The book contains a collection of high-quality academic and expert contributions dealing with the central question of whether the Lisbon Treaty needs further revision. Due to the difficulties European Union actors have encountered in implementing the Lisbon Treaty’s reform and the inadequacies of the current legal framework brought to light by post-Lisbon practice, the volume focuses on possible innovations and functional approaches to improve the Union’s response to the challenges confronting it.
In doing so, the volume first takes a horizontal approach to the Treaty’ revision and considers some constitutional features showing the interaction between the EU and its Member States (namely, the parameters of constitutional developments, the allocation of competences, the principles of solidarity and loyal cooperation). Then, the focus shifts to the question of fundamental rights within the EU’s constitutional framework, one of the most relevant innovations of the Lisbon Treaty being the incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights into the Union’s primary law. The last part of the volume is devoted to another domain significantly reshaped by the Lisbon reform, namely, the Union’s external dimension. ECJ Advocate General Paolo Mengozzi’s conclusions highlight the common themes emerging from the various contributions, stressing the need for a more general supranational approach to the political crisis the Union is going through.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Rossi & Casolari: The EU after Lisbon: Amending or Coping with the Existing Treaties?
Friday, July 4, 2014
Guymon: Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 2013
The Department of State is pleased to announce the release of the 2013 Digest of United States Practice in International Law, covering developments during calendar year 2013. The Digest provides the public with a record of the views and practice of the Government of the United States in public and private international law. The official edition of the 2013 Digest is available exclusively on the State Department’s website. Past Digests covering 1989 through 2012 are also available on the State Department’s website. The Digest is edited by the Office of the Legal Adviser.
New Issue: American Journal of International Law

- Tom Ruys, The Meaning of “Force” and the Boundaries of the Jus ad Bellum: Are “Minimal” Uses of Force Excluded from UN Charter Article 2(4)?
- Richard B. Stewart, Remedying Disregard in Global Regulatory Governance: Accountability, Participation, and Responsiveness
- Current Developments
- Douglas Guilfoyle & Cameron A. Miles, Provisional Measures and the MV Arctic Sunrise
- International Decisions
- John D. Ciorciari, Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case Concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand)
- Mart Susi, Delfi AS v. Estonia
- Chimène I. Keitner, Jones v. United Kingdom
- John R. Crook, In re Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration (Pakistan v. India)
- Shen Wei, Tza Yap Shum v. Republic of Peru
- Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law
- Kristina Daugirdas & Julian Davis Mortenson, Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law
- Recent Books on International Law
- Brian R. Israel, International Law and Governance in a Changing Arctic, reviewing International Law and the Arctic, by Michael C. Byers; and Ice and Water: Politics, Peoples, and the Arctic Council, by John English
- George H. Aldrich, reviewing Humanizing the Laws of War: Selected Writings of Richard Baxter, by Richard Baxter
- Galit A. Sarfaty, reviewing Transnational Legal Ordering and State Change, edited by Gregory C. Shaffer
- Timothy Meyer, reviewing Economic Foundations of International Law, by Eric A. Posner and Alan O. Sykes
- Jacob Katz Cogan, reviewing The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, edited by Bardo Fassbender and Anne Peters
- Jaya Ramji-Nogales, reviewing Violence Against Women Under International Human Rights Law, by Alice Edwards
- Charlotte Ku, reviewing Informal International Lawmaking, edited by Joost Pauwelyn, Ramses A. Wessel, and Jan Wouters
Gherari: Les dérèglements économiques internationaux : crise du droit ou droit des crises ?
- Habib Gherari, Les aspects juridiques des dérèglements économiques internationaux
- Jean-Marc Sorel, Système ou non-système monétaire international ? Du système à la tectonique des plaques en passant par la dérive des continents
- André Cartapanis, Face aux crises de la globalisation financière, la question de la gouvernance monétaire et financière internationale reste posée
- Mathias Audit, Les credit default swaps comme miroir des dérives de l’endettement public
- Régis Chemain, Crise des dettes souveraines dans la zone euro : les dérèglements des mécanismes internationaux et européens de refinancement
- Jean-Marc Siroën, La libéralisation des échanges empêtrée : les risques systémiques Le cycle de Doha : quelles solutions pour sortir de l’enlisement ?
