- Eliav Lieblich & Yoram Shachar, Cosmopolitanism at a Crossroads: Hersch Lauterpacht and the Israeli Declaration of Independence
- Asif Hameed, Unravelling the Mystery of Jus Cogens in International Law
- Jean d’Aspremont, The Idea of ‘Rules’ in the Sources of International Law
- Robert Kolb, The Jurisprudence of the Yugoslav and Rwandan Criminal Tribunals on their Jurisdiction and on International Crimes (2004-2013)
- Alex Mills, Rethinking Jurisdiction in International Law
- Helen Quane, Silence in International Law
- Daniel Peat, The Use of Court-Appointed Experts by the International Court of Justice
- Sahib Singh, Narrative and Theory: Formalism’s Recurrent Return
Saturday, December 6, 2014
New Volume: British Yearbook of International Law
Friday, December 5, 2014
New Issue: Kokusaihō gaikō zasshi / Journal of International Law and Diplomacy
- Ryo Yamamoto, The Function of Soft Law in International Legal Process
- Shin Hae Bong, Procedural Obligations as Positive Obligations to Protect Human Rights: Development of Jurisprudence Concerning Effective Investigation into Human Rights Violations
- Satoshi Yamamoto, The Multi-Stage Structure and the Character of Decision in Refugee Status Determination: The Placement and the Function of Benefit of the Doubt Element
New Volume: Italian Yearbook of International Law
- Symposium: International Investment Regulation: Trends and Challenges
- Francesco Francioni, Foreign Investments, Sovereignty and the Public Good
- Jorge E. Viñuales, Customary Law in Investment Regulation
- Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, “Fragmentation” of International Law as a Strategy for Reforming International Investment Law
- Pia Acconci, The “Unexpected” Development-Friendly Definition of Investment in the 2013 Resolution of the Institut de Droit International
- Eduardo Savarese, The Coherence of EU Law: The Promotion of Investments vs. The Protection of Human Rights
- Anna De Luca, Transfer Provisions of BITs in Times of Financial Crisis
- Alfredo Rizzo, Legal Foundations of the Competence of the European Union on Foreign Direct Investments
- Ferdinando Franceschelli, Protecting Italian Investments In Libya’s Changing Environment
- Articles
- Alessandra Annoni, International Action Against Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea Off the Coast of Somalia
- Alessandro Chechi, The Gurlitt Hoard: An Appraisal of the Role of International Law with Respect to Nazi-Looted Art
- Federico Casolari, Respect for the Rule of Law in a Time of Economic and Financial Crisis: The Role of Regional International Organizations in the Hungarian Affaire
- Notes and Comments
- Marco Gestri, The Shalabayeva Case: Issues of International and EU Law
- Valentina Spiga, Effective Limitations and Illusory Rights: A Comment on the Mothers of Srebrenica Decision of the European Court of Human Rights
- Christine Bakker, Dual Attribution of Acts Committed by a UN Peacekeeping Force: An Emerging Norm of Customary International Law? The Dutch Supreme Court’s Judgments in Nuhanoviç and Mustafić
- Benedetta Ubertazzi, Non-Governmental Organizations and the 2013 Session of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee
Call for Papers: In Whose Name? On the Legitimacy of International Adjudication
Call for Papers
In Whose Name?
On the Legitimacy of International Adjudication
Agora Proposal for the ESIL Annual Conference
“The Judicialization of International Law - A Mixed Blessing?”
Oslo, 10–12 September 2015
In whose name do courts decide? Many domestic courts provide an answer in the opening words of their decisions. They routinely evoke the source of their legitimacy right at the start. When it comes to international courts and tribunals, we find nothing comparable. International courts and tribunals do not say in whose name they speak the law. What is the source of their legitimacy?
Answers may vary: Understood as instruments in the hands of disputing states, international courts and tribunals speak “In the Name of the Parties”. As organs of the value-based international community, they decide in “In the Name of the Community”. As regime institutions in an interdependent world, they tend to decide “In the Name of the Regime”. Besides, there may also be compromise formulas, such as “In the Name of the International Community of States”. Understood, finally, as multifunctional actors who exercise public authority, international courts and tribunals might speak “In the Name of Peoples and Citizens”. Which answer is compelling? Which other formulas are plausible and possibly preferable?
