Examining the shortcomings of eliciting sustainable intra-state peace through the UN system and the underlying positive peace paradigm of the liberal traditions, the book maintains that a novel positive peace vision and framework under the auspices of the UN is warranted. Building upon grievance-based explanations of violent conflicts and conflict transformation research, this book develops a comprehensive positive peace framework that involves the early tackling of identity divisions (i.e. Fundamental Conflicts) through UN facilitated deliberative and dialogical processes at the 1.5 track diplomacy level. This framework is designed to complement current UN post-conflict peacebuilding and structural prevention practice. By dealing both with how to operationalise early conflict prevention in a workable manner and developing a comprehensive yet viable positive peace approach, this book entails an extensive interdisciplinary approach and new in-depth analyses of the wide-ranging normative and policy aspects of the quest of elevating positive peace to a core objective of UN practice.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Turan: Positive Peace in Theory and Practice
Björgvinsson: The Intersection of International Law and Domestic Law
What are the theoretical and practical issues relating to the intersection between domestic and international law? This important new book discusses how general theories, including monism and dualism, transpire in practice.
The author examines several key areas: the rules relating to treaty making and the ratification of treatises, the doctrine of automatic incorporation and transformation, the direct effect of international norms in the domestic system, and a discussion of the principle of consistent interpretation. With a focus on the European Convention on Human Rights, the author concludes that, although traditional theories are still relevant, they fall short in grasping the complexity of the different ways in which the legislator and the courts have given effect to international law on the domestic level.
New Issue: Journal of International Trade Law and Policy

- The WTO @ 20
- Petros C. Mavroidis, Raiders of the Lost Jewel (in the Crown)
- Manfred Elsig, WTO dispute settlement and the study of compliance
- Andrew Lang, Twenty years of the WTO Appellate Body’s ‘fragmentation jurisprudence’
- Niall Meagher, Regulatory convergence and dispute settlement in the WTO
- Thomas J Prusa, The WTO at 20: an economist’s perspective
- Frieder Roessler, Changes in the jurisprudence of the WTO appellate body during the past twenty years
- Giorgio Sacerdoti, Resolution of international trade disputes in the WTO and other fora
Grinberg & Pauwelyn: The Emergence of a New International Tax Regime: The OECD’s Package on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
Thursday, November 12, 2015
New Issue: Ocean Development & International Law

- Bing Bing Jia, The Curious Case of Article 281: A “Super” Provision within UNCLOS?
- Nico J. Schrijver & Vid Prislan, Cases Concerning Sovereignty over Islands before the International Court of Justice and the Dokdo/Takeshima Issue
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Unilateral Exploration and Exploitation of Natural Resources in Disputed Areas: A Note on the Ghana/Côte d'Ivoire Order of 25 April 2015 before the Special Chamber of ITLOS
- Andrew Norris, Fishy Business: The High Seas Boarding and Inspection Regime in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
- Suk Kyoon Kim, The Sewol Ferry Disaster in Korea and Maritime Safety Management
Abahuni: Willkürverfahren als Kriegsverbrechen
Das Werk befasst sich mit der Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Abhaltung und Durchführung eines Strafprozesses während eines bewaffneten Konflikts ein Kriegsverbrechen nach Artikel 8 des Statuts für den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof darstellt. Nach Schilderung der historischen Rechtsprechung wird erörtert, welche Verfahrensgarantien in Strafprozessen während bewaffneter Konflikte gewährt werden müssen und wann bei deren Nichtbeachtung die Schwelle zu einem Kriegsverbrechen überschritten ist. Behandelt wird dabei auch die Frage, ob Verantwortliche nicht-staatlicher bewaffneter Gruppen bereits für die bloße Abhaltung eines Strafprozesses zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können und unter welchen Umständen sie sich bei der Durchführung des Verfahrens der Strafverfolgung aussetzen.
