Apreciados amigos y colegas,
Me complace anunciarles el lanzamiento oficial de JusGentium.org, un blog dedicado al Derecho Internacional, mediante la colaboración entre académicos, practicantes y estudiantes.
Espero que este blog sirva como una autopista para el desarrollo de nuestra red hemisférica y global donde podamos compartir noticias o artículos de interés (periodísticos), notas de prensa, informar sobre eventos (reuniones, foros y nuevos programas, concursos) y oportunidades (becas e investigaciones), entre otras posibilidades de retroalimentación y beneficios recíprocos.
En tal sentido, JusGenitum.org está completamente a sus órdenes y les invitamos a unirse a nuestro equipo de colaboradores, con sus artículos de opinión y/o académicos.
A la espera de sus comentarios, quedo de ustedes.
Saludos cordiales,
Claudio Sandoval
The Jus Gentium forum is an online resource for news, analysis and commentary regarding developments of interest to scholars, practitioners and students with international law backgrounds. The blog was founded and conceived by Claudio Sandoval, a legal counsel and law professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela, as an interaction channel between emerging and experienced international law experts.
Jus Gentium is a collaboration between scholars, practitioners and graduate students located worldwide, allowing us to report -with a global reach and a local knowledge- on trends in a number of jurisdictions. Our international contributors monitor and report on the wide range of evolving issues in the fields of international law and politics, including court, legislative and regulatory developments.
We are committed to offering information that is most likely to be thoughtful, relevant, and provocative to our busy readers.
Thank you for your interest and welcome to our community.