The normative assessment of the judicialization of international law, we submit, may find profound guidance from the question in whose name international courts and tribunals decide. The question cuts to the core of inquiries into legitimacy. We invite paper proposals that set out to fill the void at the beginning of international judicial decisions. What is the source of legitimacy of international adjudication? We invite any critique or comparison of different answers, or even a critique of the question itself.
With the help of this CfP, we wish to form a proposal for an agora at the ESIL Annual Conference in Oslo. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (MPI Luxembourg & Université de la Sorbonne) would act as the agora’s Chair. For more information about the ESIL Annual Conference 2015, see here. Proposals for papers can be submitted either in English or French.
Please submit your paper proposal of less than 800 words and a CV (including your affiliation and contact information) to esilpanel2015@mpil.de. The deadline is 15 January 2015. The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law will cover participants’ customary expenses for travel and accommodation. Submissions will receive a response by 22 January.
Armin von Bogdandy & Ingo Venzke
New Issue: Revista Española de Derecho Internacional

- Estudios
- Rosa María Riquelme Cortado, Entrada en vigor de los Protocolos Facultativos del Pacto Internacional de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales y de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño relativos a un procedimiento de comunicaciones
- María del Pilar Diago Diago, El matrimonio y su crisis ante los nuevos retos de la autonomía de la voluntad conflictual
- Margarita Robles Carrillo, El principio de jurisdicción universal: estado actual y perspectivas de evolución
- Francisco José Pascual Vives, Consenso e interpretación evolutiva de los tratados regionales de derechos humanos
- Notas
- Ana Manero Salvador ¿Gobernanza o desgobierno en las relaciones económicas internacionales?
Thursday, December 4, 2014
New Volume: Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal

- J. Davis, Resuscitating Justice: The Inter-American Court Confronts the Entrenched Impunity of National Amnesty Laws
- N. Kyriakou, An Affront to the Conscience of Humanity: Enforced Disappearances in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- G. De León, Contributions and Challenges for the Inter American Court of Human Rights for the Protection of Migrants’ Rights: The Case of Vélez Loor v. Panama
- Á. Paúl, Examining Atala-Riffo and Daughters v. Chile, the First Inter-American Case on Sexual Orientation, and Some of its Implications :
- R.I. Sijniensky & N.A. Aizenstatd, Towards a Uniform Basis for the Right to Identity in the Normative Framework of the American Convention on Human Rights
- L. Lavrysen, Positive Obligations in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- G. D’avino, D. Fanciullo, A. Iermano, A. Martone, & R. Palladino, The Independence and Impartiality in the Inter-American Court’s Jurisprudence: The Specific Case of Judges’ Arbitral Removal
- L. Ayres França, The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Gomes Lund et al. (Guerrilha do Araguaia) v. Brazil Judgment and the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court Judgment on the Constitutionality and Conventionality of the 1979 Amnesty Law
- N. Pons & D. Đukić, Perspectives on the Interplay between the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court
- D. Contreras-garduno & J. Fraser, The Identification of Victims before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court and its Impact on Participation and Reparation: A Domino Effect?
- H. De Vylder, The Territorial Scope of the American Convention on Human Rights
- S. Vannuccini, Member States’ Compliance with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Judgments and Orders Requiring Non-Pecuniary Reparations
- V. David, The Inauguration of the Inter-American Defenders’ Era: Reflections after the Furlan Case
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Stephan W. Schill, Editorial: Towards a Normative Framework for Investment Law Reform
- Special Issue: Towards Better Bits? - Making International Investment Law Responsive to Sustainable Development Objectives
- Andreas R. Ziegler, An Introduction
- Anne-Juliette Bonzon, Balance Between Investment Protection and Sustainable Development in BITs
- Anne van Aaken, Smart Flexibility Clauses in International Investment Treaties and Sustainable Development
- Laurence Boisson de Chazournes & Brian McGarry, What Roles Can Constitutional Law Play in Investment Arbitration?
