The latest issue of the
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 2, no. 1, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The UK Supreme Court Annual Review
- Matthew Ryder, Foreword
- Part I: Commentary and Reflections
- Shona Wilson, Judicial Diversity: Where Do We Go From Here?
Lorne Neudorf, Intervention at the UK Supreme Court
Brice Dickson, Creativity in the Supreme Court 2011-12
Chris Hanretty, The Structure of Supreme Court Judgments: Eleven Ways to Leave One's Mark
William Gummow, The Selection of the Major Premise
Findlay Stark, ‘A Most Difficult Case': On the Ratio of Gnango
Lord Drummond Young, Scotland and the Supreme Court
- Part II: Thematic Analysis
- Part III: The 2011–12 Legal Year in Overview
- Part IV: Composition and Statistics