Saturday, February 24, 2024

New Issue: London Review of International Law

The latest issue of the London Review of International Law (Vol. 11, no. 3, November 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Marina Veličković, Ethical challenges of using trial transcripts for research purposes: A case study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
    • Rémi Bachand, International economic institutions after neoliberalism: the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity as a blueprint?
    • Harry Hobbs and Jessie Hohmann, The cinderella stamps and philatelic practices of micronations: the materiality of claims to statehood
    • Lynsey Mitchell, International law as shibboleth: the continued appeal of heroic narratives in support of military intervention
  • Books etc. Symposium on #Help: Digital Humanitarianism and the Remaking of International Order by Fleur Johns
    • Margie Cheesman, Digital humanitarianism: Interfaces, infrastructures, and countercurrents
    • Claudia Aradau, The tangle of digital humanitarianism
    • Stephen Humphreys, Actuality of pure surface
    • Fleur Johns, Reading and writing at the interface

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Call for Submissions: Rosalyn Higgins Prize of The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals

The journal The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals has issued a call for submissions for the 2024 Rosalyn Higgins Prize. The call is here.

New Issue: Arbitration International

The latest issue of Arbitration International (Vol. 39, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Andrea K Bjorklund, The road(s) not taken—the past, present, and future of international investment law reform
    • Phillip Landolt, The application of public interest norms in international commercial arbitration
    • Georg Scherpf & Simon Hermes, Another ‘Bleak House’—the decision of the German Federal Supreme Court on the inadmissibility of intra-EU ICSID arbitrations
    • Gunjan Sharma, Fraud on the tribunal in investor–State arbitration
    • Andrés A Mezgravis, The arbitrary deprivation of dual nationality in investment arbitration
  • Case Note
    • Paschalis Paschalidis, The Heirs of Pausimachus v City of Kalymnos arbitration

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Vidmar: Territorial Status in International Law

Jure Vidmar
(Maastricht Univ. - Law) has published Territorial Status in International Law (Hart Publishing 2024). Here's the abstract:
This book develops a new theory of territorialism and international legal status of territories. It (i) defines the concept of territory, explaining how territories are created; (ii) redefines the concept of statehood, illustrating that statehood (rather than the statehood criteria) is territorial legal status established in the formal sources of international law; and (iii) grounds non-state territorial entities in the sources of international law to explain their international legal status. This fresh new theoretical perspective has both scholarly and practical importance, providing a tool helping decision-makers and judges in the practical application of international law both internationally and domestically.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Boisson de Chazournes: Water in International Law: Between Singularity and Plurality

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
(Université de Genève - Law) has published Water in International Law: Between Singularity and Plurality: Inaugural lecture delivered at the Collège de France on Thursday 12 January 2023 (Collège de France 2024). Here's the abstract:
Essential to human life and activity, freshwater is increasingly becoming a concern of international law. Its regulation, initially focused on rivers shared by several States, has gradually shifted to other sources of water. Today, its scarcity, the need for sustainable distribution of its uses, its use as a weapon of war, its vulnerability to environmental degradation and the prevention of disputes are all issues that call for the mobilization and reinforcement of international law.

Contesse: International Law Scholarship in Latin America

Jorge Contesse (Rutgers Univ. - Law) has posted International Law Scholarship in Latin America (Virginia Journal of International Law, forthcoming). Here's the abstract:

There are numerous publications on international law in Latin America. Books and yearbooks traditionally published by national international law associations coexist with recently established academic journals, housed in universities which seek to fulfill international accreditation standards. Scholarship in international law is, like other areas of law, strongly linked to the dynamics and practices of legal education. In Latin America, legal education has moved from a highly formalistic model to one that seeks to modernize teaching and research. With respect to international law, it also seeks to participate in global discussions and practices of intellectual production.

In this Essay, I present a map of international law journals in Latin America. To do so, in Part II, I review the features of Latin American legal education in both its traditional and more modern forms. In Part III, I describe the status of journals in six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru), giving an account of the journals and the perspectives of their editors. To gain a deeper perspective on international law scholarship in Latin America, I consulted law librarians in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico, and interviewed editors, former editors, and directors of a dozen international law journals in the region. The resulting map offers insights on the state of scholarship in international law in Latin America, highlighting its implicit purpose of bringing international law and global discussions closer to the region and the attempt to achieve that purpose “from Latin America.”

Le Floch & Seatzu: Afrique et droit international humanitaire

Guillaume Le Floch
(Université de Rennes - Law) & Francesco Seatzu (Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Law) have published Afrique et droit international humanitaire : Actes du colloque de Rennes 1er et 2 décembre 2022 (Pedone 2024). The table of contents is here.

Monday, February 19, 2024

New Issue: Leiden Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law (Vol. 37, no. 1, March 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Eliana Cusato, Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, Sofia Stolk, & Renske Vos, In praise of multiplicity: Suspending the desire to change the world
  • International Legal Theory
    • Wouter G. Werner, Sisyphus in robes: International law, legal interpretation and the absurd
    • Nina Reiners, States as bystanders of legal change: Alternative paths for the human rights to water and sanitation in international law
    • Eliana Cusato & Emily Jones, The ‘imbroglio’ of ecocide: A political economic analysis
  • International Law and Practice
    • Louis Bélanger & Jean-Frédéric Morin, Treaty amendment procedures: A typology from a survey of multilateral environmental agreements
    • Christiane Wilke & Helyeh Doutaghi, Legal technologies: Conceptualizing the legacy of the 1923 Hague Rules of Aerial Warfare
    • Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska & Joanna Mazur, Between commodification and data protection: Regulatory models governing cross-border information transfers in regional trade agreements
    • Katalin Sulyok, Science, epistemology and legitimacy in environmental disputes – The epistemically legitimate judicial argumentative space
    • Ashrutha Rai, The 2003 Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention in Armed Conflict: An integrated reading of obligations towards culture in conflict
  • International Court of Justice
    • Jean d’Aspremont, The chivalric pursuit of coherence in international law
    • James Gerard Devaney, Leaning from the steep slope: On coherence in response to Professor Jean d’Aspremont
    • Jörg Kammerhofer, Beyond the res judicata doctrine: The nomomechanics of ICJ interpretation judgments
  • International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
    • Elizabeth White, Closing cases with open-source: Facilitating the use of user-generated open-source evidence in international criminal investigations through the creation of a standing investigative mechanism
    • Aneta Peretko, Protection of LGBTQIA+ rights in armed conflict: How (and whether) to ‘queer’ the crime against humanity of persecution in international criminal law?
    • Şehmus Kurtuluş, Characterization of the violence between Türkiye and the PKK

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Call for Papers: 53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Council on International Law

The Canadian Council on International Law has issued a call for papers for its 53rd Annual Conference, which will take place November 7-8, 2024, in Ottawa. The theme is "International Law: Enforcement and Entanglements." The call is here.