- Faraz Rojid & Maria del Carmen Vasquez, Investment Law and Poverty: Continuing the Debate through UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development
- Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, Poverty and Investment Law: Starting the Discussion
- Tarcisio Gazzini, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Sustainable Development
- Jonathan Bonnitcha, Investment Treaties and Transition from Authoritarian Rule
New Issue: The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals

- Abel S. Knottnerus, Extraordinary Exceptions at the International Criminal Court: The (New) Rules and Jurisprudence on Presence at Trial
- Gabriela A. Oanta, The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions
- Simone Vezzani, icann’s New Generic Top-Level Domain Names Dispute Resolution Procedure Viewed Against the Protection of the Public Interest of the Internet Community: Litigation Regarding Health-Related Strings
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Inaugural Issue: Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional
- Analía Banfi Vique & Sofía Galván Puente, Los derechos de las personas con discapacidad y la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
- Christine Gray, Asesinatos selectivos: intentos recientes de los Estados Unidos de crear un marco jurídico (traducción)
- Martti Koskenniemi, La política del Derecho internacional (traducción)
- Martti Koskenniemi, La política del Derecho internacional, 20 años después (traducción)
- Máximo Langer, La diplomacia de la jurisdicción universal: los poderes políticos y la persecución transnacional de los crímenes internacionales (traducción)
- Fabián Raimondo, En busca de un método apropiado para solucionar la controversia sobre las Islas Malvinas
- Entrevista a Luis Moreno Ocampo
Workshop: International Investment Law and History
Beckers-Schwarz: Der Investitionsschutz durch die Inländer(gleich)behandlung des WTO-Rechts
Wird ein Land WTO-Mitglied, steigt das Volumen an Auslandsinvestitionen substantiell. Die erste Hypothese dieser Arbeit analysiert demgemäß inwieweit das kohärente WTO-Recht Investitionen schon bei dessen „(direkter) Anwendung“ zwischen Staaten schützt.
Darüber hinaus wachsen das globale Handelsrecht und das Investitionsschutzrecht zunehmend zusammen. Die zweite Hypothese dieser Arbeit analysiert daher, inwieweit das WTO-Recht, wenn adäquat im IIA-Recht herangezogen, Investitionen im Wege „indirekter Berücksichtigung“ bei der Auslegung von IIA-Recht schützt. So wird aufgezeigt, wie das multilateral einheitliche WTO-Recht zur Defragmentierung des IIA-Rechts aus 3000 Einzel-IIAs beitragen kann.
Nach einer einführenden Begriffsbestimmung und einer kurzen Abgrenzung zu MFN wird die Analyse beispielhaft an den Merkmalen der Inländer(gleich)behandlungsnormen von GATT, GATS und TRIPS sowie zentraler bi- und trilateraler IIAs wie dem NAFTA durchgeführt.
Ruthemeyer: Der amicus curiae brief im Internationalen Investitionsrecht
Im Internationalen Investitionsrecht haben NGOs und sonstige nichtstaatliche Akteure den amicus curiae brief für sich entdeckt, um auf bestimmte Folgewirkungen eines Schiedsspruchs hinzuweisen. Auch die Europäische Kommission tritt in Investitionsverfahren verstärkt als amicus curiae in Erscheinung.
Der lateinische Begriff amicus curiae bedeutet übersetzt „Freund des Gerichts“. Es handelt sich um ein Rechtsinstitut, das dem angloamerikanischen Prozessrecht entstammt. Es erlaubt verfahrensfremden Dritten, sich mittels eines Schriftsatzes (engl.: „brief“) in ein gerichtliches Verfahren einzuschalten und rechtlich Stellung zu nehmen.
Das Buch geht auf die historische Entwicklung des amicus briefs ein und analysiert die Rechtsgrundlagen des amicus briefs im Investitionsrecht sowie seine Akzeptanz in der Schiedsgerichtspraxis. Es werden konkrete Vorschläge zur Optimierung der Rechtslage unterbreitet und Handlungsempfehlungen an die Akteure im internationalen Investitionsrecht ausgesprochen.
