizens, and natural environments should be measured and disciplined. In recent years, however, critical scholars have investigated the deep linkages between the concept of development, the doctrines and institutions of international law, and broader projects of ordering at the international level. They have shown how the leading models de-radicalise, if not derail, initiatives to redefine development and pursue other forms of global well-being.

Bringing together scholars from both the Global South and the Global North, the contributions in this Handbook invite readers to consider the limits of common normative and developmentalist assumptions. At the same time, the Handbook demonstrates how disparate but still identifiable set of ideas, imaginaries, norms, and institutional practices - related to law, development and international governance - shape today's profoundly unequal material conditions, threatening the future of human and nonhuman life on the planet. The book focuses on five distinct areas: existing disciplinary frameworks, institutions and actors, regional theatres of international law and development, competing social and economic agendas, and alternative futures.

Cronin: Purging the Odious Scourge of Atrocities: The Limits of Consent in International Law

Bruce Cronin
(City College of New York - Political Science) has published Purging the Odious Scourge of Atrocities: The Limits of Consent in International Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:

Purging the Odious Scourge of Atrocities explains the growth of a small body of human rights law that bans the use of violence against a state's own population when it is deemed a mass atrocity. These laws are binding on all states regardless of whether they have accepted it by signing treaties, or whether it is consistent with widespread state practice. Yet, this challenges the doctrine of consent, which has traditionally been the foundation of international law. Bruce Cronin argues that qualitative changes in the form of global governance are leading to an expansion in the theoretical underpinnings of international law and its role in contemporary world politics. Specifically, in limited and well-defined areas of international law, states have begun to recognize the authority of collective international consensus over individual state consent as the source of some legal rules.

Cronin supports this theory by examining the degree to which the international community has, via multilateral conferences among states, developed a consensus around the legal control of "excessive internal state violence"—that is, a level of coercive force that the international community considers to be disproportionate and illegitimate for pursuing state interests within its own borders. These practices, which the Genocide Convention refers to as an "odious scourge", include widespread, systematic attacks on civilian populations; violent persecution of defined groups (including genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid); torture; and the violation of civilian immunity in internal armed conflicts. In these cases, state action is subject to general international law that overrides their consent. By allowing us to rethink the mechanisms that give international law actual force, Purging the Odious Scourge of Atrocities promises to reshape our understanding of why states are required to abide by human rights norms they never consented to by treaty or customary practice.

New Issue: Journal of International Peacekeeping

The latest issue of the Journal of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 26, no. 4, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: The Evolution of African-Led Peace Support Operations
    • Andrew E. Yaw Tchie & Cedric de Coning, Special Issue on the Evolving Nature of African-Led Peace Support Operations and African Armies
    • Cedric de Coning & Andrew E. Yaw Tchie, Enhancing the Effectiveness of African-led Peace Support Operations through an Adaptive Stabilisation Approach
    • Naila Salihu & Kwesi Aning, Ghana Armed Forces’ Contributions to African-Led Peace Support Operations from 1990-2020
    • Andrea Prah, Ad-hoc Security Initiatives in Africa: a New Type of Security Community?
    • Chika Charles Aniekwe & Katharine Brooks, Multinational Joint Task Force: Lessons for Comprehensive Regional Approaches to Cross-Border Conflict in Africa
    • Bitania Tadesse, Countering Terrorism through Peace Support Operations, Lessons from the African Union Mission in Somalia
    • Andrew E. Yaw Tchie, Beyond the Battlefield: the Impact of United Nations and African-Led Peacekeeping on Enhancing Capabilities of African Armies
    • Zainab Monisola Olaitan, The Representation of Women in African-Led Peace Support Operations

Hilpold & Nesi: Teaching International Law

Peter Hilpold
(Univ. of Innsbruck - Law) & Giuseppe Nesi (Univ. of Trento - Law) have published Teaching International Law (Brill | Nijhoff 2024). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
Teaching International Law is a topic of great importance in international law academia. In the past renowned international lawyers and research institutions have dealt with this matter. This book brings together a larger number of established international lawyers who not only present the state of the art of this discipline but also their own vision and perspective. Traditionally, teachers of international law had considerable influence on the development and the understanding of this subject. The international legal system has profoundly changed but in time of enormous challenges for the survivel of mankind the voice of the teachers should again be heard.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Issue: International Peacekeeping