- Jean-Marc Thouvenin, Du libre-échange au juste-échange ? Pour une « smart » conditionnalité sociale dans le droit du commerce international
- Bernard Remiche, Les accords ADPIC +
- Catherine Rosso, Les résurgences du patriotisme économique
- Jacques Bourrinet & Philippe Vigneron, Les tribulations de la zone euro, péripéties d’une monnaie sans Etat
- Leïla Choukroune, Les BRICS et le droit international du commerce et des investissements
- Lucie Delabie, Les dérèglements économiques internationaux : du G7 au G20, nouvelle gouvernance ou changement dans la continuité ?
- Jean-François Mercure, Les pays les moins avancés en crise : l’évolution de l’aide publique au développement
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Schwöbel: Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law: An Introduction
- Christine Schwöbel, Introduction
- Frédéric Mégret, International Criminal Justice: A Critical Research Agenda
- Sara Kendall, Critical Orientations: A Critique of International Criminal Court Practice
- Immi Tallgren, Who are ‘We’ in International Criminal Law? On Critics and Membership
- Michelle Farrell, Critique, Complicity and I
- Tor Krever, Unveiling (and Veiling) Politics in International Criminal Trials
- Heidi Matthews, Reading the Political in the Lebanon Tribunal’s Decision on Jurisdiction and Legality
- Gerry Simpson, Linear Law: The History of International Criminal Law
- Emily Haslam, Silences in International Criminal Legal Histories and the Construction of the Victim Subject of International Criminal Law: The Nineteenth Century Slave Trading Trial of Joseph Peters
- Grietje Baars, Making ICL History: On the need to move beyond prefab critiques of ICL
- Christopher Gevers, International Criminal Law and Individualism: An African Perspective
- Michelle Burgis-Kasthala, An Arresting Event: Assassination within the Purview of International Criminal Law
- Christine Schwöbel, The Market and Marketing Culture of International Criminal Law
- Johannes CS Frank, Bella. A Love Song for War
New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

- Jung-Eun Kim, Implications of Current Developments in International Liability for the Practice of Marine Geo-engineering Activities
- Zhihua Zheng, Legal Effect of Maps in Maritime Boundary Delimitation: A Response to Erik Franckx and Marco Benatar
- Yao Huang & Xuexia Liao, Natural Prolongation and Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 nm: Implications of the Bangladesh/Myanmar Case
- Tara Davenport, Southeast Asian Approaches to Maritime Boundaries
- Sun Thathong, Lost in Fragmentation: The Traditional Knowledge Debate Revisited
- Chen Zhida, ASEAN and Its Problematic Treaty-Making Practice: Can International Organizations Conclude Treaties “on Behalf of” Their Member States?
Call for Nominations: ASIL Book Awards
The Society annually bestows three book awards, known as ASIL Certificates of Merit, for a “preeminent contribution to creative scholarship;” “a specialized area of international law;” and “high technical craftsmanship and utility to practicing lawyers and scholars.” The awardees are selected by the Society's Executive Council on the nomination of the Scholarship Awards Committee and presented at the Society’s Annual Meeting.
The Scholarship Awards Committee is now accepting applications for the 2015 Certificates of Merit. Books of any nationality, language, or place of publication that have been published in the 24 months preceding February 1, 2015 are eligible. In order to apply, please send six copies of each book you wish to nominate, along with a list of titles being nominated, to the following address by October 1, 2014:
Lara Townzen
American Society of International Law
2223 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
United States
New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

- Forum: Immunity of International Organizations
- Niels Blokker & Nico Schrijver, Foreword
- Niels Blokker, International Organizations: The Untouchables?
- Johan G. Lammers, Immunity of International Organizations: The Work of the International Law Commission
- Michael Wood, Do International Organizations Enjoy Immunity Under Customary International Law?
- Philippa Webb, Should the 2004 UN State Immunity Convention Serve as a Model/Starting point for a Future UN Convention on the Immunity of International Organizations?
