Thursday, January 4, 2024

New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement

The latest issue of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Vol. 14, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Tommaso Soave, Of squares, spheres and the elusive third dimension
  • Articles
    • Yanwen Zhang, Equitable representation on international benches and the appointment of tribunal members in investor–State dispute settlement: a historical perspective
    • Ying Sun, Why states refuse to participate in judicial proceedings: uncovering key reasons and historical evolution
    • Yueming Yan, Returning the Home State to the Global Anti-Corruption Campaign
    • Ilias Bantekas, The resolution of professional tennis disputes
  • Current Developments
    • Patrick Dumberry, New developments in the interpretation and application of the clean hands doctrine by investment tribunals
    • Güneş Ünüvar, A tale of policy carve-outs and general exceptions: Eco Oro v Colombia as a case study