Call for Papers: Second Kobe Seminar on International Investment Law
Kobe University Graduate School of Law/Global Masters Programmes (GMAP) in Law is pleased to announce that a one-day seminar on international investment law will take place on 29 January 2016 in Kobe, Japan. The theme is Asian challenges to international investment law: viewing from internal and comparative perspectives. Here is the idea:
Investment treaty law and arbitration has historically developed so as to protect foreign direct investment made by investors from European and North American countries towards the rest of the world. In the 2010s, however, Asia is playing increasingly a role in changing this traditional landscape: Asian companies began to bring investment claims against European countries by way of arbitration. Also, Asia takes initiatives in investment law-making at a regional level such as Japan-Korea-China investment agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This seminar thus aims to understand these Asian challenges to international investment law from both internal as well as comparative perspectives so as to prospect a future Asian contribution to global economic governance.
Submission of paper proposalsIn addition to investment law expert sessions featuring invited speakers, the seminar also holds sessions for junior researchers/practitioners. It provides a platform where participants will be given feedback on their paper presentations from senior experts. Graduate students (students enrolled in master or PhD programmes) as well as junior researchers/practitioners are invited to submit a paper on topics including, but not limited to: TTP; Japan-Korea-China IIA; Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Ping An Life Insurance Corp. v. Belgium; JGC Corp. v, Spain; plain packaging; global supply chain; intellectual properties; interaction between trade and investment law; geopolitics of the TPP; transparency; harmonization; standards of protection; investor-state dispute settlement.
How to submit◆ An applicant should submit an abstract (of no more than 300 words) with a CV (including email address and list of publications) to Kei Nakajima (kei.nakajima@port.kobe-u.ac.jp) by 5 December 2015.
◆ The successful applicants will be notified by 15 December 2015.
◆ Participants are expected to submit a conference paper (of no more than 4,000 words) by 20 January 2016.
Other Information◆ The seminar is held at Kobe University Graduate School of Law, Kobe, Japan. The detail of the venue is to be confirmed. Updates will be posted on GMAP website.
◆ Sessions for junior researchers/practitioners are supposed to be held in the morning, followed by lunchtime break and investment law expert sessions in the afternoon.
◆ Presentation (20 minutes each) is followed by general discussion with participants as well as senior experts.
◆ No registration fee is required. Coffees, lunch and dinner are provided. A limited number of financial assistance for travel/accommodation fee might be available for applicants upon request with a short statement on the reasons.
Organisers◆ Dai Tamada, Professor of Law at Kobe University & Director of GMAP in Law
◆ James Claxton, Professor of Law at Kobe University
◆ Kei Nakajima, Research Fellow at Kobe University
Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact with Kei Nakajima (kei.nakajima@port.kobe-u.ac.jp).
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Constitutionalization of International Law in Latin America
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Biaggini, Diggelmann, & Kaufmann: Polis und Kosmopolis: Festschrift für Daniel Thürer
- Michael Ambühl, Die kosmopolitische Konfliktlösung und die nukleare Abrüstung
- Romedi Arquint, Daniel Thürer – der Citoyen
- Wolfgang Benedek, Die Relevanz der lokalen Ebene für die Umsetzung der universellen Menschenrechte
- Giovanni Biaggini, Der Richter zwischen ›Polis‹ und ›Kosmo(poli)s‹ – Zugleich ein Gedankenspiel zu Nutzen und Gefahren juristischer Metaphorik
- Michael Bothe, Neue Formen bewaffneter Konflikte – neue Strukturen der internationalen Ordnung?
- François Bugnion, De la précarité à la pérennité: les premiers pas hésitants du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
- Thomas Burri, Völkerrecht, Unendlicher Spass
- Lucius Caflisch & Daniel Rietiker, Hoheitliche Tätigkeit und internationaler Schutz der Menschenrechte: Der Fall Catan gegen die Republik Moldau und die Russische Föderation
- Andrew Clapham, Internment and Arbitrary Detention Thomas Cottier, Gedanken zur Fragmentierung und Kohärenz des Völkerrechts
- Jost Delbrück, Überlegungen zur Legitimation der Ausübung von hoheitlicher Gewalt jenseits des Staates
- Oliver Diggelmann, Völkerrecht und globale Erinnerungskultur
- Jens Drolshammer, »International Law is What International Lawyers Do«
- Bernhard Ehrenzeller, »Nur eine Fremdsprache in der Primarschule«
- Bardo Fassbender, Die Schweiz und Deutschland als ›offene Bundesstaaten‹: Zur schwindenden Bedeutung der Völkerrechtssubjektivität der Kantone und Länder
- Thomas Fleiner, Multikulturalismus und Staatsverständnis
- Jochen Abr. Frowein, Can the Margin Lead to Discriminating Results?
