Staatsverbrechen wie Ökozide, Migrations- oder Kriegsverbrechen sind jüngst durch zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in das öffentliche Bewusstsein gelangt. Menschenrechtsorganisationen reichen Strafanzeigen bei Gericht ein, um öffentliche Debatten anzuregen. Mit ihren Interventionen vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof machen sie die Öffentlichkeit auf Verbrechen des Globalen Nordens aufmerksam, die bislang wenig sichtbar sind. Diese strategische Prozessführung verfolgt einen rechtlichen und sozialen Wandel. Dabei nutzen zivile Akteure das Recht als Werkzeug, um breite Aufarbeitungsprozesse zu initiieren. Zugleich geraten die Akteure weltweit unter Druck und ihre Handlungsräume werden zunehmend eingeschränkt. Starke Zivilgesellschaften haben eine menschenrechtsschützende Funktion, insoweit sind völkerrechtliche Strategien zur Einbindung im Kontext der Aufarbeitung wichtig.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Rödiger: Staatsverbrechen im Völkerrecht: Zivilgesellschaftliche Interventionen als Grundlage eines neuen völkerrechtlichen Konzepts der Aufarbeitung
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- Fae Garland, Kay Lalor, & Mitchell Travis, Intersex Activism, Medical Power/Knowledge and the Scalar Limitations of the United Nations
- Hsien-Li Tan, Adaptive Protection of Human Rights: Stealth Institutionalisation of Scrutiny Functions in ASEAN’s Limited Regime
- Aishani Gupta, Taking Dignity Seriously to Protect Manual Scavengers in India: Lessons from the UN Human Rights Committee
- Tim Opgenhaffen, The Universal Right to Legal Capacity—Clearing the Haze
- Veronika Fikfak & Lora Izvorova, Language and Persuasion: Human Dignity at the European Court of Human Rights
- Sean Molloy, Advancing Children’s Rights in Peace Processes: The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
- Nils-Hendrik Grohmann, Tracing the Development of the Proportionality Analysis in Relation to Forced Evictions under the ICESCR
Call for Papers: Sustainability in the Sea: A Gaze from the Mediterranean Barcelona
Gholiagha: The Humanisation of Global Politics: International Criminal Law, the Responsibility to Protect, and Drones
This book observes a growing humanisation of global politics relating to the appearance of individual human beings in discourses of global politics. It identifies a mismatch concerning International Relations theory and International Law and the study of the humanisation of global politics. To overcome this mismatch, Sassan Gholiagha proposes a novel theoretical framework based on feminist and constructivist International Relations theory and non-statist theories of International Law scholarship. The book applies this interdisciplinary framework together with an interpretative analytical framework to three cases: the discourse on prosecution, studying international criminal law and the work of the International Criminal Court; the discourse on protection, focusing on the Responsibility to Protect; and the use of drones in targeted killing operations. Drawing on these case studies and the frameworks, the book identifies how individual human beings as participants in global politics position themselves and are positioned by others in these various discourses.
New Volume: Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Part 1 Festschrift: Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali
- Ayesha Shahid & Javaid Rehman, In Conversation with Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali
- Shaheen Sardar Ali - Curriculum Vitae 15 Surya P. Subedi, The Status of Dalit Women in Nepal
- Mashood A. Baderin, Prophet Muhammad as “A Mercy for the Worlds”: A Human Rights Perspective in Relation to the Blasphemy Laws and Respect for the Rule of Law in Pakistan
- Nadjma Yassari, Caught Between Religion and Law: The Case of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Iran
- Shahbaz Ahmad Cheema, Women’s Status in Islam: An Analysis from the Perspective of Private and Public Spheres
- Lena-Maria Möller, Marital Choice and “Suitability” in a Heterogeneous Society: Some Reflections on Kafāʾa in the United Arab Emirates
- Mamman Lawan, Al-Shaybani and Grotius: An Inquiry into Comparative International Law
- Musa Usman Abubakar, Interrogating the Plea of Grave and Sudden Provocation In Islamic Criminal Law: Case Study of Pakistan
- Ayesha Shahid, Child Domestic Workers in Pakistan: Challenges, Legislative Interventions, and Finding a Way Forward
- Part 2 General Articles
- Siobhan Smith, The Role of Education in Protecting the Right to Culture of Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities and in Peacebuilding: The Rohingya
- Ahmed Almutawa & Hajer Almanea, Analyses of Non-compliance to Legislation by Signatories to the Arab Charter of Human Rights: A Framework for National Observance and Regional Enforcement
- Mohammad Danyal Khan, Redefining the Interaction Between Patents and Access to Medicines; Will World Trade Organisation (WTO) show Solidarity by Accommodating Human Rights?
