- Claus Kreß, The Law of Naval Warfare and International Criminal Law: Germany's Federal Prosecutor on The Gaza Flotilla Incident
- Kenneth Mann, Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Role of the Courts: The Case of Palestinian Workers in Israel
- Yutaka Arai-Takahashi, Teasingly Inconclusive? Teasing out from the Travaux Préparatoires the Drafters’ Intentions on the So-Called ‘Homeland Battlefield Unprivileged Belligerents’ under the 1949 Geneva Conventions
- Steven Hill & Leonard Holzer, Detention Operations in Non-International Armed Conflicts between International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law and National Standards: A NATO Perspective
- Tassilo Singer, Airstrikes, UAVs and Fully Autonomous Weapon Systems, and the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Law
- Alan Baker, Politicization of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: Israel’s Dilemma
- Harry H. G. Post, The State of a Human Right to a Healthy Environment
- Haggai Erlich, Self-Definition and the Rights of Others – The Case of Egypt
- Robbie Sabel, Is International Law Relevant to the Arab-Israeli Conflict?
- Arnon Gutfeld & Boaz Vanetik, The American Involvement in the Drafting of Security Council Resolution 242 (1967)
- Guy Lurie & Yuval Shany, Invalidations of Laws in Israel in a Comparative Perspective
- Yoram Dinstein, The Impact of the Holocaust on the Development of International Law
- Jeff Lahav, Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel Relating to Human Rights