- Anna Gamper, Weltkulturerbe Verfassung
- Hans-Peter Gasser, Kann Völkerrecht eine befriedigende Antwort auf eine unvorhergesehene Entwicklung geben? – Der Israel/Palästina Konflikt als Beispiel
- Peter Häberle, Das neue Grundgesetz Ungarns (2012) – Keine ›kosmopolitische‹ Verfassung
- Kay Hailbronner, Gerechtigkeit bei der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen im Europäischen Asylsystem
- Lauri Hannikainen, To Be a Member of an International Human Rights Organ – What Is it Like?
- Andreas Heinemann, Korrekturen am Ordnungsrahmen für die globalisierte Wirtschaft
- Maya Hertig Randall, Les droits des Roms en situation précaire: un ›test case‹ de la citoyenneté européenne
- Hilmar Hoch, Der liechtensteinische Staatsgerichtshof und Daniel Thürers Beitrag zu dessen Rechtsprechung und Selbstverständnis
- Rainer Hofmann, The Corte Costituzionale, the International Court of Justice and the Law of State Immunity: A New Chapter of a Long Story
- Michel Hottelier, Une garantie dense et évolutive: l’interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants
- Peter M. Huber, Grundrechtsschutz in Europa – Vermehrung, Verunsicherung, Kohärenz
- Tobias Jaag, Die Beziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und der Europäischen Union nach dem 9. Februar 2014
- Christine Kaddous, Reflections on the Changes in the European Union’s Common Commercial Policy
- Walter Kälin, Zugang für humanitäre Hilfe und territoriale Souveränität: Ein Widerspruch?
- Wolfram Karl, Terrorismus, Krieg, Menschenrechte – zwei beiläufige Gedanken zum europäischen Notstandsrecht
- Christine Kaufmann, Whose Law Is It Anyway? – Taking Multistakeholderism Seriously
- Zdzislaw Kedzia, Human Rights and Democracy – A Linkage within the United Nations
- Andreas Kellerhals, Schweiz - EU: Von den Bilateralen zum Binnenmarktvertrag?
- Eckart Klein, Globalisation and International Law
- Andreas Kley, Das russische Reich im 19. Jahrhundert – mehr als eine »Sister Republic« der Schweiz?
- Markus Kotzur, Weltbürgertum – eine (positive) Utopie?
- Georg Kreis, Nachdenken über die Volksinitiative und deren Reformierbarkeit
- Jürg Lindenmann & Matthias Lanz, Gewaltverbot 2.0: Das Verbrechen der Aggression und der Sicherheitsrat
- Giorgio Malinverni, Les principes internationaux relatifs à une bonne administration de la justice
- Daniel Moeckli, Das Klima als globales öffentliches Gut
- Jörg Paul Müller, Ein neuer Blick auf die Republik
- Rein Müllerson, Geopolitics versus International Law: the Case of Ukraine
- Hanspeter Neuhold, Self-Determination of Peoples after the Cold War: Macedonia and the Involvement of the International Community
- Peter Nobel, Polis und Kosmopolis
- Georg Nolte, Strukturwandel der internationalen Beziehungen und Völkerrechtspolitik
- Theo Öhlinger, Die Rolle des Richters im postmodernen Verfassungsgefüge
- Ingolf Pernice, »Völkerrecht des Netzes« – Konstitutionelle Elemente eines globalen Rechtsrahmens für das Internet
- Anne Peters, Drei Versionen der Verhältnismässigkeit im Völkerrecht
- Anne Petitpierre-Sauvain, Human Rights and Natural Resources: an Ambiguous Relationship
- Jacques Picard, Der Schutz der Minderheiten in historischer Perspektive: Paul Guggenheim und Zaccaria Giacometti
- Johannes Reich, Verhaltensökonomische Revolution im europäischen und nationalen Verwaltungsrecht? – Potenziale und Grenzen des ›Nudging‹
- René Rhinow, Vielfalt und Wandel von Minderheiten – eine
- Herausforderung auch für die Schweiz
- Nigel Rodley, The Limits of Monism, the Promise of Universality: the Hissène Habré Case
- Yves Sandoz, Politics and Humanitarian Law: the Worm in the Fruit?
