The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 21, no. 4, December 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Brian McGarry, The Global Pact for the Environment: Freshwater and Economic Law Synergies
- Aaditya Mattoo & Joshua P Meltzer, International Data Flows and Privacy: The Conflict and Its Resolution
- Gabrielle Marceau, Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator
- Devin McDaniels, Ana Cristina Molina, & Erik N Wijkström, A Closer Look At WTO’s Third Pillar: How WTO Committees Influence Regional Trade Agreements
- Federico Ortino, The Obligation of Regulatory Stability in the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard: How Far Have We Come?
- Qiang Cai & Pengfei Zhang, A Theoretical Reflection on the OECD’s New Statistics Reporting Framework for the Mutual Agreement Procedure: Isolating, Measuring, and Monitoring
- Sherzod Shadikhodjaev, Non-Market Economies, Significant Market Distortions, and the 2017 EU Anti-Dumping Amendment