The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Polar Law (Vol. 9, 2017) is out. Contents include:
Romain Chuffart, Speaking of Rights: Indigenous Linguistic Rights in the Arctic
Mikael Lundmark, The European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Arctic Indigenous Peoples Rights
Monica Burman & Eva-Maria Svensson, Women’s Human Rights in the Governance of the Arctic – Gender Equality and Violence against Indigenous Women
Ayo Næsborg-Andersen & Bassah Khalaf, The Right of Indigenous Peoples to Education in Their Own Language – Greenlanders in Denmark and in Greenland
Tanja Joona, Safeguarding Cultural Rights of Sámi Children and Youth in Finland, with Special Emphasis on the Linguistic Part of Cultural Identity – Current Challenges
Ekaterina Britcyna, Soili Nystén-Haarala & Minna Pappila, Extractive Industries and Public Participation in Russia: The Case of the Oil Industry in Izhemskii District, Komi Republic
Karin Buhmann, International Law and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Potential of OECD’s MNE Guidelines for Advancing Social Benefits in the Context of Natural Resource Exploitation in the Arctic, with Particular Regard to Greenland
Ulrike Barten & Bent Ole Gram Mortensen, Uranium in Greenland: Questions of Resources and Security in a Self-Government Setting
Yuanyuan Ren & Dan Liu, A Rule Follower, a Challenger, or a Learner? Recasting China’s Engagement in the Arctic
Andrew Jackson, Politics, Diplomacy, and the Creation of Antarctic Consensus
Sune Tamm, Julia Jabour & Rachael Lorna Johnstone, Iceland’s Accession to the Antarctic Treaty
Clive R. Symmons, Problems in the Law of the Sea Relating to Insular Formations in Ice-bound Seas and Polar Regions of the Arctic, with Particular Reference to Judicial Dicta in US v Alaska (1996) and to Recent Discoveries of New Arctic Islands (such as ‘Yaya’) due to Glacial Melt
Daniela Tommasini & Shenghan Zhou, Images and Expectations of Chinese Tourists Visiting an Arctic Destination: Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland