Saturday, December 16, 2023

New Volume: Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law

The latest volume of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (Vol. 26, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Thematic Forum: ‘The International Court of Justice at 75: an Assessment’
    • Interview: in Conversation with Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf
    • Interview: in Conversation with Judge Hilary Charlesworth
    • Interview: in Conversation with Philippe Gautier
    • Interview: in Conversation with Cristina Hoss
  • Thematic Articles
    • Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida & Giulia Tavares Romay, Opening the World Court to the International Community: an Empirical Analysis of Non-party Participation in the International Court of Justice
    • Michael A. Becker, Pay No Attention to that Man behind the Curtain: the Role of Civil Society and Other Actors in Decisions to Litigate at the International Court of Justice
    • Amanda Bills, Revisiting the Standard of Proof for Charges of Exceptional Gravity before the International Court of Justice
    • Serena Forlati & Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, Is There a Role for Intervener States in Inducing Compliance with Decisions of the International Court of Justice?
    • Zuzanna Godzimirska, The Legitimacy of the International Court of Justice from the Vantage Point of UN Members
    • Sondre Torp Helmersen, The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice, 2016– 2022
    • Gleider Hernández, ‘With a Steady Hand’: Precedent and the International Court of Justice
    • David Hongler, The International Court of Justice and Territorial Disputes: an Updated Systematization
    • Vladyslav Lanovoy, Counter-Claims before the International Court of Justice: Incidental yet Independent
    • Sotirios-Ioannis Lekkas, Panos Merkouris & Daniel Peat, The Interpretative Practice of the International Court of Justice
    • Yishu Liu, Treating Evidence from Negotiations: the So-called Exclusionary Practice
    • Cameron Miles, Anatomy of a Judgment or: Why Aren’t You Reading Djibouti v France?
    • Kei Nakajima, Fact-Finding by Trade-off: Questions of Evidence and Its Interactions with Valuation in Compensation Cases before the International Court of Justice
    • Victor Stoica, The Remedial Mechanisms of the International Court of Justice: Past and Present
    • Katalin Sulyok, Framing Environmental Disputes and Scientific Knowledge by the International Court of Justice: Past Developments and Current Trends
    • Julio A. Tilloy, The Unprecedented Legal Effect of a Precedent: the Chagos Advisory Opinion in Light of the Mauritius/ Maldives Judgment
    • Kimberley N. Trapp, The ICJ and International Terrorism
  • Articles on the Law and Practise of the United Nations (General Section)
    • Nina Cozzi, Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the Missing Link between Equal Pay and Unpaid Care and Domestic Work
    • Philipp Janig, Jane A. Hofbauer & Christina Binder, Peacekeeping in the Anthropocene: the Effects of Climate Change and Positive Human Rights Obligations in ‘Protection of Civilians’ Mandates
    • Per Sevastik, Rule of Law and Human Rights: at the National and International Levels
    • Marko Svicevic, The Invocation of Chapter vii in United Nations Security Council Resolutions: Qualification, Classification, and Legal Bindingness
    • Michael Wood, The ILC’s First Reading Draft Articles on ‘Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction’ (2022)
  • Reports and Documents
    • Update on the Law and Practise of the United Nations - Statement by Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel to the International Law Commission (2023)

Friday, December 15, 2023

New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

The latest issue of the Journal of International Arbitration (Vol. 40, no. 6, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Jennifer Kirby, International Arbitration and Artificial Intelligence: Ideas to Improve the Written Phase of Arbitral Proceedings
  • Michael A. Greenop, Confidentiality in Arbitration: A Principled Response to the Opportunity for Codification in England and Wales
  • Daniel Brinkman, Recognition and Enforcement of Annulment Judgments under the New York Convention
  • Setyawati Fitrianggraeni, Eva Fatimah Fauziah, & Sri Purnama, Dealing with Unsatisfactory Arbitral Awards: Observing the Grounds of Annulment of Arbitral Awards in Indonesia
  • Hanna L. Stamer, Should German Courts Review Competition Law Awards on the Merits? Significance of the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 27 September 2022

Edgar: Handbook on Governance in International Organizations

Alistair D. Edgar
(Wilfrid Laurier Univ. - Political Science) has published Handbook on Governance in International Organizations (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:

Required for peace and security, economic governance, sustainable development and humanitarian support, International Organisations (IOs) are central to the structure of global governance. Introducing the importance of governance in IOs, this Handbook addresses the collective challenges and synthesizes the expertise of global or regional representativeness for international cooperation.

Addressing four key themes the contributors explore approaches to understanding governance in IOs; who governs IOs; the roles of states; organizational culture, leadership and gender; and the influence of civil society. Chapters further evaluate historical representations of successful and unsuccessful governance, including effective governance; institutional and individual accountability; and the need for reform. The Handbook then concludes with key reflections on the frequently asked question: have international organisations had their day?

Conference: YJIL's 50th Anniversary: Celebrating the Work of W. Michael Reisman

On March 8, 2024, the Yale Journal of International Law will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary with a conference on "Celebrating the Work of W. Michael Reisman." Program and registration are here.

Call for Papers: Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation

A call for papers has been issued for a conference on "Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation," to be held June 12-13, 2024, at Maastricht University. The call is here.

New Issue: Questions of International Law

The latest issue of Questions of International Law / Questioni di Diritto Internazionale (no. 102, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Advisory opinions on climate change: Leading from the bench?
    • Introduced by Annalisa Savaresi
    • Irini Papanicolopulu, The climate change advisory opinion request at the ITLOS
    • Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Ayan Garg, & Jacques Hartmann, The advisory proceedings on climate change before the International Court of Justice
    • Monica Feria-Tinta, An advisory opinion on climate emergency and human rights before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Conference: 118th ASIL Annual Meeting

On April 3-6, 2024, the American Society of International Law will hold its 118th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The theme is: "International Law in an Interdependent World." The preliminary program is here. Registration is now open, with the early bird discount ending on January 29, 2024.

Call for Papers: Socio-economic rights and non-discrimination at the intersection of the market, the border, and the welfare state

A call for papers has been issued for a workshop on "Socio-economic rights and non-discrimination at the intersection of the market, the border, and the welfare state," to be held May 27-28, 2024, at Lund University. The call is here.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

New Issue: Journal of World Trade

The latest issue of the Journal of World Trade (Vol. 57, no. 6, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Axel Berger, Sait Akman, Bozkurt Aran, Carlos P. Braga, Rajeev Kher, Douglas Lippoldt, Stormy-Annika Mildner, Arun Nair, Claudia Schmucker, & Maarten Smeets, Reforming the WTO through Inclusive and Development-friendly Plurilaterals
  • Csongor István Nagy, The EU’s New Regime on Foreign Subsidies: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm-Shift?
  • Julien Chaisse, Strategic Evolution: The Changing Face of US Development Finance in World Trade
  • Jingxia Shi & Fenghua Li, Aligning the BRI With Sustainable Development: A Regulatory Framework and Its Implementation
  • Hazel V. J. Moir, Europe’s GI Policy and New World Countries
  • Andrew D. Mitchell & Elizabeth Chin, The WTO Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce: Navigating Digital Trade Rules in a Fragmented World
  • Boyeon Kim, Regulating SOEs Through the SCM Agreement: Utilizing the ‘Public Body’ Jurisprudence to Cover SOEs

New Issue: Revista Española de Derecho Internacional

The latest issue of the Revista Española de Derecho Internacional (Vol. 75, no. 2, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Fausto Pocar, Con motivo del 75 aniversario de la "REDI"
  • Estudios
    • Oriol Casanovas y La Rosa, Setenta y cinco años de derecho internacional público en la "Revista Española De Derecho Internacional"
    • Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral, La historia del derecho internacional en la "Revista Española de Derecho Internacional" (1948-2022)
    • José Carlos Fernández Rozas, La aportación de la "Revista Española de Derecho Internacional" a la difusión del Derecho internacional privado
    • Caterina García i Segura, Setenta y cinco años de Relaciones Internacionales en la "Revista Española de Derecho Internacional"
    • Antonio Remiro Brotóns, El discreto encanto -y desencanto- de la "Revista Española de Derecho Internacional" 1948-1978
    • Eulalia W. Petit de Gabriel, La "Revista Española de Derecho Internacional". Historia, identidad y desafíos en su 75 aniversario
    • Miguel Angel Acosta Sánchez, Sobre la inmigración irregular como amenaza a la seguridad y su "nueva" dimensión como instrumento de presión política: el caso de Marruecos
    • María Carro Pitarch, El “Acuerdo BBNJ”: Hacia un nuevo régimen para la conservación y el uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica marina en zonas fuera de la jurisdicción nacional
    • María Victoria Cuartero Rubio, Algunas reflexiones sobre el acceso a la justicia en Derecho internacional privado
    • Adriana Fillol Mazo, El estatus jurídico de los animales en los conflictos armados
    • Eduardo Jiménez Pineda, La zona contigua. La interpretación de su régimen jurídico por la jurisprudencia internacional
    • Patricia Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos, La identidad de género en el derecho internacional privado español
    • Karlos Pérez de Armiño, La reforma del pilar de paz y seguridad de Naciones Unidas. Respuesta a los nuevos desafíos y al riesgo de irrelevancia
  • Foro
    • Miguel Gardeñes Santiago, La ley 8/2021, de medidas de apoyo a las personas con discapacidad, y la regulación de los poderes preventivos otorgados en previsión de una futura discapacidad: Nota introductoria
    • Mònica Vinaixa i Miquel, Los poderes preventivos en el Derecho internacional privado español: una aproximación crítica a la Ley 8/2021, de 2 de junio
    • José María Valls Xufré, El poder preventivo en derecho interregional

New Issue: Revue Générale de Droit International Public

The latest issue of the Revue Générale de Droit International Public (Vol. 127, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Robert Charvin, "Nous, peuples des Nations Unies": la Charte menacée, les grandes puissances, la doctrine... Quelle démocratie por la politique extérieure?
  • Edoardo Stoppioni, La fin de l'organe d'appel de l'OMC: chronique d'une mort annoncée
  • Marie Suzel Tabard, La Cour Internationale de Justice, le solidarisme et la rigeur du syllogisme: l'ordonnance du 5 juin 2023

New Issue: Nordic Journal of Human Rights

The latest issue of the Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 41, no. 4, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Elisa Fornalé, Vulnerability, Intertemporality, and Climate Litigation
  • Kaisa Huhta, Conceptualising Energy Justice in the Context of Human Rights Law
  • Kjersti Skarstad, Oppression or Support? Social Policy in the Lives of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Hannah Ji-Jia Liu, Obligation to Provide Sexuality Education: Reviewing Women’s Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health under UN Human Rights Treaties
  • Sean Molloy, Exclusionary Inclusion? Peace Agreements and Provisions on Child Protection
  • Marc A. Stuhldreier, The Gewirthian Needs-Based Hierarchy: A Concept for Prioritising Conflicting Norms in International Law
  • Tomas Wedin, Samuel Moyn and Marcel Gauchet on the Relationship Between Human Rights, Neoliberalism, and Inequality

New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

The latest issue of the Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 68, no. 1, January 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Michael A. Jensen, Neil Ferguson, Sheehan Kane, & Gary LaFree, Choosing Where to Fight: Do Social Networks Distinguish American ISIS Foreign Fighters from ISIS-Inspired Terrorists?
    • Lu Liu & Manuel Eisner, Beyond Ransom and Political Concessions? Explaining Changes in Insurgents’ Kidnapping Involvement Versus Event-frequency
    • Chia-yi Lee & Yasutaka Tominaga, The Determinants of Terrorist Listing
    • Nadiya Kostyuk & Erik Gartzke, Fighting in Cyberspace: Internet Access and the Substitutability of Cyber and Military Operations
    • James D. Kim, The Long-run Impact of Childhood Wartime Violence on Preferences for Nuclear Proliferation
    • Chanelle Duley & Prasanna Gai, Electoral Integrity, the Concession of Power, and the Disciplining Role of Protests
  • Data Set Feature
    • Sara Hellmüller, Xiang-Yun Rosalind Tan, & Corinne Bara, What is in a Mandate? Introducing the UN Peace Mission Mandates Dataset