The latest issue of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 30, no. 5, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • 2003-2023: A twenty-year reflection of the Iraqi invasion, occupation and resulting interventions
    • Irene Costantini & Dylan O’Driscoll, 2003–2023: A Twenty-Year Reflection of the Iraqi Invasion, Occupation and Resulting Interventions
    • Irene Costantini & Dylan O’Driscoll, Twenty Years of Externally Promoted Security Assistance in Iraq: Changing Approaches and Their Limits
    • Shamiran Mako, Divided Opposition, Fragmented Statebuilding: Elite Bargaining in Pre- and Post-2003 Iraq
    • Jacqueline Parry & Birte Vogel, An Illusion of Empowerment? A Twenty-Year Review of United Nations Reports on Localization in Iraq
    • Kamaran Palani & Shivan Fazil, Fluid State-Building in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Taking Advantage of the 2003 U.S.-Led Invasion
    • Marsin Alshamary & Hamzeh Hadad, The Collective Neglect of Southern Iraq: Missed Opportunities for Development and Good Governance

New Issue: Revue belge de droit international

The latest issue of the Revue belge de droit international (2021, nos. 1-2) is out. Contents include:
  • Droit International et Relations Internationales au Cinéma en Hommage à Barbara Delcourt
    • F. Dubuisson, A. Lagerwall, & C. Wasinski, Introduction
    • B. Delcourt, À propos du film Bosna — Analyse d’un discours idéal-type sur le conflit yougoslave
    • B. Delcourt, Le Jour où la terre s’arrêta (Robert Wise, 1951) : la souveraineté est-elle un concept intergalactique ?
    • C. Wasinski & A. Louwette, Justifier l’état d’exception par la « culture populaire » : le scénario de la « ticking time bomb » de La Bataille d’Alger à Zero Dark Thirty
    • F. Dubuisson, « Nécessité fait loi » : Fauda et l’effacement du droit international en territoire palestinien
    • A. Lagerwall, War Machine de John Michôd (2017) : la mise en cause de la « guerre contre le terrorisme » menée par l’OTAN en Afghanistan
    • V. Koutroulis & S. Longuet, Filmer des écrans : la légitimation des frappes de drones par le droit international humanitaire
    • I. Bergamaschi & A. Younsi, Une guerre sans images ? Cadrages médiatiques, légitimation de Serval et régime scopique militaire dans les reportages télévisés sur l’entrée en guerre au Mali
  • Études – Studies – Studies
    • M. Longobardo, Legal Perspectives on the Role of the Notion of “Denazification” in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine under Jus contra bellum and Jus in bello
    • C. Van Thillo, The prosecution of sexual violence before the International Criminal Court: a case study of the Rohingya
    • N. Delbrassine, A cyborg soldier is a soldier like any other regarding the hors de combat protection
    • K. Djanaralieva, Covid-19 en territoire palestinien occupé : étude de la légalité de certaines décisions d’Israël au regard de ses obligations internationales en matière de santé. Analyse sous l’angle de l’interaction entre le droit international humanitaire et le droit international des droits humains
    • C. Regis, P. Larouche, S.B. Cadeddu, G. Foucault, M. Cohen, & J.-L. Denis, National compliance with World Health Organization norms during the pandemic: a comparative empirical study
    • M. Bol, L’arrêt Hanan c. Allemagne : qu’en est-il de l’établissement de la juridiction extraterritoriale au sens de l’article 1 er de la Convention EDH en cas de frappes aériennes
    • N. Le Vu, Commentaires sur l’affaire des îles du détroit de Torrès . Note sous Comité des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, constatations relatives à la communication n° 3624/2019, Daniel Billy et al. c. Australia , 22 sep - tembre 2022 (distr. générale 22 septembre 2022), CCPR/C/135/D/3624/2019
    • T. Demaria, La référence aux commentaires des projets de la Commission du droit international dans la jurisprudence internationale
    • E. Tourme Jouannet, Le droit international et colonial au service de l’entreprise colonialiste européenne du milieu du XIXe siècle

