On April 19, 2024, Bocconi University will host a conversation, in the hybrid format, on "Exiting the Energy Charter Treaty under the Law of Treaties."
Lorand Bartels (Univ. of Cambridge),
Tibisay Morgandi (Queen Mary Univ. of London), and
Roger O'Keefe (Bocconi Univ.) will discuss whether there is a way under the law of treaties for states parties withdrawing from the Energy Charter Treaty to circumvent the treaty’s twenty-year sunset clause. This is the latest in the series Bocconi Conversations in International Law. The event will take place at Bocconi University, via Röntgen 1, 20136 Milan, room 1.c3.01, from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Registration is required for attendance in person (email dip.ius@unibocconi.it). The event will be on Zoom
here (meeting ID 993 0983 0316, passcode 539190).