The latest issue of the
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 28, no. 1, Spring 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Case Comments
- Gabriel Bottini,
Bureau Veritas, Inspection, Valuation, Assessment and Control, BIVAC BV v Republic of Paraguay
Chester Brown,
Commerce Group Corp & San Sebastian Gold Mines, Inc v Republic of El Salvador: Security for Costs in ICSID Proceedings
Nick Gallus,
Pac Rim Cayman LLC v Republic of El Salvador
Luis González García,
Flughafen Zürich AG v Venezuela: A Catch-22 on the Protection of Procedural Fairness
Omar E. García-Bolívar,
Railroad Development Corporation v Republic of Guatemala: The First CAFTA Award on the Merits
J. Cameron Mowatt & Celeste Mowatt,
Border Timbers and others v Zimbabwe and von Pezold and others v Zimbabwe
- Articles
- Erika de Wet
The Rise and Fall of the Tribunal of the Southern African Development Community: Implications for Dispute Settlement in Southern Africa
Loukas A. Mistelis,
Award as an Investment: The Value of an Arbitral Award or the Cost of Non-Enforcement
Michele Potestà,
Legitimate Expectations in Investment Treaty Law: Understanding the Roots and the Limits of a Controversial Concept
Valentina Vadi,
Culture Clash? World Heritage and Investors’ Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration
- Notes
- Frank Berman,
Book Report: The History of ICSID by Antonio R Parra
Federico Ortino,
Refining the Content and Role of Investment ‘Rules’ and ‘Standards’: A New Approach to International Investment Treaty Making
Antonio R. Parra,
Participation in the ICSID Convention
August Reinisch,
The Future Shape of EU Investment Agreements
Andrea Saldarriaga,
Investment Awards and the Rules of Interpretation of the Vienna Convention: Making Room for Improvement
Albert Jan van den Berg,
Time and Costs: Issues and Initiatives from an Arbitrator’s Perspective