Conference: Member State Responsibility and International Organizations: Recent Developments
Against the backdrop of the International Law Commission’s work on international responsibility, the conference seeks to capture current developments in the law and practice of the international responsibility of Member States of international organizations.
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 368
- Eyal Benvenisti, The Law of Global Governance
- K.G. Park, La protection des personnes en cas de catastrophe
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
New Volume: Asian Yearbook of International Law
- Surya Subedi, Land Rights in Countries in Transition: A Case Study of Human Rights Impact of Economic Land Concessions in Cambodia
- Sumaiya Khair, Bringing International Human Rights Law Home: Trends and Practices of Bangladeshi Courts
- Rhona Smith Form over Substance? China's Contribution to Human Rights Through Universal Periodic Review
- Mario Gomez, Keeping Rights Alive: Reform and Reconciliation in Post-War Sri Lanka
- Kanami Ishibashi, The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: A Provisional Analysis and Survey of the Government's International and Domestic Response
Pedretti: Immunity of Heads of State and State Officials for International Crimes
Ramona Pedretti offers, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the rules of customary international law relating to immunity of Heads of State and other State officials in the context of crimes pursuant to international law and their relationship with core principles of international law. The book gives the reader a full picture of this topical issue which is located at the heart of today's development of international law. It contains an in-depth evaluation of a vast amount of relevant material, ranging from domestic laws to judicial decisions of domestic and international courts. The fact that the International Law Commission is deliberating the issue with a view to drafting an international treaty underscores the book's importance and timeliness.
Call for Submissions: Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration
Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration
We are pleased to announce a forthcoming TDM special issue on “Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration.” This Special Issue will analyse discrimination and diversity in international arbitration. It will examine new trends, developments, and challenges in the use of practitioners from different geographical, ethnic/racial, religious backgrounds as well as of different genders in international arbitration, whether as counsel or tribunal members.
This special issue will be edited by Professor Rashda Rana SC (Barrister, Arbitrator at 39 Essex Street Chambers, President ArbitralWomen) and Louise Barrington (Independent Arbitrator and Director Aculex Transnational Inc) with the assistance of the Edition Committee including Karen Mills (Partner Karim Syah Indonesia) and Gabrielle Nater Bass (Partner Homburger Switzerland).
International arbitration has experienced substantial growth in the past two decades. The ascendance of international arbitration as a preferred method of resolving disputes between international parties is the product of the growth of world economies and the increased participation in global commerce of emerging markets. The rise of many states as major investment destinations and the expansion of multinational corporations into new markets have increased business opportunities, and thus the numbers of business disputes worldwide.
The high demand for arbitration (and other forms of ADR) services, in turn, has driven many governments to cultivate a pro-arbitration environment through new arbitration legislation and other mechanisms, and has led to the proliferation of international arbitral centres throughout the world but particularly in Asia (including in Singapore, Hong Kong and elsewhere). Likewise, many global law firms have also responded to this increased demand by aggressively entering new markets and deploying significant resources to those emerging regions.
The expansion of international arbitration into new regions as well as steady growth in more established markets has not, however, been reflected in the greater participation of a greater variety of practitioner whether female or non-European/American or from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Women are not getting the same opportunities as men, regardless of background. Of equal concern is the fact that practitioners from non-European/American backgrounds or in regions such as Africa and Asia are not getting the same opportunities as their European and American counterparts. In that regard, Islamic Finance Arbitration is a growing field where regional and religious backgrounds may play a role. Only time will tell if that area will be over represented by a homogenous type of arbitrator and counsel.
Statistics published by arbitral institutions indicate quite strongly that, more generally, there is a severe imbalance in the vast number of appointments whether by parties or by the institution concerned. The appointment of European and American arbitrators usually account for a large chunk of the pie chart with the thinnest, barely visible slivers representing arbitrators from other regions or ethnicity. Further analysis of the numbers indicates that things are not really improving.
This TDM Special Issue will provide international practitioners and academics with an overview of the overall position of diversity in international arbitration: Possible topics for submission to the special issue might include:
- Why an increase in work in the international arbitration area of practice has not lead to the commensurate growth in participation by a more diverse group of practitioners – this might include not only the male/female divide but also the African / Asian / European / American divide;
- Does limiting the field of international arbitration players mean that the scope of the decisions made at all levels are also being limited?