- Marco Sassòli, The Convergence of the International Humanitarian Law of Non-International and International Armed Conflicts – The Dark Side of a Good Idea
- Urs Saxer, Staaten als Grundeinheiten des internationalen Systems
- Edzard Schmidt-Jortzig, Politik und Ethik
- Paul Seger, Let the Sunshine In: Five Small States on a Mission to a More Transparent United Nations Security Council
- Bruno Simma, »Ja, aber«: Der International Gerichtshof und das zwingende Völkerrecht (ius cogens)
- Jakob Tanner, Refeudalisierung, Neofeudalismus, Geldaristokratie. Die Wiederkehr des Vergangenen als Farce?
- Christian Tomuschat, »Rien ne va plus«? Syrien als Herausforderung für die internationale Gemeinschaft
- Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum, Befindlichkeiten im Völkerrecht – Das Beispiel des Russland-Ukraine-Konfliktes
- Rolf H. Weber, New ›Cosmopolitically‹ Founded Concepts for the Cyberworld
- Roger de Weck, Dem Vertrauen vertrauen
- Erika de Wet, Developing a Doctrine on the Status of International Judgements within the South African Legal Order
- Luzius Wildhaber, Québec, Schottland, Katalonien – Gedanken zu Sezessionen in Demokratien
- Rüdiger Wolfrum, Some Reflections on the Making of International Law
- Valentin Zellweger & Roland Portmann, Das Völkerrecht im Zeitalter der Globalisierung – Erfahrungen aus der schweizerischen Praxis
New Issue: International Criminal Law Review

- Raymond Ouigou Savadogo, Après que justice soit rendue: La réinstallation des acquittés des juridictions pénales internationales dans des États tiers
- Nikolaos Bitzilekis, The Violation of Mankind’s Multiculturalism: Another Approach to the Definition of International Crimes
- Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops & Tom Zwart, The Flotilla Case before the ICC: The Need to Do Justice While Keeping Heaven Intact
- Alexandra Adams, The First Rape Prosecution before the ICC: Are the Elements of Crimes Based on a Source of International Law?
- Carsten Stahn, Evolution, Revolution or New Culture? The Changing Anatomy of International Criminal Justice (and Some of Its Curiosities)
New Issue: Journal européen des droits de l'homme / European Journal of Human Rights
- Dossier : Human Rights and Science / Droits de l’homme et science
- Samantha Besson, Mapping the Issues / Introduction
- Lea Shaver, The Right to Science : Ensuring that Everyone Benefits from Scientific and Technological Progress / Le droit à la science : assurer à chacun le bénéfice des progrès scientifiques et technologiques
- Jessica M. Wyndham & Margaret Weigers Vitullo, The Right to Science – Whose Right ? To What ? / Le droit à la science : de qui est-ce le droit et sur quoi porte-t-il ?
- Samantha Besson, Science without Borders and the Boundaries of Human Rights : Who Owes the Human Right to Science ? / Une science sans frontière face aux frontières des droits de l’homme – Qui est débiteur du droit de l’homme à la science ?
- Yvonne Donders, Balancing Interests : Limitations to the Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and Its Applications / Une balance des intérêts – Les restrictions au droit de bénéficier du progrès scientifique et de ses applications
- William A. Schabas, Looking Back : How the Founders Considered Science and Progress in their Relation to Human Rights / Un regard rétrospectif: comment les fondateurs envisageaient science et progrès dans leur relation aux droits de l’homme
Hague Academy of International Law 2016 Summer Program
Public International Law
- Franklin Berman, Inaugural Lecture: Why Do We Need a Law of Treaties?
