The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 24, no. 2, 2024) is out. Contents include:
Simone Antonio Luciano, Pain as the Essence of Torture: Exploring the Characteristics and Requirements of the Element of “Pain or Suffering” in the Crime Against Humanity of Torture
Sarah Zink, Ecocide as a New Core Crime in the Rome Statute? An Ultima Ratio Lens on Legal Policy in International Criminal Law
Birju Kotecha, A Hollow Enterprise: International Criminal Justice and Public Relations
Lorenzo Acconciamessa, Balancing the Interest in Prosecuting International Crimes against the Fair Trial Guarantees:
The Italian Constitutional’s Court’s Judgment in the Regeni Case on the Prosecution of Torture In Absentia
Tatjana Grote, Crimes of Humanity: International Criminal Law as a Collective Psychological Defence Mechanism