Call for Papers – Deadline 14 February 2013
The 21st Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (‘ANZSIL’) will take place from Thursday, 4 July 2013 to Saturday, 6 July 2013 at The Australian National University, Canberra. The conference will be hosted by the Centre for International and Public Law, ANU College of Law. The Conference Organising Committee now invites proposals for papers to be presented at the Conference.
Central to many understandings of international law is the concept of accountability. While the concept takes traditional forms in the context of the law of State responsibility and the responsibility of international organisations, the notion is much broader in scope. The accountability of international law-makers to their communities and to a broader international community for their acts and failures to act; of the State to its citizens in the fields of diplomatic protection and human rights; the evolving law in relation to responsibilities of non-State actors including corporations; global administrative law; the accountability of arbitral tribunals; the accountability of international and national NGOs for their activities; and the role played by civil society institutions in filling lacunae in the international systems of accountability. All these are aspects of the operation of international law that might be fruitfully explored from the perspective of accountability (or its absence).
Papers are invited in any field of public or private international law which address some aspect of accountability (or its absence). Topics on which papers would be particularly welcome include:
• Climate change and international law
• Queerying International Law
• International law and technology (including international humanitarian law)
• International law and the regulation of cyberspace
• Middle powers and the Security Council
• Peacekeeping and peacemaking
• Law of the sea
• International dispute resolution
• International environmental law
• International criminal law
• International financial
• International trade and investment law
• International human rights law
Proposals for panels will also be considered, but the organising committee would appreciate notification of such proposals as soon as possible (and preferably well before the closing date for individual paper submissions).
Submission of paper proposals
Those proposing papers for presentation at the Conference should submit
• a one‐page abstract
• a brief curriculum vitae (1-2 pp)
• 150-200 words of bio-data (for possible inclusion in the conference program).
by email to the Conference Organising Committee ( by no later than Thursday, 14 February 2013. Please include the heading on your email message ‘ANZSIL Conference 2013 Paper Proposal: [Your Name]’. The Conference Organising Committee will inform applicants of the outcome of their proposals by early March 2013. Further information about the Conference, including program and registration details, will be available on the ANZSIL web-site soon.
Postgraduate research students wishing to present their postgraduate thesis work are encouraged to submit their proposals (marked 'PG Workshop') for presentation at the Postgraduate Workshop (to be held on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 – for further details and call for papers, see the ANZSIL website. The closing date for applications to the Postgraduate Workshop is 14 February 2013.