European Society of International Law Research Forum
30 - 31 March 2017
Granada University Law School, Spain
Call for Papers
The Neutrality of International Law: Myth or Reality?
The 2017 ESIL Research Forum will take place on 30-31 March at the Granada University Law
The ESIL Research Forum is a scholarly conference that promotes engagement with research in
progress by members of the Society. It has a small and intensive format. The Forum targets in
particular scholars at an early stage of their careers, especially advanced PhD students and
post-doctoral researchers. Approximately 15 - 20 papers will be selected from among the
submissions and, during the Forum, paper presenters will receive comments on their papers
from members of the ESIL Board and invited experts.
The 2017 Research Forum addresses the contested neutrality of international law. It has often
been said that international law should be neutral as regards the political, economic and social
systems of States. However, this ideal of neutrality can be critiqued on both normative and
empirical grounds. Every legal order is based on a power structure and certain fundamental
principles. Is it still possible to speak of the neutrality of international law given the growing
body of principles that are said to reflect the values of the international community? And are
international legal instruments designed to influence the political, economic and social order
of States compatible with such neutrality?
This Forum seeks to bring together scholarly work that addresses whether international law is,
or should be, neutral towards the internal political, economic and social options available to
States or whether it moulds internal systems in a defined direction.
The 2017 ESIL Research Forum calls for papers addressing the theme of the neutrality of
international law, including the following set of issues:
International human rights law as a limit on States’ political choices.
- Multilateral financial assistance and economic sovereignty.
- The extent to which, if any, models of global governance include neutrality.
- Practices to promote democracy and a right to democracy under international law.
- Political, social and environmental conditionality under international economic law.
- (Non-) recognition of governments, insurgents and belligerents.
- The contents and boundaries of the principle of self-determination under present
international law.
- Is the regulation of international markets eroding the European social model?
- UN practices to promote the rule of law.
- The current meaning and role of the prohibition of non-intervention.
- How does international law accommodate religious pluralism?
Papers that address any dimensions of the call, including through interdisciplinary research
and methods, and through historical, theoretical or empirical approaches, will be given serious
consideration. We welcome papers that propose to redefine or re-imagine our understanding
of the terms of the call and their meaning in the current context.
Abstracts (of not more than 750 words) should be submitted to ESILRF_UGR2017@UGR.ES by
30 September 2016. Please include your name, email address and a one-page curriculum vitae
with your abstract.
Successful applicants will be notified by email by 15 November 2016. Complete drafts of
papers will be required by 15 February 2017. Papers may in due course be published in the
ESIL SSRN Conference Paper Series.
Successful applicants will be expected to bear the costs of their own travel and
accommodation. However, ESIL travel grants will be available to offer partial financial support
to participants.
Selected speakers will be informed of several hotels that offer preferential rates to Research
Forum participants. Lunch on both days will be provided, and a dinner for presenters,
commentators and ESIL Board members will be hosted on the evening of 30 March.