- Are legal sector reforms necessary to improve the diversity; are quotas a good thing?
- How can the pro-arbitration culture be replicated in a pro-diversity argument;
- Prospect of a fairer representation of participants covering gender, ethnicity, regions and religion in international arbitration;
- Obstacles for the discriminated groups preventing them from getting on in the international arbitration area of practice and how they can be overcome;
- Nature of and empirical study of geographical/regional, ethnic/racial and male/female diversity in international arbitration;
- The impact of differing levels of participation in international arbitration on business dispute resolution and the effect of cultural norms on the practice of international arbitration; and
- Influence of dispute resolution culture / traditions.
We invite all those with an interest in the subject to contribute articles or notes on one of the above topics or any other relevant issue. This special issue will be edited by:
Rashda Rana SC
39 Essex Street Chambers,
President ArbitralWomen
Louise Barrington
Independent Arbitrator and Director
Aculex Transnational Inc
Please address all questions and proposals to them at Rashda.rana@39essex.com and Louise.barrington@gmail.com CC info@transnational-dispute-management.com when you submit material. Publication is expected in July 2015. Proposals for papers should be submitted to the editors by 30 January 2015.
Feel free to circulate this call for papers amongst friends, colleagues and other people who you think may have an interest in this topic. This call for papers can also be found on the TDM website here.
Ebbesson, et al.: International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi
- Ove Bring, The Use of Force under the UN Charter: Modification and Reform through Practice or Consensus
- Iain Cameron, Regulating Private Military and Security Companies
- Hans Corell, The Mandate of the United Nations Security Council in a Changing World
- Per Cramér, Who is Responsible and for How Long? Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and the Obligation to Prevent Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - A Swedish Perspective
- Jonas Ebbesson, Social-Ecological Security and International Law in the Anthropocene
- Richard Falk, Nonviolent Geopolitics: Law, Politics, and 21st Century Security
- David I Fisher, The Progression of International Law in Fostering the Extraterritorial Prosecution of Child Sex Tourist Offences
- Pär Hallström, Margin of Appreciation and National Security
- Marie Jacobsson, Syria and the Issue of Chemical Weapons. A Snapshot of a Legal Time-frame: the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) and the OPCW Executive Council Decision
- Mark Klamberg, International Law in the Age of Asymmetrical Warfare, Virtual Cockpits and Autonomous Robots
- Timo Koivura, Climate Change and International Security
- Abdul G. Koroma, Law of Sustainable Development in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice
- David Langlet, Minerals as Scarce Resources: the Quest for Secure and Sustainable Supply
- Phoebe Okowa, The Security Council, the African Union and the International Criminal Court: Anatomy of a Problematic Relationship
- Tullio Scovazzi & Ilaria Tani, Off-shore Wind Energy Development in International Law
- Dinah Shelton, The Human Security of Endangered Peoples. Indigenous Groups Living in Isolation and First Contact
- Geir Ulfstein, Towards an International Human Rights Judiciary?
- Pål Wrange, Intervention in National and Private Cyberspace and International Law
- Inger Österdahl, Human Rights before Security in Kadi and Beyond
Nordquist, et al.: Freedom of Navigation and Globalization
Freedom of Navigation and Globalization offers a timely analysis of current issues in the Law of the Sea in six Parts. Part I examines co-operative measures taken within the Southeast Asia region to combat piracy and armed robbery against ships, and the historical activities of the Republic of Korea navy in countering piracy. Part II focuses on transnational threats including counter proliferation activities, freedom of navigation, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and the regulation of private maritime security companies. Part III consists of two essays on development in the Arctic Ocean. The first updates the activities of the Arctic Council, the second looks at cooperative measures taken by China, Japan, and Korea with respect to science in the Arctic. In Part IV the topic of energy security and sealanes is taken up. Institutional building within ASEAN is examined for maritime security in Southeast Asia. Freedom of navigation is compared with the straight baselines of China in the South China Sea. In the next essay, cooperative efforts to enhance navigational safety and environmental protection in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore are explored. Part V considers balancing marine environmental protection and freedom of navigation. The European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive is reviewed. The dispute settlement regime in UNCLOS and the 2001 International Law Commission Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts are analyzed for flag State responsibility for pollution violations. The current mechanisms in the South China Sea marine environment are also evaluated. Part VI discusses marine data collection in the context of its applicability to Part XIII of UNCLOS. Attention is given to the various categories and their legal consequences. The last paper in the volume outlines global challenges such as global warming, rising sea level and changes in the ice over in the Polar Regions.
