Linda Carter (Univ. of the Pacific - McGeorge School of Law) &
Fausto Pocar (Judge, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) have published
International Criminal Procedure: The Interface of Civil Law and Common Law Legal Systems (Edward Elgar Publishing 2013). The table of contents is
here. Here's the abstract:
The emergence of international criminal courts, beginning with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and including the International Criminal Court, has also brought an evolving international criminal procedure. In this book, the authors examine selected issues that reflect a blending of, or choice between, civil law and common law models of procedure. The topics include background on civil law and common law legal systems; plea bargaining; witness proofing; written and oral evidence; self-representation and the use of assigned, standby, and amicus counsel; the role of victims; and the right to appeal.