New Volume: Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs

The latest volume of the Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (Vol. 40, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Essay
    • Ying-jeou Ma, Reflections on Why I Studied International Law and How I Used It to Help my Country and People
  • Articles
    • David Proaño Alcívar, States in Danger of Extinction: The Case of the Republic of Kiribati
    • Tomas Hamilton & Gabriele Caon, Corporate Accountability for Atrocity Crimes in Myanmar: Business Complicity in the Investigations of the UN Fact-Finding Mission
    • Sungjin Kang, The DEPA and ASDEA: Template for Digital Trade Agreements for Indo-Pacific?
    • Mao-wei Lo, Can the CPTPP Help? The (Un)expected Roles of the CPTPP to Eradicate Forced Labor Issues in Taiwanese Distant Water Fisheries
  • Special Reports: Indo-Pacific Strategies
    • Desirée LeClercq, The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity: Promise or Peril for Labor Governance through Trade Instruments?
    • Yurika Ishii, The Connectivity in the Indo-Pacific: Policies and Strategies of the ASEAN, the US, and the EU
    • Arie Afriansyah & Aristyo Rizka Darmawan, Sailing between Reefs: Balancing Indonesia’s Maritime Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
    • Stefanie Schacherer, The EU and the Indo-Pacific Region – Prospects of a Green Partnership
  • Special Reports: Taiwan and International Law
    • David KC Huang & Nigel N.T. Li, National Identity in Taiwan: A Doctrinal Analysis through the Lens of Democratism
    • Tsung-Ling Lee, Taiwan and the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR): Covid-19 and the Evolving Landscape of Global Health
    • Ying-Jun Lin, No Pay, No Gain? APEC and Taiwan’s Experiences

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New Issue: Italian Review of International and Comparative Law

The latest issue of the Italian Review of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 3, no. 2, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: The Judicial Protection of the Environment in International and European Law
    • Claudia Candelmo, Lorenzo Cecchetti, Domenico Pauciulo & Pierfrancesco Rossi, The Judicial Protection of the Environment in International and European Law
    • Jorge E. Viñuales, Second Thoughts? The International Adjudication of Environmental Disputes 30 Years Later
    • Riccardo Luporini, Climate Change Litigation before International Human Rights Bodies: Insights from Daniel Billy et al. v. Australia (Torres Strait Islanders Case)
    • Antonio Mariconda, Victim Status of Individuals in Climate Change Litigation before the ECtHR: Between Old Certainties and New Challenges
    • Federica Passarini, Legal Standing of Individuals and NGOs in Environmental Matters under Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention
    • Pierre Clément Mingozzi, The Contribution of itlos to Fight Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges of the cosis Request for an Advisory Opinion
    • Julio Alberto Tilloy, The ITLOS Jurisprudence Regarding the Procedural Obligation to Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Significance for Deep Seabed Mining
    • Francesca Sironi De Gregorio, Proving Environmental Harm in Inter-State Litigation: Challenges and Evolving Strategies
    • Camilla Burelli, The Deterrent Effect of Financial Sanctions Pursuant to Article 260(2) TFEU in the Context of Violations of Environmental Obligations 367
    • Nadia Perrone, Perspectives of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction for Environmental Damage in the Proposal of the European Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
    • Marco Pasqua, Authorisations to Emit Greenhouse Gases – A Conflict-of-Laws Perspective
    • Anna Facchinetti, State Immunity from Civil Jurisdiction in Transboundary Environmental Litigations
    • Francesco Gallarati, Is Climate Emergency a Constitutional Emergency? A Critical Appraisal
    • Roberto Louvin, Ezio Benedetti & Pasquale Viola, Comparative Public Law and Water Crisis: Environmental Cost, Participation, and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Articles
    • Elena Corcione, Is There a Role for Domestic Law in the Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights? Why Autonomous Concepts Are not That Autonomous After All
    • Franco Peirone, Another Brick in the Building of the EU Rule of Law: Anti-Corruption
  • Case Notes
    • Giacomo Biagioni, Recognition of a Danish Monetary Penalty in Employment Matters and Public Policy
    • Alessandro Nascimbeni, The Italian Supreme Court and the European ne bis in idem Principle: A Correct Decision Worthy of Some Criticism
    • Matilde Rocca, Upholding Maritime Migrants’ Rights at the Borders of Europe – J.A. and Others v. Italy
  • Recent Developments
    • Silvia Talavera Lodos, Reframing Special Protection and Immigration as an Emergency: Italy’s Not-So-Novel Approach

Call for Papers: Social Hierarchies in Catastrophic Times: International Law, Critique, and Structural Change

A call for papers has been issued for a workshop on “Social Hierarchies in Catastrophic Times: International Law, Critique, and Structural Change,” to take place September 3-7, 2024, in Kochi. The call is here.

Call for Submissions: Polish Yearbook of International Law

The Polish Yearbook of International Law has issued a call for submissions for its next volume (vol. 43, 2023). The deadline is January 31, 2024. The call is here.

Monday, December 11, 2023

New Volume: Asian Yearbook of International Law

The latest volume of the Asian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 27, 2021) is out. Contents include:
  • Amrith Rohan Perera & Karawita Arachchige Akalanka Nuwan Thilakarathna, M.C.W. Pinto’s Contribution to the Development of International Law
  • J. Eduardo Malaya, Philippine State Practice on Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
  • Chun-i Chen, The Practices on Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges of the Republic of China on Taiwan: A Unique Case
  • Rustam Atadjanov, Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: Central Asian Law and Practice
  • Dorothea Anthony, Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: Australian Practice
  • Muhammad Ekramul Haque & Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan, Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges: Bangladesh State Practice
  • Pranjali Kanel, Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: Looking at the Nepalese Approach

Sunday, December 10, 2023

New Volume: Polish Yearbook of International Law

The latest volume of the Polish Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 42, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Section: The War in Ukraine
    • Anna Wyrozumska, The Russian “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine before International Courts
    • Jerzy Kranz, Russian Crimes in Ukraine: Between Guilt and Responsibility
    • Anastasiia Vorobiova, The “Lessons of Nuremberg”: Their Use and Abuse in the Current Russia-Ukraine War
    • Tiina Pajuste & Julia Vassileva, Inclusion of Women in the Ukrainian Peace Process – Can International Law Play a Bigger Role in Ensuring Inclusion?
    • Dominika Pietkun, The European Commission Filing Gaps in the FDI Screening Regulation in the Face of the War in Ukraine
    • Aleksander Gubrynowicz, At the Crossroads of International Criminal Law, the Montreal Convention, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: Some Remarks on the Interpretation of International Law by the Hague District Court in the MH-17 Judgments and Their Potential Legacies
  • General Articles
    • Małgosia Fitzmaurice, Human Right to Clean Environment and the Rights of Nature in the Anthropocene
    • Joanna Markiewicz-Stanny, Age Assessment: Polish Practice and International Standards
    • Peter Hilpold & Julia Waibl, The Poet, the Law and the Protection of Individual Rights: An EU Reform Proposal from Literature
    • Łukasz Gruszczyński & Réka Friedery, The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies: The Case of (Im)migration (2015-2018)
    • Izabela Jędrzejowska-Schiffauer, Łukasz Szoszkiewicz, Joseph Wilde-Ramsing, Katharine Booth, Pauline Barraud de Lagerie, & Beata Faracik, Towards EU-wide Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence for Business: A Breakthrough in Europe and Beyond?
    • Sylwia Mazur, The Temporary Protection Directive is Dead, Long Live the Temporary Protection Directive! Indispensability of the Temporary Protection Scheme in the EU Legal Landscape
  • Polish Practice
    • Oktawian Kuc, Russian Properties in Warsaw. Decades-long Polish-Russian Diplomatic and Legal Battles for Parity and the Questions of Immunities in Polish Courts
    • Aleksandra Mężykowska, Domestic practice: Resolutions of the Chambers of the Polish Parliament (Sejm and Senate) on recognition of Russia as a terrorist state in light of the practice of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and European Parliament
    • Resolution of Sejm of the Republic of Poland of 14 December 2022 on the recognition of the Russian Federation as a state supporting terrorism
    • Resolution of Senate of the Republic of Poland from 26 October 2022 on the recognition of the authorities of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime
    • Katarzyna Strąk, The Impact of the Return Directive on Polish Return Law and Practice – Recent Developments
  • Book Reviews
    • Michał Kowalski, Lukasz Gruszczynski, Marcin Menkes, Veronika Bílková and Paolo Davide Farah (eds.), The Crisis of Multilateral Legal Order. Causes, Dynamics and Implications, Routledge, London and New York 2023
    • Bartłomiej Krzan, Oktawian Kuc, The International Court of Justice and Municipal Courts: An Inter-Judicial Dialogue, Routledge, London, New York: 2022
    • Jakub Kociubiński, Maciej Bernatt, Populism and antitrust: the illiberal influence of populist government on the competition law system, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 2022
    • Ewa Bujak, Chien-Huei Wu, Law and Politics on Export Restrictions. WTO and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 2021