- Mohamed Bennouna (Judge, International Court of Justice), General Course: International Law - Between Letter and Spirit
- Jean-Yves de Cara (Université Paris Descartes), International Organizations and their Operational Actions for State Reconstruction
- Pasquale De Sena (Catholic Univ. of Milan), Human Dignity and International law
- Bing Bing Jia (Tsinghua Univ.), International Case Law in the Development of International Law
- Fernando Mariño Menendez (Carlos III Univ.), The Prohibition of Torture in Contemporary International Law
- Sean D. Murphy (George Washington Univ.), International Law Relating to Islands
- André Nollkaemper (Univ. of Amsterdam), Shared Responsibility in International Law
Private International Law
- Erik Jayme (Univ. of Heidelberg), Inaugural Lecture: Languages and Private International Law
- Symeon C. Symeonides (Willamette Univ.), General Course: Private International Law: Aspirations and Realities
- Lotfi Chedly (Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, Tunis), The Effectiveness of International Commercial Arbitration
- Lauro da Gama e Souza Jr. (Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio de Janeiro), The UNIDROIT Principles and the Law Governing International Trade Contracts
- Michael Hellner (Stockholm Univ.), Private International Law Issues concerning Surrogacy Arrangements
- Sergio Marchisio (Sapienza – Università di Roma), The Legal Regime of International Space Activities: Between Public and Private Law
- Cyril Nourissat (Jean Moulin Univ. – Lyon 3), Restrictive Practices in Private International Law
- Marta Pertegás Sender (Hague Conference on Private International Law), Foreign Civil and Commercial Judgements: From Reciprocity to a Multilateral Scheme?
- Karsten Thorn (Bucerius Law School), The Protection of Small and Medium Enterprises in Private International Law
Call for Papers: Beyond the Western Paradigm?:Towards a Global History of International Law
On the occasion of the ESIL Research Forum (Koç University Law School and the Center for Global Public Law in Istanbul, 21-22 April 2016) the ESIL Interest Group on the History of International Law hereby invites submissions, in English or in French, for a Workshop on global approaches to the history of international law. The workshop targets scholars at an early stage of their careers, especially PhD students and post-doctoral researchers.
Since its inception the discipline of the history of international law has been approached from the perspective of European states. Teleological visions of history as progress often dominate the discourse of textbooks on international law, making the implicit claim that it was the providence of European states to gradually, from the 15th century onwards, create a universal and ‘globalised’ world order. Attempts have been made to alter this discourse by alternatively highlighting the disruptive aspects of Western international law in the service of European imperialism and by pointing out the criticism offered by non-Western states and scholars against instances of European oppression. In light of these developments recent scholarschip has called for the creation of a ‘global’ history of international law which moves beyond the traditional Eurocentric paradigm and which also awards a voice to indigenous and non-Western histories of international law. This raises questions as to the methodology and the substance of a global history of international law.
In light of these questions, the IGHIL invites submissions from phd researchers and post-doctoral researchers within the fields of international law, history, legal history and politics on topics relating to:
a) ‘histories’ of international law from a global perspective with an emphasis on the historical state practice and intellectual history of indigenous people and non-Western States relating to international law
b) the historical relationship and interaction between non-Western and Western international law including stories of participation and confrontation with respect to, for example, human rights, humanitarian international law, international criminal law, etc.
c) the methodological challenges of a global history of international law, including questions of periodisation, epistemology, narrative, etc.
