The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 55, no. 4, 2021) is out. Contents include:
Alan Swinbank, Some Lessons that Might Be Learnt from Brexit Britain’s Trade Negotiations with the European Union
Hasegawa Jitsuya, Standardization of Complex and Diversified Preferential Rules of Origin
Mandy Meng Fang, Old Wine in a New Bottle? Green Industrial Policy and the Use of Safeguards in the Solar Sector
Fabrizio Marrella, Rafik Khammatovic Usmanov, & Patricio Ignacio Barbirotto, On Trade Liberalization for Political Ends: The Case of the EAEU
Paitoon Varadejsatitwong, Ruth Banomyong, & Puthipong Julagasigorn, Reflexions on the Scope and Classification of Logistics Services in Trade Negotiations
David Collins, Joo-Hyoung Lee, & Tae Jung Park, A Soft Landing for Developing Countries and Non-Discrimination in Digital Trade: Possible Lessons from Asian Countries
I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, Indonesia’s Export Ban on Nickel Ore: Does It Violate the World Trade Organization (WTO) Rules?