The latest issue of
Global Environmental Politics (Vol. 13, no. 2, May 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Jessica F. Green, Order out of Chaos: Public and Private Rules for Managing Carbon
Johannes Urpelainen,
Promoting International Environmental Cooperation Through Unilateral Action: When Can Trade Sanctions Help?
Mairon G. Bastos Lima & Joyeeta Gupta,
The Policy Context of Biofuels: A Case of Non-Governance at the Global Level?
Mark T. Buntaine & Bradley C. Parks,
When Do Environmentally Focused Assistance Projects Achieve their Objectives? Evidence from World Bank Post-Project Evaluations
Nathan Young & Aline Coutinho,
Government, Anti-Reflexivity, and the Construction of Public Ignorance about Climate Change: Australia and Canada Compared
Carolyn M. Dudek,
Transmitting Environmentalism? The Unintended Global Consequences of European Union Environmental Policies
Shangrila Joshi,
Understanding India's Representation of North–South Climate Politics