New Issue: Review of International Studies

- Global Health in International Relations
- Sara E. Davies, Stefan Elbe, Alison Howell, & Colin McInnes, Editors' Introduction
- Colin McInnes & Simon Rushton, Health for health's sake, winning for God's sake: US Global Health Diplomacy and smart power in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Sara E. Davies, Healthy populations, political stability, and regime type: Southeast Asia as a case study
- Garrett Wallace Brown, Norm diffusion and health system strengthening: The persistent relevance of national leadership in global health governance
- Anne Roemer-Mahler, The rise of companies from emerging markets in global health governance: Opportunities and challenges
- Stefan Elbe, The pharmaceuticalisation of security: Molecular biomedicine, antiviral stockpiles, and global health security
- João Nunes, Questioning health security: Insecurity and domination in world politics
- Alison Howell, The Global Politics of Medicine: Beyond global health, against securitisation theory
Call for Papers: Fourth Annual Junior Faculty Forum for International Law (Reminder)
New Issue: Journal of World Energy Law & Business

- Alibek Nurbekov & Alexander Van de Putte, An ambitious yet realistic roadmap to virtually eliminate gas flaring and venting in Kazakhstan
- Eduardo Pereira & Kim Talus, National petroleum supply reservations: background and comparison
- Tade Oyewunmi, Examining the legal and regulatory framework for domestic gas utilization and power generation in Nigeria
- Fabio Solimene, Use of FIDIC forms in the oil and gas construction sector and possible amendments to the Yellow and Silver Books
New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Detention in Non-International Armed Conflict
- Jacques Hartmann, The Copenhagen Process: Principles and Guidelines
- Ramin Mahnad, Beyond Process: The Material Framework for Detention and the Particularities of Non-International Armed Conflict
- James Turner Johnson, A Dialogue: Ethics, Law, and the Question of Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts
- Other Articles
- Bill Boothby, Autonomous Attack—Opportunity or Spectre?
- Paul Eden, The Practices of Apartheid as a War Crime: A Critical Analysis
- Michelle Lesh, A Critical Discussion of the Second Turkel Report and How It Engages with the Duty to Investigate Under International Law
- Christophe Paulussen, Jessica Dorsey & Sarah-Jane Koulen, Year in Review 2013
- Essays on the Boundaries of the Battlefield
- Jessica Dorsey & Christophe Paulussen, Boundaries of the Battlefield: A Critical Look at the Legal Paradigms and Rules in Countering Terrorism
- Terry D. Gill, Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: A Plea for Mutual Respect and a Common-Sense Approach
- Gilles De Kerchove & Christiane Höhn, Counter-Terrorism and International Law Since 9/11, Including in the EU-US Context
- Laurie R. Blank, Debates and Dichotomies: Exploring the Presumptions Underlying Contentions About the Geography of Armed Conflict
- Peter Margulies & Matthew Sinnot, Crossing Borders to Target Al-Qaeda and Its Affiliates: Defining Networks as Organized Armed Groups in Non-International Armed Conflicts
Monday, December 1, 2014
New Issue: Michigan Journal of International Law
- Jeffrey R. Boles, The Two Faces of Bribery: International Corruption Pathways Meet Conflicting Legislative Regimes
- Sam F. Halabi, Multipolarity, Intellectual Property, and the Internationalization of Public Health Law
- Daphné Richemond-Barak, Can Self-Regulation Work? Lessons From the Private Security and Military Industry
Baudin: Les cyber-attaques dans les armés
Quel Etat peut aujourd'hui dire qu'il n'a jamais fait l'objet de cyber-attaques, de façon directe ou indirecte ? Les attaques cybernétiques sont devenues une nouvelle arme pouvant être employée en prémices à l'éclatement d'un conflit en menaçant la stabilité des relations internationales. Ce livre tente de les définir pour établir une qualification et un encadrement juridique précis en droit international, et ainsi envisager une éventuelle sanction.