- Bruce C. Rashkow, Immunity of the United Nations: Practice and Challenges
- Gian Luca Burci & Egle Granziera, Privileges and Immunities of the World Health Organization: Practice and Challenges
- Edward Kwakwa & Marie-Lea Rols, The Privileges and Immunities of the World Intellectual Property Organization: Practice and Challenges
- Ramses A. Wessel, Immunities of the European Union
- Peter Olson, Immunities of International Organizations: A NATO View
- Chanaka Wickremasinghe, The Immunity of International Organizations in the United Kingdom
- Kirsten Schmalenbach, Austrian Courts and the Immunity of International Organizations
- Eric De Brabandere, Belgian Courts and the Immunity of International Organizations
- Beatrice I. Bonafè, Italian Courts and the Immunity of International Organizations
- Thomas Henquet, The Jurisdictional Immunity of International Organizations in the Netherlands and the View from Strasbourg
- August Reinisch, To What Extent Can and Should National Courts ‘Fill the Accountability Gap’?
- Nico Schrijver, Beyond Srebrenica and Haiti: Exploring Alternative Remedies against the United Nations
- Niels Blokker & Nico Schrijver, Afterwords
Jain: Rationalising International Law Rules on Self-Defence: The Pin-Prick Doctrine
The pin-prick doctrine permits defensive uses of force in response to a continuing pattern of attacks providing objective proof of a future threat. It provides a necessary, possible and appropriate means of rationalising international law rules regulating the use of military force in self-defence. Recognition of the pin-prick doctrine in international law is necessary as a part of a broader exercise to rationalise international law rules on self-defence. The collective security system envisaged under the UN Charter has failed, leading to jus ad bellum rules that are unduly restrictive in the face of real and severe threats to the security of states. Thus, rationalisation is necessary to maintain the integrity of the system. Further, recognition of the pin-prick doctrine in international law is possible because it already enjoys widespread support in state and judicial practice. Moreover, recognition of the pin-prick doctrine in international law is appropriate because unlike other doctrines designed to rationalise Charter rules on self-defence (such as pre-emptive self-defence), the pin-prick doctrine does not unduly compromise the effectiveness of the Charter regime.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
New Issue: International Studies Review

- Etel Solingen & Tanja A. Börzel, Introduction to Presidential Issue: The Politics of International Diffusion—A Symposium
- Erika Forsberg, Diffusion in the Study of Civil Wars: A Cautionary Tale
- Richard Rosecrance, The Partial Diffusion of Power
- Merouan Mekouar, No Political Agents, No Diffusion: Evidence from North Africa
- Wilfred Wan, Firewalling Nuclear Diffusion
- Aida A. Hozic, Between “National” and “Transnational”: Film Diffusion as World Politics
- Cintia Quiliconi, Competitive Diffusion of Trade Agreements in Latin America
- David Zweig & Feng Yang, Overseas Students, Returnees, and the Diffusion of International Norms into Post-Mao China
- Robyn Klingler-Vidra & Philip Schleifer, Convergence More or Less: Why Do Practices Vary as They Diffuse?
- Benjamin E. Goldsmith, The East Asian Peace as a Second-Order Diffusion Effect
Gerards & Fleuren: Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and of the judgments of the ECtHR in national case law
The European Convention on Human Rights has a large impact on national law, in particular through the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. In most Convention states, the authorities loyally implement the Court’s interpretations in their legislation, case-law and administrative decisions. Over the past few years, however, especially in some Western European democracies where the ECHR is robustly incorporated into the national legal systems, critical voices have been raised to question the degree of the Court’s influence over national law and politics.
It turns out that many of the current debates are based on two implied assumptions and intuitions. It is felt, firstly, that the Court exercises such great influence that national authorities, in particular courts, have to act as marionettes – they must follow the Court’s movements, even if they want to act differently. The second assumption is that this marionette behaviour and its constitutionally questionable consequences are facilitated and accommodated by the legal and constitutional mechanisms determining the national courts’ competences.
