The latest issue of
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions (Vol. 24, no. 1, January-March 2018) is out. Contents include:
- The Global Forum
- Gerald Steinberg & Becca Wertman Value Clash: Civil Society, Foreign Funding, and National Sovereignty
Kjølv Egeland, Banning the Bomb: Inconsequential Posturing or Meaningful Stigmatizaton?
- Articles
- Matthew Louis Bishop & Andrew F. Cooper, The FIFA Scandal and the Distorted Influence of Small States
Julie Gibson, ASEAN and Regional Responses to the Problem(s) of Land Grabbing
·Arie M. Kacowicz, Regional Governance and Global Governance: Links and Explanations
Natalie Ralph & Linda Hancock, Exploring the Role of Alternative Energy Corporations in Ethical Supply Chains and Corporate Peacebuilding
Steven D. Roper, Applying Universal Jurisdiction to Civil Cases: Variations in State Approaches to Monetizing Human Rights Violations
Ian M. Hartshorn, Global Labor and the Arab Uprisings: Picking Winners in Tunisia and Egypt
Paul Alois, Lessons for Effective Governance: An Examination of the Better Work Program