Ohlin: Justice after War
After the conclusion of hostilities, whether formal armed conflict or not, parties must be held to account for their behavior. This sentiment is almost universally shared, regardless of one’s moral or ethical framework, though the specifics of this accounting are deeply controversial and contested. In Part 2 of this brief commentary, I offer a normative foundation for justice after war that appeals to the anti-impunity norm. I conclude that criminal trials, as opposed to non-penal mechanisms, best vindicate the anti-impunity norm. In light of this conclusion, Part 3 asks how we should achieve justice after war: who should be put on trial (leaders or foot soldiers), who should prosecute them (national or international courts), which crimes they should be charged with (domestic or international crimes), which procedures should govern the trials, and how (and why) they should be punished.
New Issue: Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé
- R. Tafotie, Les clauses dites de stabilisation dans les contrats d'investissement international : requiem pour une pratique incohérente et inefficace
- M. Lehmann, Le contrôle du loyer en droit comparé
- C. Stambelou, Vérité biologique et droit grec de la filiation
- T. Garcia, L'encadrement juridique des entreprises militaires et de sécurité privée à l'aune des règles contractuelles et de l'autorégulation
- G. De Pierpont, Le Code belge de droit économique
Kolb: Commentaire sur le pacte de la Société des Nations
Ce Commentaire du Pacte de la Société des Nations a un double but. En premier lieu, d’assurer l’information la plus complète et la plus à jour possible sur l’ensemble de l’expérience de la SDN, notamment dans ses aspects juridiques. Le Pacte est le texte fondateur du phénomène de l’organisation internationale au XXe siècle. C’est à ce titre qu’aucune recherche et qu’aucune prise de position approfondies en la matière ne peuvent s’abstraire de ce point de départ de 1919. En second lieu, la Charte des Nations Unies, texte fondamental de l’organisation politique mondiale actuelle, s’oriente au Pacte de la SDN, tant quand elle en prolonge les linéaments que quand elle cherche au contraire une rupture. Comprendre la Charte, dans son texte de 1945, largement inaltéré à ce jour, suppose dès lors toujours de connaître le Pacte.
Job Opening: KU Leuven (Legal Doctoral Researcher)
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts

- Abhandlungen
- Otto Luchterhandt, Der Anschluss der Krim an Russland aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht
- Michael Geistlinger, Der Beitritt der Republik Krim zur Russ- ländischen Föderation aus der Warte des Selbstbestimmungsrechts der Völker
- Jerzy Kranz, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Sovereign Democracy: Some Remarks on the Annexation of Crimea by Russia
- Beiträge
- Frederik Becker, Völkerrechtliche Bindung und demokratische Rückbindung am Beispiel des Fiskalvertrags
- Matthias Kloth, Die zivilrechtliche Immunität von Staatsbediensteten bei Verstößen gegen das Folterverbot
- Thomas Bruha, Nachruf auf Hans-Peter Kaul (1943–2014)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Fitzmaurice: Sovereignty, Property and Empire, 1500–2000
This book analyses the laws that shaped modern European empires from medieval times to the twentieth century. Its geographical scope is global, including the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Poles. Andrew Fitzmaurice focuses upon the use of the law of occupation to justify and critique the appropriation of territory. He examines both discussions of occupation by theologians, philosophers and jurists, as well as its application by colonial publicists and settlers themselves. Beginning with the medieval revival of Roman law, this study reveals the evolution of arguments concerning the right to occupy through the School of Salamanca, the foundation of American colonies, seventeenth-century natural law theories, Enlightenment philosophers, eighteenth-century American colonies and the new American republic, writings of nineteenth-century jurists, debates over the carve up of Africa, twentieth-century discussions of the status of Polar territories, and the period of decolonisation.