This book questions the correctness of these assumptions and aims for further study of them. This is done by disentangling and illuminating the different elements underlying the interrelationship between the Court and the national courts. The objective is to distinguish between the requirements set by the Court; the constitutional powers and competences of national courts to interpret and apply international law, in particular the Convention; the way in which these courts actually use these competences to deal with the Court’s interpretative approaches; and the type of criticism that is levelled at the Court’s case-law. These elements are studied from the perspective of the Court as well as from a national perspective, in particular for Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Analysing these elements separately enables a fruitful assessment of their interrelationship and provides a sound basis for a constructive debate on the implementation of the Convention in national law, which is based on solid constitutional foundations rather than assumptions and intuitions. The current book is therefore of great interest to those who are interested in debates on the interrelationship between the Court and the states – scholars, as well as judges, policy makers and politicians – but also to those who take a more general interest in constitutional implementation mechanisms, judicial powers and judicial argumentation.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Peake: The Obama Administration's Use of Executive Agreements: Business as Usual or Presidential Unilateralism?
Obama has completed far fewer treaties than his predecessors. The use of executive agreements, the alternative to treaties, has continued apace. The change is partly a result of polarization in the Senate, which increases the president’s reliance upon unilateral authority. Despite this marked change in the implementation of US diplomacy, we have little understanding of the nature of these agreements and how they compare to treaties. Does the departure from the treaty signal a change in how presidents complete agreements? Does Obama’s shift away from treaties mean that executive agreements will be used with greater frequency in dealing with significant matters, in which the norm has been to use treaties? Answering these questions requires an extensive analysis of the hundreds of agreements completed in recent years. To begin answering these questions, I catalog and code executive agreements signed during Obama’s first term (2009 to 2012). The executive agreements are coded on a variety of variables: topic, agreement partner, agency, etc., and coding continues. Various data challenges exist in accurately cataloging executive agreements and the results presented in this paper are largely preliminary.
New Issue: Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law

- Special Issue: The UK Supreme Court Annual Review
- Lady Justice Gloster, Foreword
- Part I: Commentary and Reflections
- Hector MacQueen, Lord Rodger—Jurist then Judge
- Lord Neuberger, The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the 21st Century
- Daniel Clarry, Institutional Judicial Independence and the Privy Council
- Alan Paterson, Decision-making in the UK's Top Court
- Lady Halem Who Guards the Guardians?
- Christopher Sargeant, Two Steps Backward and One Step Forward: The Cautionary Tale of Bank Mellat (No 1)
- Lord Walker, How Far Should Judges Develop the Common Law?
- Part II: The Scottish Independence Referendum 2014
- Part III: Thematic Analysis
- Part IV: The 2012–13 Legal Year in Overview
- Part V: Composition and Statistics
New Issue: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales

- Estudios
- Mireia Martínez Barrabés, El ADPIC y la excepción a la patentabilidad de los métodos de diagnóstico, terapéuticos y quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de personas o animales
- Angel Sánchez Legido, El fin del modelo español de jurisdicción universal
- Ana Michavila Núñez, La joint venture contractual en el ámbito internacional
- Rafael García Pérez, La proyección internacional de las Comunidades Autónomas en la Ley de la Acción y del Servicio Exterior del Estado (LAESE): Autonomía territorial y unidad de acción de la política exterior
- Pilar Rodríguez Mateos, La sucesión por causa de muerte en el derecho de la Unión Europea
- Miguel Ángel Franco García, Las actividades militares de los buques de guerra de terceros Estados en los espacios marítimos de soberanía o jurisdicción del Estado ribereño