Each submission should include:
a) An abstract of no more than 400 words;
b) The intended language of presentation;
c) A short curriculum vitae containing the author’s name, institutional affiliation, contact information and e-mail address.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 15 December 2015 to Shavana Musa (Shavana.Musa@uvt.nl) on behalf of the Steering Committee of the Interest Group, which shall collectively supervise the peer-review process of the abstracts. Applicants will be notified on the outcome of the selection process by 15 January 2016. Selection will be based on scholarly merit and with regard to producing an engaging workshop, without prejudice to gender, seniority, language or geographical location. Please note that the ESIL Interest Group on the History of International Law is unable to provide funds to cover the conference registration fee or related transport and accommodation costs.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Queen Mary, University of London School of Law Seminar Series on Jurisdiction
- November 19, 2015: Histories of Jurisdiction – Ancient, Imperial, Medieval, Early Modern & Modern
- December 3, 2015: Public/Private Dimensions of Jurisdiction
- January 21, 2016: Universal/Regional/Individual Jurisdiction
- February 18, 2016: Health and Jurisdiction
- March 17, 2016: Cyberspace and Jurisdiction
- April 28, 2016: Roundtable: Jurisdiction in a Pluralist World - History, Theory, Challenges
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Special Issue: R2P: Perspectives on the Concept's Meaning, Proper Application and Value
- Sonja Grover, Introduction
- Jessica Almqvist, Enforcing the responsibility to protect through solidarity measures
- Joseph Besigye Bazirake & Paul Bukuluki, A critical reflection on the conceptual and practical limitations of the responsibility to protect
- Auriane Botte, Redefining the responsibility to protect concept as a response to international crimes
- Alise Coen, R2P, Global Governance, and the Syrian refugee crisis
- David William Gethings, The responsibility to engage: cosmopolitan civic engagement and the spread of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine.
- Sassan Gholiagha, ‘To prevent future Kosovos and future Rwandas.’ A critical constructivist view of the Responsibility to Protect
- Pinar Gözen Ercan, Responsibility to protect and inter-state crises: why and how R2P applies to the case of Gaza
- Sonja Grover, R2P and the Syrian crisis: when semantics becomes a matter of life or death
- Aidan Hehir, Bahrain: an R2P blind spot?
- Annie Herro, The responsibility to protect, the use of force and a permanent United Nations peace service
- Lindsey N. Kingston, Protecting the world's most persecuted: the responsibility to protect and Burma's Rohingya minority
- Konstantin Kleine, Will R2P be ready when disaster strikes? – The rationale of the Responsibility to Protect in an environmental context
- Gabriele Lombardo, The responsibility to protect and the lack of intervention in Syria between the protection of human rights and geopolitical strategies
- Marco Longobardo, Genocide, obligations erga omnes, and the responsibility to protect: remarks on a complex convergence
- Conall Mallory & Stuart Wallace, The ‘deterrent argument’ and the responsibility to protect
- Oscar Gakuo Mwangi, State collapse, peace enforcement and the responsibility to protect in Somalia
- Hovhannes Nikoghosyan, Government failure, atrocity crimes and the role of the International Criminal Court: why not Syria, but Libya
- Maggie Powers, Responsibility to protect: dead, dying, or thriving?
- Heidarali Teimouri, Protecting while not being responsible: the case of Syria and responsibility to protect
- Serena Timmoneri, Responsibility to protect and ‘peacetime atrocities’: the case of North Korea
New Issue: Global Environmental Politics
- Mihaela Papa, Sustainable Global Governance? Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Institutions
- Kathryn Davidson & Brendan Gleeson, Interrogating Urban Climate Leadership: Toward a Political Ecology of the C40 Network
- Jonathan Pickering, Frank Jotzo, & Peter J. Wood, Sharing the Global Climate Finance Effort Fairly with Limited Coordination
- Monica Di Gregorio, Maria Brockhaus, Tim Cronin, Efrian Muharrom, Sofi Mardiah, & Levania Santoso, Deadlock or Transformational Change? Exploring Public Discourse on REDD+ Across Seven Countries
- Hannah Hughes, Bourdieu and the IPCC’s Symbolic Power
- Thomas Bernauer & Quynh Nguyen, Free Trade and/or Environmental Protection?
