The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 62, no. 3, March 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Justin George, State Failure and Transnational Terrorism: An Empirical Analysis
Andre Rossi de Oliveira, João Ricardo Faria, & Emilson C. D. Silva, Transnational Terrorism: Externalities and Coalition Formation
Kerstin Fisk, One-sided Violence in Refugee-hosting Areas
Michael Albertus, Thomas Brambor, & Ricardo Ceneviva, Land Inequality and Rural Unrest: Theory and Evidence from Brazil
Jaclyn Johnson & Clayton L. Thyne, Squeaky Wheels and Troop Loyalty: How Domestic Protests Influence Coups d’état, 1951–2005
Kenju Kamei, Promoting Competition or Helping the Less Endowed? Distributional Preferences and Collective Institutional Choices under Intragroup Inequality
Nicholas Sambanis, Micha Germann, & Andreas Schädel, SDM: A New Data Set on Self-determination Movements with an Application to the Reputational Theory of Conflict