- Xavier Pons Rafols, Legalidad internacional y derecho a decidir
- Javier Carrascosa González, Sociedades fantasma y Derecho Internacional Privado
- Notas
- Ángel J. Rodrigo, El pluralismo radical del constitucionalismo societal: La fragmentación constitucional
- Jesús Verdú Baeza, España en el norte de África. El caso de las islas Chafarinas
- Inmaculada González García, La llegada de inmigrantes a Isla de Tierra en Alhucemas: Crisis migratoria entre España y Marruecos y violaciones de derechos humanos
- Pablo Zapatero Miguel, La transformación del Estado en un nicho de mercado: Disciplinas globales de la contratación pública
- Mª de los Reyes Martínez Barroso, Movilidad de pacientes y obstáculos a la libre prestación de servicios. A propósito del reintegro de gastos médicos no hospitalarios realizados en otro Estado miembro. Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 27 de octubre de 2011. Asunto C-255/09. Comisión/contra Portugal
- Víctor Luis Gutiérrez Castillo, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation in contemporary international society
New Issue: Diritti umani e diritto internazionale
- Studi
- Paolo Picone, Capitalismo finanziario e nuovi orientamenti dell'ordinamento internazionale
- Maria Irene Papa, Immunità delle Nazioni Unite dalla giurisdizione e rapporti tra CEDU e diritto delle Nazioni Unite: la decisione della Corte europea dei diritti umani nel caso dell'"Associazione Madri di Srebrenica"
- Il Caso
- Francesca De Vittor, Il diritto di traversare il Mediterraneo... o quantomeno di provarci
- Luca Masera, Il 'caso Lampedusa': una violazione sistemica del diritto alla libertà personale
- Laura Pineschi, Un'evoluzione imperfetta nella tutela del diritto a un ambiente soddisfacente: la sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell'ECOWAS sul caso "SERAP c. Nigeria"
- Ludovica Poli, La Corte di giustizia dell'ECOWAS: quali prospettive per un concreto miglioramento della tutela dei diritti umani in Africa?
- Interventi
- Maura Marchegiani, Sistema di Dublino e tutela dei diritti fondamentali: il rilievo della clausola di sovranità nella giurisprudenza europea recente
- Osservatorio
- Giulia D'Agnone, Il riconoscimento dei diritti umani nelle decisioni arbitrali in materia di investimenti: il diritto ad un ambiente salubre nel caso "Chevron"
- Giorgia Bevilacqua, Effettività del diritto internazionale del mare e tutela delle libertà fondamentali nel caso "Arctic Sunrise"
- Antonio López Castillo, Sobre la depuración convencional de la 'doctrina Parot' del Tribunal Supremo español ("Del Río Prada contra España")
- Anna Giulia Micara, "Enforcement" del diritto d'autore e libertà di espressione dinanzi alla Corte europea dei diritti umani
- Giuseppe Pascale, Carta africana ed elettorato passivo: la prima sentenza di merito della Corte africana dei diritti dell'uomo e dei popoli
- Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, Le immunità degli Stati e degli organi statali precludono l'accesso alla giustizia anche alle vittime di torture: il caso "Jones" dinanzi alla Corte europea dei diritti umani
- Cesare Pitea, Trasmissione del cognome e parità di genere: sulla sentenza "Cusan e Fazzo c. Italia" e sulle prospettive della sua esecuzione nell'ordinamento interno
- Delia Rudan, Unioni civili registrate e discriminazione fondata sull'orientamento sessuale: il caso "Vallianatos"
- Alice Riccardi, Complementarietà e rispetto dei diritti umani degli imputati nel caso libico di fronte alla Corte penale internazionale
- Adele Del Guercio, Superiore interesse del minore e determinazione dello Stato competente all'esame della domanda di asilo nel diritto dell'Unione europea
- Maria Eugenia Bartoloni, La nozione di 'atto regolamentare' nell'interpretazione offerta dalla Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea e i suoi riflessi sul ricorso individuale di invalidità
- Emanuela Pistoia, L'ingresso dei cittadini turchi nell'Unione europea al tempo della sentenza "Demirkan"
- Daniela Savy, Il diritto di asilo di individui omosessuali e gli incerti contorni del divieto di discriminazione nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea
Nafziger & Paterson: Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade
This Handbook offers a collection of original writings by leading scholars and practitioners in the exciting, rapidly developing field of cultural heritage law. The detailed essays are the product of a multi-year project of the Committee on Cultural Heritage Law of the International Law Association.