- Part 3 Developments in State Practice
- Alexander Gilder, Contracting Space for Opposing Speech in South East Asia and Restrictions on the Online Freedom of Expression
- Mamman Lawan, Nexus between Underdevelopment, Corruption and Legal Disorder in Nigeria
New Issue: Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions
- Isis Gonsalves, Small, Young, and Female: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on the United Nations Security Council from the Perspective of the Political Coordinator
- Vanessa F. Newby, Offering the Carrot and Hiding the Stick? Conceptualizing Credibility in UN Peacekeeping
- Ali Balci & Talha İsmail Duman, Muslim Solidarity in the UN General Assembly: Evidence from Elections of Rotating Members to the Security Council
- Brooke Coe & Kilian Spandler, Beyond Effectiveness: The Political Functions of ASEAN’s Disaster Governance
- Max-Otto Baumann, Policy Advice in UN Development Work: High Expectations and Practical Constraints
- Hai Yang, Politicizing Global Governance Institutions in Times of Crisis: The Case of World Health Organization during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Bernabé Malacalza & Debora Fagaburu, Empathy or Calculation? A Critical Analysis of Vaccination Geopolitics in Latin America
Friday, September 23, 2022
New Issue: London Review of International Law
- Articles
- Tanja Aalberts & Sofia Stolk, Building (of) the international community: a history of the Peace Palace through transnational gifts and local bureaucracy
- Eliana Cusato, Of violence and (in)visibility: the securitisation of climate change in international law
- Shaimaa Abdelkarim, Subaltern subjectivity and embodiment in human rights practices
- Michele Tedeschini, Unclosure: The international law of seabed mining and the systemic cycles of capital accumulation
- Books etc.
- Symposium: Informed Publics, Media and International Law by Daniel Joyce
- Barrie Sander, International law in the age of digital media: Reflections on history, the neoliberal communication sphere, and race
- Wouter Werner, Locating the informed publics
- Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Visibility, impact and relevance in international law
- Daniel Joyce, The imbrication of media and international law
Baumgärtel & Miellet: Theorizing Local Migration Law and Governance
In many regions around the world, the governance of migration increasingly involves local authorities and actors. This edited volume introduces theoretical contributions that, departing from the 'local turn' in migration studies, highlight the distinct role that legal processes, debates, and instruments play in driving this development. Drawing on historical and contemporary case studies, it demonstrates how paying closer analytical attention to legal questions reveals the inherent tensions and contradictions of migration governance. By investigating socio-legal phenomena such as sanctuary jurisdictions, it further explores how the law structures ongoing processes of (re)scaling in this domain. Beyond offering conceptual and empirical discussions of local migration governance, this volume also directly confronts the pressing normative questions that follow from the growing involvement of local authorities and actors.
Binder, Nowak, Hofbauer, & Janig: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights
Comprising over 340 entries, presented alphabetically, and available online and in print, the Encyclopedia addresses the full range of themes associated with the study and practice of human rights in the modern world. Topics range from substantive human rights to the relevant institutions, legal documents, conceptual and procedural issues of international law and a wide variety of thematic entries. The Encyclopedia has a distinct focus on international human rights law but at the same time is enriched by approaches from the broader social sciences, making it a truly unique and multi-disciplinary resource.
Ohlin: #Genocide: Atrocity as Pretext and Disinformation
This Article addresses the problem of false accusations of genocide. In the past, scholars and lawyers have fretted about the pernicious impact of genocide denial, but false accusations represent the opposite side of the disinformation coin. Instead of deny-ing the existence of a real genocide (as in Holocaust denial), the new accusations falsely accuse a state of genocide when no such genocide occurred. For example, Russia accused Ukraine of genocide against Russian-speaking civilians in Eastern Ukraine and then used that false accusation as a pretext for launching a military invasion of Ukraine. This Article investigates whether international law can, or should, address genocidal accusations that are used as false pretext and disinformation. The answer is a qualified yes, because such accusations are implicitly prohibited by the Genocide Convention and possibly by a broader requirement of good faith and honesty that applies in all international relations.
