The latest issue of the
Leiden Journal of International Law (Vol. 26, no. 2, June 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Santiago Villalpando, On the International Court of Justice and the Determination of Rules of Law
- International Legal Theory
- Janina Dill, Should International Law Ensure the Moral Acceptability of War?
Henry Shue,
Laws of War, Morality, and International Politics: Compliance, Stringency, and Limits
Larry May,
A Hobbesian Approach to Cruelty and the Rules of War
David Luban,
Military Necessity and the Cultures of Military Law
International Law and Practice
- Kenneth Keith, ‘International Law is Part of the Law of the Land’: True or False?
Christian Henderson & Noam Lubell,
The Contemporary Legal Nature of UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolutions
Maarten den Heijer,
Diplomatic Asylum and the Assange Case
Hague International Tribunals: International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
- Daniel Nsereko, The ICC and Complementarity in Practice
- Vaios Koutroulis,
And Yet It Exists: In Defence of the ‘Equality of Belligerents’ Principle