Following a comprehensive introduction to cultural heritage law, the book turns to the core topic of international trade. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and a 1970 UNESCO convention on illegal trafficking in cultural material formed the foundation for progressive development of an impressive and still-evolving legal framework. Building on these and other instruments, the essays focus on import and export controls within specific national legal regimes. Concluding chapters contextualize additional important issues – including human rights, pluralism and nationalism – from a broader, global perspective. Innovative in its combination of comparative and international dimensions of the subject, this book provides a ready, well-documented reference to national and international regimes of control and a scholarly source for teaching and further research.
Lodge & Nordquist: Peaceful Order in the World's Oceans: Essays in Honor of Satya N. Nandan
No individual has contributed more to the stability and peaceful order in the world’s oceans in the last four decades than Satya N. Nandan. Peaceful Order in the World’s Oceans, edited by Michael W. Lodge and Myron H. Nordquist, collects original and substantive essays in his honor from eminent figures from around the world.
The volume is organized into four parts. With contributions from leading statesmen and women, the first section focuses on Ambassador Nandan's unique talents and accomplishments as a diplomat. Next, a series of essays examines Nandan’s pivotal involvement in framing The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and provides original topical contributions on baselines, offshore drilling and delimitation of the continental shelf. Contributions related to deep seabed mining, the establishment of the International Seabed Authority and marine scientific research are included in the third part and finally, chapters devoted to international fisheries, issues of sustainability, conservation and management are offered.
Llewellyn & Philpott: Restorative Justice, Reconciliation, and Peacebuilding
- Jennifer J. Llewellyn & Daniel Philpott, Introduction
- Jennifer J. Llewellyn & Daniel Philpott, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation: Twin Frameworks for Peacebuilding
- Aaron P. Boesenecker & Leslie Vinjamuri, Charting the Path of Justice in Peacebuilding
- Jonathan VanAntwerpen, Reconciliation as Heterodoxy
- Daniel W. Van Ness, Accountability
- Louise Mallinder, Amnesties in the Pursuit of Reconciliation, Peacebuilding and Restorative Justice
- Stephen J. Pope, The Role of Forgiveness in Reconciliation and Restorative Justice: A Christian Theological Perspective
- Charles Villa-Vicencio, A Way of Being: Living Between Promise and Non -Delivery
- John Braithwaite, Traditional Justice
- Jason A. Springs, Doing Justice Differently: From Revolution to Transformation in Restorative Justice and Political Reconciliation
Monday, June 30, 2014
New Issue: Internationales Handelsrecht

- Claude Witz & Ben Köhler, Der neueste Beitrag der französischen Gerichte zur Auslegung des CISG (2012–Juli 2013)
Symeonides: Codifying Choice of Law Around the World
Codifying Choice of Law Around the World chronicles, documents, and celebrates the extraordinary, massive country-by-country codification of Private International Law (PrIL) or Conflict of Laws that has taken place in the last 50 years from 1962-2012. During this period, the world has witnessed the adoption of nearly 200 PrIL codifications, EU Regulations, and international conventions—-more than in all preceding years since the inception of PrIL. This book provides a horizontal comparison and discussion of these codifications and conventions, firstly by comparing the way they resolve tort and contract conflicts, and then by comparing the answers of these codifications to the fundamental philosophical and methodological dilemmas of PrIL. In the process, this book re-examines and dispels certain widely held assumptions about choice of law, and the art and science of codification in general.