New Issue: Die Friedens-Warte

- Dekonstruktion von Souveränität. Diskurse zur Legitimierung militärischer Interventionen
- Michael Staack & Denis Liebetanz, Es begann mit dem „Ende der Geschichte“: Souveränitätsdiskurse und westliche Weltordnungspolitik
- August Pradetto, Dekonstruktion von Souveränität. Diskurse zur Legitimierung militärischer Interventionen
- Andreas von Arnauld, Souveränität als fundamentales Konzept des Völkerrechts
- Sigrid Boysen, Souveränität über natürliche Ressourcen im postkolonialen Völkerrecht
- Janosch Prinz & Conrad Schetter, Das Ende der Souveränität?: Über die Entstehung neuer Gewalträume im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus
- Corinna Hauswedell, Comprehensive Approach - ein Auslaufmodell?: Die fragwürdige Geschichte erweiterter Sicherheit
Sandonato de León: Les presomptions judiciaires en droit international public
Nombre de décisions internationales font recours à la présomption judiciaire. Les contours théoriques de cet outil en droit international restent cependant mal connus. Le présent ouvrage offre une analyse et une systématisation de la théorie et de la pratique des présomptions judiciaires en droit international public. L’ouvrage comporte deux parties. la première partie présente une véritable théorie des présomptions judiciaires en droit international. après une étude historique, l’ouvrage propose une structure théorique de la présomption judiciaire au sein de la théorie de la preuve dans le contentieux international. Il se concentre ensuite sur les éléments de la présomption judiciaire et sur ses limites et effets. Dans une deuxième partie, axée sur la pratique, l’ouvrage cherche à identifier et à systématiser les présomptions judiciaires les plus répandues, tant en ce qui concerne le droit international de la procédure que le droit international substantiel. La jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de Justice, de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ainsi que les décisions arbitrales interétatiques depuis celle de l’Alabama en 1872 et jusqu’à 1922 y sont analysées en détail. Il ressort de l’ouvrage que la présomption judiciaire permet d’accepter comme prouvé un fait donné, alors même qu’aucune preuve n’existe à son égard. C’est ainsi que la jurisprudence internationale reconnaît une présomption que les négociations aboutiront au règlement du différend, que les termes d’un traité traduisent l’intention des parties, que les parties à un traité ont voulu donner un sens évolutif aux termes, que les sujets du droit respectent le droit, que certains faits sont connus de l’Etat, qu’un traité de délimitation de frontière couvre l’entièreté de la frontière, que, à défaut d’accord, les frontières non délimitées traduisent l’uti possidetis au moment de l’indépendance, que les effectivités traduisent l’existence d’un titre, que la ligne d’équidistance produit un résultat équitable ou encore qu’une organisation internationale jouit des pouvoirs nécessaires à l’accomplissement de ses fonctions. Le lecteur a ainsi entre ses mains un ouvrage qui constitue désormais une référence dans le domaine de la preuve dans le contentieux international et de la présomption judiciaire en droit international public.
Hirsch: Invitation to the Sociology of International Law
Invitation to the Sociology of International Law aims to cast light on the under-explored sociological dimension of international law. The book emphasizes that international legal rules are profoundly embedded in diverse social factors and processes, such as norms, identity, and collective memory. Thus, international law often reflects and affects societal factors and processes in state societies and in the international community. The book exposes some central tenets of the sociological perspective and its core theoretical approaches, and presents a sociological analysis of several significant topics in present-day international law.
The volume surveys subjects such as compliance, international economic law, legal fragmentation, law-making, and the impartiality of adjudicators, and reveals that a sociological analysis of international law enriches our understanding of social factors involved in the formation, evolution, and implementation of the law. Such analysis may not only explain past and present trends in international law but also bears significant implications for the interpretation of existing legal provisions, as well as suggesting better legal mechanisms for coping with contemporary challenges.
In light of the underlying interrelationships between international law and other social factors, this book invites international law specialists to analyse international legal rules in their wider social context and to incorporate sociological tools into mainstream international law scholarship.
