- Editorial
- Pablo de Greiff, The Future of the Past: Reflections on the Present State and Prospects of Transitional Justice
- Articles
- Augustine S J Park, Settler Colonialism, Decolonization and Radicalizing Transitional Justice
- Paul Gready & Simon Robins, Transitional Justice and Theories of Change: Towards evaluation as understanding
- Anne Menzel, The pressures of getting it right: Expertise and victims’ voices in the work of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
- Bill Rolston, Ambushed by Memory: Post-Conflict Popular Memorialisation in Northern Ireland
- Gene Carolan, Transition Without Transformation: The Legacy of Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement
- Camilla Orjuela, Passing on the torch of memory: Transitional justice and the transfer of diaspora identity across generations
- Claire Greenstein, Patterned Payments: Explaining Victim Group Variation in West German Reparations Policy
- Review Essay
- Maxine Rubin, Politicized Justice: Africa and the International Criminal Court