- Le droit international humanitaire applicable au conflit armé entre la Russie et l’Ukraine
- Mathilde Doucet & Thomas Roos, Revue de presse juridique sur les événements survenus en Ukraine depuis le 24 février 2022 : que disent le droit de la guerre, les droits humains, le droit des réfugiés et le droit international pénal sur les rapports des médias ?
- Aurélia Gervasoni, Renaissance
- Mustafa Tuncer, L’analyse d’un blocus maritime inédit : le cas du blocus de la mer Noire
- Nathan Michaud, Le droit international humanitaire applicable à la situation de siège durant le conflit russo-ukrainien : perspectives au regard de la pratique des forces armées russes
- Pauline Lesaffre, L’alimentation comme arme de guerre de la Russie en Ukraine : réflexion sur la protection de la sécurité alimentaire par le droit des conflits armés
- Fanny Royen, L’identité, la guerre et la « sauvegarde des pierres » : l’identité nationale ukrainienne à l’épreuve des actes d’hostilité contre le patrimoine culturel
- Léna Boron, Etienne Gouin, & Charlie Savourel, Droit international humanitaire et centrales nucléaires : quelles règles applicables à la centrale de Zaporijia ?
- Alysson Berrendorf, Les technologies de l’armement utilisées dans le conflit ukrainien : un nouveau laboratoire pour une nouvelle génération d’armements ?
- Bobléwendé Gildas Ouegraogo, Les problèmes de licéité des fournitures d’armes aux parties au conflit armé russo-ukrainien
- Malgorzata Ulla, Le droit de la neutralité à l’épreuve de l’agression de la Russie contre l’Ukraine : l’exemple de la Suisse
- Silviana Cocan & Miriam Cohen, La dualité de la responsabilité internationale de l’État et la responsabilité pénale individuelle dans le cadre de la guerre russo-ukrainienne : une analyse à la lumière de la poursuite de l’acte d’agression et des crimes de guerre
- Sergio Salinas Alcega, The Invasion of Ukraine from the Point of View of the European Court of Human Rights: Extraterritorial Responsibility of Russia and (Un)Control of International Humanitarian Law
- Pierre Jourdain, Les ambiguïtés des obligations internationales des États en matière d’exportation de biens à double usage à destination de la Fédération de Russie et de l’Ukraine
- Lana Van Langendonck, Crimes sexuels en Ukraine : promesses et défis du droit pénal international
- Thomas Pépin, Enjeux et défis de l’application de la protection temporaire de l’Union européenne dans le contexte du conflit ukrainien
- Marco Sassòli, Le DIH en Ukraine : défis, lacunes et opportunités − réflexions à partir d’un premier rapport pour l’OSCE
Saturday, November 25, 2023
New Issue: Revue québécoise de droit international
Orakhelashvili: From “dualism” towards isolationism? Or why the Government keeps losing cases
Call for Submissions: Revista Ius Inter Gentes
New Issue: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