Monday, November 9, 2015
New Issue: Legal Issues of Economic Integration

- From the Board, The UK Supreme Court Pham Judgment: A Recoil to Legal Singularism
- Konstanze von Papp, Solving Conflicts with International Investment Treaty Law from an EU Law Perspective: Article 351 TFEU Revisited
- Diana Sancho-Villa, Developing Search Engine Law: It Is Not Just about the Right to Be Forgotten
- Michael Randall & Longjie Lu, Capping of Bankers’ Bonuses? Case C-507/13 UK v. Parliament and Council
- Anouk van Der Wansem, Judgment of the European Court of Justice, 1 July 2014: Case C-573/12, Ålands Vindkraft AB v. Energimyndigheten
New Issue: International Affairs
- Special Issue: The United Nations at 70
- Thomas G. Weiss, The United Nations: before, during and after 1945
- Rama Mani, From ‘dystopia’ to ‘Ourtopia’: charting a future for global governance
- Adrian Gallagher, The promise of pillar II: analysing international assistance under the Responsibility to Protect
- Alex J. Bellamy & Charles T. Hunt, Twenty-first century UN peace operations: protection, force and the changing security environment
- Colin McInnes, WHO's next? Changing authority in global health governance after Ebola
- Shirley V. Scott, Implications of climate change for the UN Security Council: mapping the range of potential policy responses
- Andrea Charron, Francesco Giumelli & Clara Portela, Introduction: the United Nations and targeted sanctions
- Michael Brzoska, International sanctions before and beyond UN sanctions
- Francesco Giumelli, Understanding United Nations targeted sanctions: an empirical analysis
- Andrea Charron & Clara Portela, The UN, regional sanctions and Africa
- Mikael Eriksson & Peter Wallensteen, Targeting sanctions and ending armed conflicts: first steps towards a new research agenda
- Marcos Tourinho, Towards a world police? The implications of individual UN targeted sanctions
New Issue: European Journal of International Law

- Editorial
- JHHW, Nein!; The EJIL App (again); In this Issue
- Articles
- Jaime Tijmes, Who Wants What? – Final Offer Arbitration in the World Trade Organization
- Lorna McGregor, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Human Rights: Developing a Rights-Based Approach through the ECHR
- Roaming Charges: Moments of Dignity: Places of Impasse: Scars on Beirut Structures That Refuse to Fall
- EJIL: Debate!
- Catharine Titi, International Investment Law and the European Union: Towards a New Generation of International Investment Agreements
- Martins Paparinskis, International Investment Law and the European Union: A Reply to Catharine Titi
- EJIL: Debate!
- Devon Whittle, The Limits of Legality and the United Nations Security Council: Applying the Extra-Legal Measures Model to Chapter VII Action
- Oren Gross, Applying the Extra-Legal Measures Model to Humanitarian Interventions: A Reply to Devon Whittle
- Critical Review of International Jurisprudence
- Sookyeon Huh, Title to Territory in the Post-Colonial Era: Original Title and Terra Nullius in the ICJ Judgments on Cases Concerning Ligitan/Sipadan (2002) and Pedra Branca (2008)
- Mikko Rajavuori, How Should States Own? Heinisch v. Germany and the Emergence of Human Rights-Sensitive State Ownership Function
- Review Essay
- Guy Fiti Sinclair, The International Civil Servant in Theory and Practice: Law, Morality, and Expertise
Panel Discussion: The Evolution of the Role of International Organizations in the Maintenance of Peace and Security
As part of the Geneva Peace Week programme and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, this panel will examine the evolution of the role of international organizations for the maintenance of peace and security. The creation of the UN represented a sort of 'revolution' in international relations due to its complex institutional structure, its broad mandate and the legal relevance of its acts. The celebration of the organization’s anniversary will give a valuable opportunity to discuss current trends in international institutional law. This debate will also shed some light on the deficiencies and limits of this branch of international law, specifically with reference to the emerging question of the accountability of international organizations in the area of peace and security.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
New Issue: Review of International Organizations

- Raphael N. Becker, Arye L. Hillman, Niklas Potrafke, & Alexander H. Schwemmer, The preoccupation of the United Nations with Israel: Evidence and theory
- Benjamin E. Bagozzi, The multifaceted nature of global climate change negotiations
- Hans Agné, Lisa Maria Dellmuth, & Jonas Tallberg, Does stakeholder involvement foster democratic legitimacy in international organizations? An empirical assessment of a normative theory
- Jasper Krommendijk, The domestic effectiveness of international human rights monitoring in established democracies. The case of the UN human rights treaty bodies