The latest issue of the
Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 18, no. 4, December 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Sandra Liebenberg, Participatory Justice in Social Rights Adjudication
Kay Wilson, The Call for the Abolition of Mental Health Law: The Challenges of Suicide, Accidental Death and the Equal Enjoyment of the Right to Life
Andrea Nicholson, Minh Dang & Zoe Trodd, A Full Freedom: Contemporary Survivors’ Definitions of Slavery
Laurens Lavrysen, Causation and Positive Obligations Under the ECHR: A Reply to Vladislava Stoyanova
Charilaos Nikolaidis, Unravelling the Knot of Equality and Privacy in the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court: From Isonomia to Isotimia
Mark Simpson, Assessing the Compliance of the United Kingdom’s Social Security System with its
Obligations under the European Social Charter
Andrew Novak, The ‘Judicial Dialogue’ in Transnational Human Rights Litigation: Muruatetu & Anor v Republic and the Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty in Kenya