- Julien Chaisse & Joanna Lam, World Investment & Trade: Shaping the Narrative for a Sustainable Future
- Milena Mottola, Development Aid Institutions in International Investment Law: towards a Holistic Approach to Development Financing Flows
- Malebakeng Agnes Forere, Towards Foreign Direct Investment for Development in the Host State? Revisiting Charter Cities
- Nicolette Butler & Jasem Tarawneh, A BIT of Protection for Non-Fungible Tokens: Digital Assets as a Catalyst for Economic Growth
Saturday, March 2, 2024
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
New Issue: Journal of International Criminal Justice

- Article
- Matthew Gillett & Wallace Fan, Expert Evidence and Digital Open Source Information: Bringing Online Evidence to the Courtroom
- Symposia
- Arab Perspectives on International Criminal Justice
- Anan Alsheikh Haidar, Foreword
- Noha Aboueldahab, Transitional Justice as Repression and Resistance: Practices in the Arab World
- Ghuna Bdiwi, Should We Call for Criminal Accountability During Ongoing Conflicts?
- Haykel Ben Mahfoudh, The Arab World and the International Criminal Court: Who Needs the Other More?
- Nidal Nabil Jurdi, The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Lessons from a Missed Legacy
- Twenty Years of the German Code of Crimes Against International Law
- Florian Jeßberger & Julia Geneuss, Foreword
- Florian Jeßberger, A Short History of Prosecuting Crimes under International Law in Germany
- Stefanie Bock, The German Code of Crimes Against International Law at Twenty: Overview and Assessment of Modern ‘German International Criminal Law’
- Aziz Epik & Leonie Steinl, Shortcomings of a Showpiece: Reflections on the Need for Reform of the German Code of Crimes Against International Law and Challenges for its Application
- Julia Geneuss, On the Relationship Between German International Criminal Law and Counter-terrorism Criminal Law
- Wolfgang Kaleck & Andreas Schüller, Room for Improvement: A Critical Assessment of 20 Years of the Code of Crimes Against International Law in Germany from an NGO Perspective
- Review Essay
- Fin-Jasper Langmack, Syrian State Torture on Trial
- Cases Before International Courts and Tribunals
- Radhika Kapoor, ‘Is It Too Late Now to Say Sorry?’: Remorse at International Criminal Tribunals
- Adaena Sinclair-Blakemore, The Admission of New Prosecutorial Evidence in International Criminal Retrials: An Assessment of the Exclusionary Rule in Stanišić and Simatović
- Yulia Nuzban, Context Matters: The Use of Overview Expert Evidence in ICC Trials
Thursday, February 29, 2024
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Digital Evidence
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Mishra: International Trade Law and Global Data Governance: Aligning Perspectives and Practices
This open access book examines how international trade agreements apply to domestic regulations on cross-border data flows and then proposes a multilayered framework to align international trade law with evolving norms and practices in global data governance.
Digital trade and global data governance are at a unique crossroads, raising significant policy challenges. The book focuses on five policy areas at the interface of digital trade and global data governance: privacy, cybersecurity, governmental access to data, data divide, and competition. In five separate chapters, the book analyses how different types of domestic laws in each of these policy areas interface with existing provisions in international trade law. Thereafter, each of these chapters explores the challenges and possibilities for aligning international trade law with evolving norms, standards and best practices in that specific area of data regulation, both at the domestic and transnational level.
Drawing upon these findings, the final chapter proposes a multilayered framework for aligning international trade law with evolving norms and practices in global data governance. The key message of the book is that international trade law can and should meaningfully align with and contribute to the development of transnational data governance norms and practices. It can also foster robust regulatory cooperation among various stakeholders of the digital economy.
As the book offers a broad perspective on the significance of digital trade rules in a datafied world, it will benefit scholars, practitioners and policymakers working on digital trade and data regulation, helping its readers explore fresh avenues in the future development of digital trade rules.
Call for Papers: Aesthetics of International Law and Politics
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
New Issue: International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law

- In Memoriam Professor Alan Boyle (1953–2023)
- Maruf Maruf & Yen-Chiang Chang, Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Migratory Marine Species against Anthropogenic Underwater Noise
- Ceciel Nieuwenhout & Liv Malin Andreasson, The Legal Framework for Artificial Energy Islands in the Northern Seas
- Tingting Ni, Junghwan Choi, & Jiancuo Qi, State Obligation in the East China Sea: Unilateral Activities and Countermeasures
- Eduardo Gracias Baptista, The Tantalising Islands: Insights from a Textualist Interpretation of Article 121 of the LOSC
- Stephany Aw, Coastal State Duties in the Repair of Submarine Cables
- Irini Papanicolopulu, The Law of the Sea in Past Scholarship
- Valentin Schatz & Sara Wissmann, Port State Control of Civilian Search and Rescue Vessels before the European Court of Justice: The Sea Watch Cases
Monday, February 26, 2024
Conference: Forty-First Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- HRLR Symposium 2024
- Dominic McGoldrick, Human Rights Law Review Symposiums 2023–25
- Bosko Tripkovic & Alain Zysset, Uncovering the Nature of ECHR Rights: An Analytical and Methodological Framework
- Corina Heri, Deference, Dignity and ‘Theoretical Crisis’: Justifying ECtHR Rights Between Prudence and Protection
- Steven Wheatley, Interpreting the ECHR in Light of the Increasingly High Standards Being Required by Human Rights: Insights from Social Ontology
- Lea Raible, Allocating Human Rights Obligations in the ECHR
- Başak Çalı, Does the Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights Fit the Practical Conception of Human Rights?
- Alon Harel, The Tension between the National and ECHR Human Rights Adjudication: A Normative Account
- Articles
- Alero I Fenemigho, On the Road to Silent Guns: Examining the Regional Regulation of States’ Use of Force during Counterterrorism Policing in Africa
- Luke D Graham, Reasserting the Right to Adequate Clothing in International Human Rights Law
- Julen Etxabe, Borrowed Words and Judicial Gestalt: A Dialogical Reading of Hirst, the ECtHR and Prisoner Voting Rights
- Daniel Ogunniyi, Climate Change and the Modern Slavery Conundrum in Africa: Reimagining the Relevance of Human Rights Law
- Matthew Gillett, Yutaka Karukaya, & Mia Marzotto, Reconciling the Dual-Faceted Mandates of Quasi-Judicial Human Rights Bodies: The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s Prima Facie Approach to Evidence
- Linnéa Nordlander, What’s in a Right? Concretizing States’ Climate Change Mitigation Obligations under Human Rights Law