By way of background, Part I examines international law’s approach to disinformation and shows how the major frameworks—sovereignty, self-determination, and human rights—fail to adequately regulate or capture the distinctive harm of false accusations of genocide. Part II then looks at the specific role that the Genocide Convention might play in prohibiting false accusations and how the International Court of Justice might assert jurisdiction over such a dispute. In that analysis, the Article finds the seeds of a larger “axiomatic” principle under general international law that could prohibit false accusations leveled against other states. Part III then addresses the connection between genocidal accusations and the military campaigns that are launched under their banner. Part III concludes that rather than seeing this use of genocide as the natural outgrowth of the late-1990s debates over humanitarian intervention, we should instead see them as a distinct contemporary phenomenon: hybrid warfare and the use of disinformation to support territorial conquest. The reason for this reframing is that prior debates involved the use of real genocides as a justification for intervention, while the current moment involves wholly fictitious inventions of genocide. Finally, Part IV explores how Russia has used its genocidal accusation as a pretext to wage its own genocidal campaign against Ukraine—the ultimate endgame of a perverse form of disinformation that threatens the international legal order in ways that go beyond the prohibition on the use of force.
Blenk: Uses and Misuses of International Economic Law: Private Standards and Trade in Goods in the WTO and the EU
Standardization is a classic but diffuse and controversial form of rulemaking. Moritz J. K. Blenk applies a policy-orientated approach to compare the phenomenon of private standardization in the World Trade Organization and the European Union. The aim is to shed new light on private standardization and economic integration.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Szpak, Gawłowski, Modrzyńska, Modrzyński, & Dahl: The Role of Cities in International Relations: The Third-generation of Multi-level Governance?
Concerns about the position and function of nation-states in the international arena have led to a growing interest in the role of cities in international relations. This timely book advances the argument that cities are becoming active and informal actors in international law-making, indicating the emergence of a ‘third generation’ of multi-level governance.
Expansive in scope, the book investigates various areas of city cooperation such as the economy, migration, security, sustainable development, ecology, and the position of cities in international law. Interviews conducted with the official representatives of several cities and international institutions, including UN-Habitat, the EU Committee of the Regions, and the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, offer key insights into the most pressing urban issues of the 21st century. Examining the latest information on the international activities of cities, this engaging book explores the possibility that cities may soon reach the level of international subjects, capable of both implementing and creating international law.
Shirlow & Gore: The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution and Future
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution and Future is the first consolidated analysis of how the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) has informed the interpretation, application and development of international investment law and the resolution of investor-State disputes. Over the past several decades, the VCLT – the ‘treaty on treaties’ – has achieved a rich and nuanced track record of influence in international investment law, including in the context of investment treaty arbitration. This book demonstrates how approaches to key issues of treaty law in investment treaty arbitration diverge or converge from the VCLT and approaches of other international courts, as well as the lessons that investment treaty arbitration could derive from – or even offer for – the interpretation and application of the VCLT rules in other settings.
Islam: The Gambia v. Myanmar: An Analysis of the ICJ’s Decision on Jurisdiction under the Genocide Convention.
Online Talk: Çalı on "The Gender of Treaty Withdrawal: Lessons from the Istanbul Convention"
Longobardo: Legal Perspectives on the Role of the Notion of «Denazification» in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine under Jus contra Bellum and Jus in Bello
This article explores the role of the notion of «denazification» in the international legal discourse pertaining to jus contra bellum and jus in bello in relation to the 2022 Russian aggression against Ukraine. Although the use of this notion has potential legal affects to the application of international law, in the instant case, the denazification argument is insufficient to render the Russian invasion a lawful military operation. To reach this conclusion, the article offers a brief outline of the references to denazification in the Russian legal discourse pertaining to the invasion of Ukraine. Then, the article explores its relevance for jus contra bellum in relation to genocide prevention and struggle against racist regimes. Finally, the article analyses the potential impact of denazification discourse on jus in bello, with specific references to the extent to which it can be used to justify the alteration of the law in force in an occupied territory beyond what it is normally allowed by the law of occupation.