- Annie Young Song, Beyond intergovernmental cooperation: domestic politics of transboundary air pollution in Korea and Singapore
- Nila Kamil & Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Exploring the links between climate transparency and mitigation policy through a reflexive capacity lens: case studies of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Mexico
- Dinar Dewi Kania, Dian Artanti Arubusman, Mustika Sari, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan & Safathira Zaldin, Does ICAO’s climate change mitigation policy based on international agreements reflect global environmental justice?
- Mohammad Reza Seyedabadi, Mohsen Karrabi, & Abolfazl Mohammadzadeh Moghaddam, The potential of CO2 emission reduction via replacing cement with recyclable wastes in the construction industry sector: the perspective of Iran’s international commitments
- Nilay Tulukcu Yıldızbaş, Üstüner Birben, Osman Devrim Elvan & Melek Bilgin Yüce, An analysis of the convention on the protection of the Black Sea against pollution (the Bucharest Convention) from the perspective of Turkish contract law
Call for Papers: Cambridge International Law Journal 13th Annual Conference
Friday, November 24, 2023
New Volume: Revista Ius Inter Gentes
- Derecho Internacional Privado
- César Candela Sánchez, La Conferencia de la Haya de Derecho Internacional Privado: una Organización Intergubernamental modelo desde una mirada académica latinoamericana
- Henry Omar Zevallos Castillo, ¿Derecho o hecho?: Una mirada crítica de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema y el Tribunal Registral sobre el conocimiento y aplicación del derecho extranjero
- Derecho Penal Internacional
- Avecita Zapata Cano, Los crímenes de guerra contra bienes culturales en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional: Análisis desde el caso Al Mahdi
- Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
- Camila Addiechi, Access to justice for victims of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: developments and good practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Derecho Internacional Público
- Daniela Escarria Parra & Camilo Osorio Vásquez, Violation of Popular Sovereignty? A Case Study on the plebiscite of October 2, 2016, and the implementation of the Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP
- Relaciones Inetrnacionales
- Elvis Ojeda Huerta, Principales retos de la Diplomacia en un mundo post pandemia
- Entrevistas
- Juan Manuel De Faramiñán Gilbert, El desarrollo progresivo del Derecho del Espacio Ultraterrestre
- Héctor Domínguez Benito, La Historia del Derecho Internacional como campo de estudio
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Call for Papers: Comparative International Legal Policy: National Political Approaches Towards International Legal Order
Conference: La protección de los derechos humanos en el transcurso de los conflictos
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Conference: Justice in international investment law in a post-ISDS world
New Issue: Journal of International Criminal Justice

- Current Events
- Patrycja Grzebyk, Crime of Aggression against Ukraine: The Role of Regional Customary Law
- Articles
- Chile Eboe-Osuji, International Law Rejects Immunity for International Crimes — Full Stop
- Marco Bocchese, Of Crimes and Crowns: When State Leaders Confront International Justice
- Frédéric Mégret, Massive Violence Against Civilians in War: The Ever-blurring Line Between a Policy of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
- Federica D’Alessandra, UN Accountability Mandates in International Justice
- Carlos Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, International Criminal Court Standards in a Context of Transitional Justice: Evolution and Effects of Colombian Peace Processes (1998–2022)
- Cases Before International Courts and Tribunals
- Emma Palmer, Gender and Forced Displacement at the International Criminal Court: The Potential for a Gender-competent Approach in the ICC’s Bangladesh/Myanmar Situation
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
- Julia Flint, Australia’s Investigation of Alleged ADF War Crimes in Afghanistan
Monday, November 20, 2023
New Issue: Virginia Journal of International Law

- Anu Bradford, Europe’s Digital Constitution
- Benjamin R. Farley, Regulating the Foreign-Fighter Phenomenon
- Noam Noked & Zachary MarconeE, Closing the “Shell Bank” Loophole
- Scott R. Anderson, Taiwan, War Powers, and Constitutional Crisis
New Issue: GlobaLex
- Md. Mostafa Hosain & Md. Ershadul Karim, A Research Guide on the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
- Miarom Bégoto & Narcisse Djimbaye, Regional Trade Agreements in Africa - A Historical and Bibliographic Report of ECOWAS and CEMAC
- Arundhati A. Satkalmi, Research Guide on Transboundary Freshwater Treaties and Other Resources
Conference: China and Europe in the African Continent
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Kidane: Africa's International Investment Law Regimes
Over the last six decades, Africa has attracted less than 4% of global foreign direct investment, and yet is party to nearly a quarter of the world's investment cases under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The African states' support was indispensable for the creation of the ICSID, but once it began its adjudicative function it became a source of dread for Africans. Since the beginning of the new millennium, however, Africa has embarked on innovative reform efforts and questioned the shortcomings of international investment law.
Africa's International Investment Law Regimes offers a qualitative study of more than 30 cases ranging from the 1970s to present and methodically appraises Africa's investment treaty activity. In these examinations, Won L. Kidane assesses whether the adopted and proposed continental, regional, and bilateral reform efforts are indeed responsive to the actual deficiencies of the existing regime.
This book is unique in its thorough treatment of African ICSID cases. Kidane's conclusions illuminate a lack of evidence in claims of institutional bias but address the reckoning African states have undergone to become full participants in the process with proper representation.