The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 11, no. 2, May 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Current Events
José E. Alvarez,
Tadić Revisited: The Ayyash Decisions of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Andreas Zimmermann,
Palestine and the International Criminal Court Quo Vadis?: Reach and Limits of Declarations under Article 12(3)
- Articles
Shachar Eldar,
Exploring International Criminal Law’s Reluctance to Resort to Modalities of Group Responsibility: Five Challenges to International Prosecutions and their Impact on Broader Forms of Responsibility
Andrew Trotter,
Pre-Conviction Detention in International Criminal Trials
Cases before International Courts and Tribunals
Hirad Abtahi, Odo Ogwuma, & Rebecca Young,
The Composition of Judicial Benches, Disqualification and Excusal of Judges at the International Criminal Court: A Survey
Janine Natalya Clark,
Courting Controversy: The ICTY’s Acquittal of Croatian Generals Gotovina and Markač
National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
Antonio Coco,
The Mark of Cain: The Crime of Terrorism in Times of Armed Conflict as Interpreted by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales in R v. Mohammed Gul
Pierre-Emmanuel Dupont,
International Terrorism, Resistance and the Jus in Bello before French Courts: The Case of the Iranian Militant Opposition
- Samantha Salsench i Linares,
Francoism Facing Justice: Enforced Disappearances before Spanish Courts