Cet article explore le rôle de la notion de «dénazification» dans le discours juridique international relatif au jus contra bellum et au jus in bello en ce qui concerne l’agression russe de 2022 contre l’Ukraine. Bien que l’utilisation de cette notion ait des effets juridiques potentiels sur l’application du droit international, en l’espèce, l’argument de la dénazification est insuffisant pour faire de l’invasion russe une opération militaire licite. Pour parvenir à cette conclusion, l’article propose un bref aperçu des références à la dénazification dans le discours juridique russe relatif à l'invasion de l’Ukraine. Ensuite, l’article explore sa pertinence pour le jus contra bellum en ce qui concerne la prévention du génocide et la lutte contre les régimes racistes. Enfin, l’article analyse l’impact potentiel du discours de dénazification sur le jus in bello, avec des références spécifiques à la mesure dans laquelle il peut être utilisé pour justifier la modification de la loi en vigueur dans un territoire occupé au-delà de ce qui est normalement autorisé par le droit d’occupation.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Conference: Trade, Investment and Small States
Hoffmann: War or Peace? - International Legal Issues concerning the Use of Force in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
The Russian Federation launched an armed invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, resulting in an international armed conflict of a level unprecedented since the Second World War. This article attempts to clarify the main international legal issues concerning the use of force and the support to of the belligerent parties. In the first part, it evaluates the Russian claims that the use of force is in accordance with the rules of international law, i.e. whether self-defence, the protection of nationals or humanitarian intervention could justify the intervention. In the second part, it investigates whether supporting one of the belligerent parties, especially Ukraine, could amount to a violation of the rules of neutrality or even constitute participation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Conference: War and Peace in the 21st Century – The Lifecycle of Modern Armed Conflicts
New Issue: Nordic Journal of Human Rights

- 40th Anniversary Celebratory Special Issue: The Future of Human Rights
- Gentian Zyberi, Johan Karlsson Schaffer, Carola Lingaas & Eduardo Sánchez Madrigal, Special Issue: The Future of Human Rights
- Kirtika Kattel, Are Human Rights Enough? Exploring Ways to Reimagining Human Rights Law
- Solomon Ayele Dersso, The Future of Human Rights and the African Human Rights System
- Allison Corkery, Gilad Isaacs & Carilee Osborne, Pushing Boundaries: Building a Community of Practice at the Intersection of Human Rights and Economics
- Ramona Biholar, Reparations for Chattel Slavery: A Call From the ‘Periphery’ to Decolonise International (Human Rights) Law
- Bede Sheppard, It's Time to Expand the Right to Education
- Miriam Cullen & Jane Munro, Preventing Disasters and Displacement: How Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Can Advance Local Resilience
- Annika Bergman Rosamond & Daria Davitti, Gender, Climate Breakdown and Resistance: The Future of Human Rights in the Shadow of Authoritarianism
- Helen Keller & Corina Heri, The Future is Now: Climate Cases Before the ECtHR
- Lotta Viikari, Rural Local Communities as Holders of Human Rights: From Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling to Small-Scale Local Community Whaling?
- José-Miguel Bello y Villarino & Ramona Vijeyarasa, International Human Rights, Artificial Intelligence, and the Challenge for the Pondering State: Time to Regulate?
- Sue Anne Teo, How Artificial Intelligence Systems Challenge the Conceptual Foundations of the Human Rights Legal Framework
- Zuzanna Godzimirska, Aysel Küçüksu & Salome Ravn, From the Vantage Point of Vulnerability Theory: Algorithmic Decision-Making and Access to the European Court of Human Rights
- Martin Lolle Christensen & William Hamilton Byrne, Two Paths in the Future Relationship of the European Court of Human Rights and the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights
New Issue: Global Society

- Edward Newman, Covid-19: A Human Security Analysis
- Mike Zapp, International Organisations and the Proliferation of Scientised Global Reporting, 1947–2019
- Alex Nadège Ouedraogo & Klaus Schlichte, Food policy and state formation in Senegal and Uganda
- Gary Lowery, Constructing Continuity: The Discursive Construction of the Great Crash of 2008–2009 as a Non-crisis of Neoliberalism
- Carolijn van Noort, The Aesthetic Power of Ships in International Political Communication: Why Ships Matter in China’s Communication of the Maritime Silk Road Initiative
- Tim L. Elcombe, Sport in Times of Turmoil: Political Uses of Sport in Global Crises
- Olusola Ogunnubi & Oladotun E. Awosusi, Nigeria’s ‘Border Diplomacy’: Rhetoric or Substance for Regional Hegemonic Leadership?
Call for Contributions: Improving Inclusiveness of IO Rule-Making
Buxbaum: The Practice(s) of Extraterritoriality
Extraterritoriality has a bad reputation. The term has acquired inescapably negative connotations as a result of its alignment with one particular practice: a state’s regulation of foreign activity without the consent—or, worse, over the objections—of the state in which the activity occurred. Yet while that practice has become common, particularly in the area of economic law, it is by no means the only form of extraterritorial governance. Exercises of legal authority that affect persons, activity, or interests outside the lawmaker’s territory take many forms and serve many purposes—and in many cases are unobjectionable as a matter of international law and policy.
Equating extraterritoriality with an overreach of state authority elides the significant differences among such practices, and this work seeks to explore the full range and variety of extraterritorial regulation. The chapter draws examples from many areas of substantive law, including criminal law, economic regulation, and human rights regimes. It considers different modes of extraterritorial governance, examining both unilateral regulation and regulation undertaken within treaty frameworks. Finally, the chapter identifies circumstances in which states practice extraterritoriality not to advance local interests but to achieve collective goals or protect global goods—as well as circumstances in which extraterritoriality is not merely permitted but is a state obligation.
The chapter explores not only the descriptive but also the normative dimensions of extraterritoriality. Although doctrine in this area relies heavily on geographic facts, the point of calling an exercise of legal authority “extraterritorial” is not to say something about the physical space in which a state acts. It is to say something about the legal space in which a state acts—that is, its jurisdiction. And the relationship between physical space and legal space is highly contingent, shifting across contexts and over time as a result of changes in international law and modes of human interaction. I approach extraterritoriality as a legal construct used to mediate the ever-changing relationship between regulatory needs (both of individual states and of the international community) and prevailing theories of sovereignty.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Amann: International Child Law and the Settlement of Ukraine-Russia and Other Conflicts
The Ukraine-Russia conflict has wreaked disproportionate harms upon children. Hundreds reportedly were killed or wounded within the opening months of the conflict, thousands lost loved ones, and millions left their homes, their schools, and their communities. Yet public discussions of how to settle the conflict contain very little at all about children. This article seeks to change that dynamic. It builds on a relatively recent trend, one that situates human rights within the structure of peace negotiations, to push for particularized treatment of children’s experiences, needs, rights, and capacities in eventual negotiations. The article draws upon twenty-first century projects that examine the lives of children in armed conflict by synthesizing international child law. The projects’ syntheses have influenced the work of certain international organizations bodies but not, to date, the work of peace settlements.
To demonstrate their relevance to conflict resolution, the article first outlines two syntheses by the United Nations and by the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor. After mapping child rights and conflict harms, it examines the treatment of children in Colombia’s 2016 peace agreement and a 1999 agreement related to Sierra Leone. The article concludes by proposing child-inclusive options for peace processes and eventual peace agreements.
Conference: Energy, Sustainability, and International Economic Law
Call for Papers/Appel à contributions: 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law/18e Conférence Annuelle de la Société Européenne de Droit International
Kotuby: Cassirer v. TBC: Federal Common Law is Not Always a Common Denominator
Workshop: Change in International Law: Rules of Change and Changing Rules
Monday, September 19, 2022
New Issue: Humanity

- Gregory Mann, The World Won’t Listen: The Mande “Hunters’ Oath” and Human Rights in Translation
- Diren Valayden & Jakob Feinig, Humanization as Money: Modern Monetary Theory and the Critique of Race
- Imogen Dobie, “Ambulances of the Sea”: The Terracization of Maritime Aid
- Ryan Martínez Mitchell, The Human Community of Fate: A Conceptual History of China’s Ordoglobal Idea
- Christiane Wilke & Mohd Khalid Naseemi, Counting Conflict: Quantifying Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan
- Samuel Dinger, Coordinating Care and Coercion: Styles of Sovereignty and the Politics of Humanitarian Aid in Lebanon
- Frédéric Mégret, Human Rights Populism
New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

- Margherita Melillo, Standards of Scientific Evidence in Preferential Trade Agreements
- Ben Czapnik, ‘Moral’ Determinations in WTO Law: Lessons from the Seals Dispute
- Yury Rovnov, DSU Article 11 Violations: A Statistical Exercise
- Karina Patrício Ferreira Lima, Sovereign Solvency as Monetary Power
- Irene Musselli & Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, Countering Commodity Trade Mispricing in Low-Income Countries: A Prescriptive Approach
- Yueming Yan, A New Chapter in China’s Stance on Labour Protection? An Assessment of the China–EU CAI
- Amit Zac, Competition Law and Economic Inequality: A Comparative Analysis of the US Model of Law