New Issue: International Organization

The latest issue of International Organization (Vol. 77, no. 4, Fall 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Quentin Bruneau, Rethinking International Order in Early Modern Europe: Evidence from Courtly Ceremonial
    • Paul K. MacDonald, Civilized Barbarism: What We Miss When We Ignore Colonial Violence
    • Michael O. Allen, Unbundling the State: Legal Development in an Era of Global, Private Governance
    • Dennis P. Quinn, Thomas Sattler, & Stephen Weymouth, Do Exchange Rates Influence Voting? Evidence from Elections and Survey Experiments in Democracies
  • Research Notes
    • Carly N. Wayne, Terrified or Enraged? Emotional Microfoundations of Public Counterterror Attitudes
    • Lindsay R. Dolan & Helen V. Milner, Low-Skilled Liberalizers: Support for Free Trade in Africa
  • In Memoriam
    • Emanuel Adler & Kathryn Sikkink, What Made John Ruggie's World Transformation Theory and Practice Hang Together
    • James D. Fearon, David A. Lake, Anne Meng, & Jack Paine, In Memoriam: Robert L. Powell
    • Alexandre Debs, Nicholas Sambanis, & Kenneth Scheve, In Memoriam: Bruce Russett

New Issue: Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law

The latest issue of the Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (Vol. 32, no. 3, November 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: Emerging Issues in Loss and Damage for Vulnerable States
    • Lisa Benjamin & Adelle Thomas, The unvirtuous cycle of loss and damage: Addressing systemic impacts of climate change in small islands from a vulnerability perspective
    • Linda Siegele, Financing for loss and damage under the UNFCCC: Have we come full circle?
    • Siobhan McDonnell, The COP27 decision and future directions for loss and damage finance: Addressing vulnerability and non-economic loss and damage
    • Lisa Vanhala, Putting the constructive ambiguity of climate change loss and damage into practice: The early work of the UNFCCC WIM ExCom
    • Maria Antonia Tigre & Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Beyond the North–South divide: Litigation's role in resolving climate change loss and damage claims
  • Articles
    • Giulia Claudia Leonelli, The long and winding road towards the creation of climate clubs: Transatlantic negotiations, potential regulatory models and challenges ahead
    • Pablo Peña, Could a trade agreement strengthen the enforcement of domestic environmental laws? Envisioning the impacts of the US–Peru environmental submissions mechanism
    • Chenjun Zheng, A framework for the assessment of alternative uses in international water law
    • Froukje Maria Platjouw, Ingrid Nesheim, & Caroline Enge, Policy coherence for the protection of water resources against agricultural pollution in the EU and Norway
  • Case Note
    • Anna Florentine Gall, Clara Lina Bader, & Edwin Alblas, Support for young farmers in the European Union: How much discretion for Member States?

New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 22, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Raymond Yang Gao, A Battle of the Big Three?—Competing Conceptualizations of Personal Data Shaping Transnational Data Flows
  • Miłosz Gapsa, How Urgent is Urgent?—Statistical Analysis of Procedural Urgency in Provisional Measures at the International Court of Justice
  • Sienho Yee, Grouphood Promotion v. Grouphood Destruction: China’s Regional Ethnic Autonomy as Antithesis to Genocidal Intent

New Issue: Human Rights Review

The latest issue of the Human Rights Review (Vol. 24, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Stephen Bagwell, Skip Mark, Meridith LaVelle & Asia Parker, Union Rights and Inequalities
  • Kristina Eberbach, Human Rights Legal Education in Times of Transition: Perspectives and Practices of Law Instructors in Myanmar
  • Jennifer A. Mueller, Rebel Groups’ Adoption of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Norms: An Analysis of Discourse and Behavior in Kosovo
  • Bristy Kalita & Ramesh Sahani, An Anthropological Investigation of Assam—the Human Trafficking Hub of India?
  • Sune Lægaard, What’s Fairness Got to Do with it? Fair Opportunity, Practice Dependence, and the Right to Freedom of Religion
  • Alissa Koski, Sajneet Mangat, & David Wright, The Evolution of Child Marriage as a Human Rights Concern

New Issue: International Legal Materials

The latest issue of International Legal Materials (Vol. 62, no. 6, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Case 002/02 Against Khieu Samphan (E.C.C.C. Sup. Ct. Chamber), with introductory note by John D. Ciorciari
  • Situation in Uganda (Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen) (Judgment on Appeal) (Int'l Crim. Ct. App. Chamber), with introductory note by Arthur Traldi
  • Sea Watch v. Ministero Delle Infrastrutture E Dei Transporti (C.J.E.U.), with introductory note by Garrett Giffin
  • Case C-460/20, TU, RE v. Google LLC (C.J.E.U.), with introductory note by Ozlem Ulgen
  • The Justice for Victims of War Crimes Act (U.S.), with introductory note by Adam R. Pearlman
  • Devolution Issues Under the Scotland Act 1998, Reference by the Lord Advocate (U.K. Sup. Ct.), with introductory note by Ozlem Ulgen