New Issue: Amsterdam Law Forum

- Scientific Articles
- P.R. Kalidhass, Determining the Status of Private Military Companies under International Law: A Quest to Solve Accountability Issues in Armed Conflicts
- Mihail Avram, Software Legal Protection: Shaping the EU Software Patent
- Tomas Königs & Sabína Szabóová, The IAEA’S Right to Visit Sites Accused of Developing Nuclear Weapons Systems: The Parchin Facility in Iran
- Opinion Articles
- Peter Margulies, Aftermath of an Unwise Decision: The U.N. Terrorist Sanctions Regime After Kadi II
- Jessica Kastoun, Crime, Policy, and Governance: Response to the Australian Government’s Treatment of Refugees and Asylum-seekers
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

- C. Christine Fair, Neil Malhotra, & Jacob N. Shapiro, Democratic Values and Support for Militant Politics: Evidence from a National Survey of Pakistan
- Patrick E. Shea, Financing Victory: Sovereign Credit, Democracy, and War
- Marc L. Hutchison, Tolerating Threat? The Independent Effects of Civil Conflict on Domestic Political Tolerance
- Bahar Leventoğlu, Social Mobility, Middle Class, and Political Transitions
- Omar Shahabudin McDoom, Antisocial Capital: A Profile of Rwandan Genocide Perpetrators’ Social Networks
- Nam Kyu Kim, Testing Two Explanations of the Liberal Peace: The Opportunity Cost and Signaling Arguments
- Kai A. Konrad & Thomas R. Cusack, Hanging Together or Hanged Separately: The Strategic Power of Coalitions where Bargaining Occurs with Incomplete Information
Call for Papers: Borderlines: The Transnational and Domestic in Law and Legal Theory
Borderlines constitute the boundaries between and within legal orders. While borders assert their permanency and inviolability, guarding who the law protects and who it disregards, we know that they are contingent, moveable, transient and above all human creations. The word ‘borderline’ evokes many conflicting meanings — sharp divides, permeations and transgression, centre and periphery, the invisibility of some distinctions and the starkness of others, abnormality and a lack of normalcy, and the imprecision and vagueness of resting ‘on the borderline’ — each of which speaks to the relations between different legal orders that take on many forms, all of varying permanency. This year’s theme challenges participants to think about law legal theory in its transnational and domestic orders and forms through the concept of the borderline.
Where do the borders fall between and within the transnational and domestic, and why?
Transnational legal orders are wary of and antagonistic towards the borderline even as they assert its irrelevance. The domestic might be seen as the target, the market, or the audience of transnational law. Yet transnational law in an older, more strictly international sense treated the domestic as secluded; bordered away and free from international norms in all but the most serious of actions. How, where and why are these borders collapsed or reasserted? For domestic law the transnational can be welcomed as wisdom and cooperation or feared as threat and challenge. How does it border itself from the outside world? Why and how does the domestic subsume and contort that which it asserts is foreign? How does it ‘tame’ those things, behaviours, norms, and peoples it calls ‘savage’ or ‘wild’? Where does the transnational and domestic lay their borders? Who proclaims and perpetuates them? How are the borderlines imagined and drawn in the academy, the court, the ministry and the legislature? And how do activists, peoples and social movements respond?
How should we theorise the way the interactions between these orders take place?
Borderlines might at first seem a sharp ‘/’ that divides and excludes. But those sharing divisive borders can also be linked and unified by them. When might the borderline between legal orders be better read as a confluence, congruence, harmony, interaction, influx, encounter, tension, intrusion, conflict, or indifference? Should legal orders be imagined spatially: as bordered shapes, levels, webs, spheres or something else? Where do legal scholars draw their borders, and how do legal ideas move across intellectual, cultural and political borders? Should the jurist position herself as domestic or transnational? And what might we learn from examining and taking up how other academic traditions — the humanities, social and empirical sciences — approach the domestic and transnational?
How do different legal traditions and cultures deal with the transnational and domestic?
The civil and common law traditions locate domestic law within the nation-state and transnational laws across the borders states. But in what ways do we think beyond and against laws of the state? How is the transnational and domestic treated in other legal orders — religious, customary, indigenous — and where do they lay their own borders? How does the domestic and transnational respond to the non-national? Do these terms carry or connote different meanings for peoples, governments and organizations in the Global South/North, or East/West? And what treatment of those laws made other is needed for an order to function, to maintain its claim to authority over a body of people or law?
Zimmermann: The Independence of International Courts
The study analyses the contents and scope of the principle of judicial independence as currently applied in the international judiciary. In light of the increasing role played by courts in the international system, the author initially examines the theoretical foundation for the principle’s application and develops a working definition of judicial independence in an international law context. On the basis of a comprehensive evaluation of sources pertaining to some of today’s most influential international courts, the author then draws conclusions on a general consensus of normative requirements for judicial independence and is able to point to requirements applicable only to specific jurisdictions (e.g. human rights courts). The study thus not only fills a gap in the scholarly evaluation of the organizational setup of the current international judiciary but also functions as a valuable guide for potential future permanent judicial bodies.
