The latest issue of
International Negotiation (Vol. 18, no. 1, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Regional Trade and Economic Negotiations
- Érick Duchesne & Jean-Frédéric Morin, Regional Trade and Economic Negotiations: Introduction
- Érick Duchesne & Jean-Frédéric Morin,
Revisiting Structural Variables of Trade Negotiations: The Case of the Canada-EU Agreement
- Deborah Elms,
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: The Challenges of Unraveling the Noodle Bowl
- Takashi Terada,
The US Struggles in APEC’s Trade Politics: Coalition-Building and Regional Integration in the Asia-Pacific
- Stephen R. Hurt, Donna Lee, & Ulrike Lorenz-Carl,
The Argumentative Dimension to the EU-Africa EPAs
- Vinod K. Aggarwal,
U.S. Free Trade Agreements and Linkages
- Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt,
The Clash of Negotiations: The Impact of Outside Options on Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Bernard Hoekman & Aaditya Mattoo,
Liberalizing Trade in Services: Lessons from Regional and WTO Negotiations
- Steve Woolcock.
Policy Diffusion in Public Procurement: The Role of Free Trade Agreements