The latest issue of the
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 56, no. 3, July 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Konrad Schiemann, Europe and the Loss of Sovereignty
- Nick Gallus, Recent BIT Decisions and Composite Acts Straddling the Date a Treaty Comes into Force
- Gerard McCormack, Control and Corporate Rescue - An Anglo-American Evaluation
- Annemarieke Vermeer-Künzli, A Matter of Interest: Diplomatic Protection and State Responsibility Erga Omnes
- Jérémie Gilbert, Historical Indigenous Peoples' Land Claims: A Comparative and International Approach to the Common Law Doctrine on Indigenous Title
- Jan L. Neels, The Revocation of Wills in South African Private International Law
- Anthony E. Cassimatis, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, and Fragmentation of International Law
- Gregory Dale, Appealing to Whom? Australia's ‘Appellate Jurisdiction’ over Nauru