New Blog: Italy's Diplomatic and Parliamentary Practice on International Law
The website Italy's Diplomatic and Parliamentary Practice on International Law is a collection of Italian parliamentary and diplomatic practice on issues of international law. Our main purpose is to provide access to the Italian Government’s practice to non-Italian speakers. Our team constantly monitors the practice of the Italian Government as expressed before the Italian Parliament, as well as within the United Nations system, both in New York and Geneva. We classify the relevant statements chronologically, as well as through keywords and tags. If necessary, we translate them into English. Each post is identified by a topic-based title and introduced by a short summary. When possible, a link to the official document is made available.
Fournier: Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte gegen Piraterie auf See
Seit 2008 bekämpfen deutsche Streitkräfte Piraten vor der Küste Somalias, wobei sich verschiedene verfassungs- und völkerrechtliche Fragen stellen. Während das Völkerrecht ein militärisches Vorgehen zur Abwehr von Piratenangriffen gestattet, setzt vor allem das Grundgesetz hier Grenzen.
In diesem Werk wird unterschieden zwischen unilateralen und multilateralen Einsätzen zur Pirateriebekämpfung. Die Untersuchung ergibt, dass erstere gegen das Grundgesetz verstoßen. Anknüpfend an das Trennungsgebot zwischen Polizei und Bundeswehr erarbeitet die Autorin einen Änderungsvorschlag für die zentrale Norm. Multilaterale Einsätze hingegen sind innerhalb von Systemen gegenseitiger kollektiver Sicherheit verfassungsrechtlich legitimiert. Die Autorin erörtert weshalb auch die Europäische Union und mit ihr die Operation Atalanta ein solches System darstellt. Abschließend befasst sich das Werk auch mit den Rechtsfragen, die sich bei der Festnahme von Piraten durch deutsche Streitkräfte stellen.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Bettauer: Supreme Court Limits Holding in Bond, Not Reaching Constitutional Treaty Implementation Authority
d'Aspremont: The International Law of Statehood: Craftsmanship for the Elucidation and Regulation of Births and Deaths in the International Society
This article argues the law of statehood is best construed as a delicate elixir which allows international lawyers, not only to make state creation a legal phenomenon worthy of legal investigation, but also to claim control of the volatile phenomenon of births and deaths in the international society. In spelling out this argument, this article seeks to shed light on the main methodological moves unfolding in the international law scholarship devoted to the law of statehood and speculate about the specific rationales behind them. It specifically shows that the law of statehood is informed not only by a regulatory and explanatory agenda but also by a few intra- and extra- professional dynamics.
New Issue: Journal of International Criminal Justice

- Debate
- Alexander Wills, Old Crimes, New States and the Temporal Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
- Articles
- Kenneth A. Rodman, Justice as a Dialogue Between Law and Politics: Embedding the International Criminal Court within Conflict Management and Peacebuilding
- Philipp Kastner, Armed Conflicts and Referrals to the International Criminal Court: From Measuring Impact to Emerging Legal Obligations
- Michael Bohlander, Language, Culture, Legal Traditions, and International Criminal Justice
- Sévane Garibian, Ghosts Also Die: Resisting Disappearance through the ‘Right to the Truth’ and the Juicios por la Verdad in Argentina
- Symposium: The Alien Torts Statute — Kiobel and After
- Nehal Bhuta, The Ninth Life of the Alien Torts Statute — Kiobel and After
- Sarah H. Cleveland, After Kiobel
- Robert Cryer, Come Together?: Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction in Kiobel from an International Law Perspective
- Doreen Lustig, Three Paradigms of Corporate Responsibility in International Law: The Kiobel Moment
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
- Elisabeth V. Henn, The Development of German Jurisprudence on Individual Compensation for Victims of Armed Conflicts: The Kunduz Case