Sunday, August 8, 2021

Bryant & Reeves: The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty: Political Imagination beyond the State

Rebecca Bryant
(Univ. of Utrecht - Anthropology) & Madeleine Reeves (Manchester Univ. - Anthropology) have published The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty: Political Imagination beyond the State (Cornell Univ. Press 2021). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
Around the world, border walls and nationalisms are on the rise as people express the desire to "take back" sovereignty. The contributors to this collection use ethnographic research in disputed and exceptional places to study sovereignty claims from the ground up. While it might immediately seem that citizens desire a stronger state, the cases of compromised, contested, or failed sovereignty in this volume point instead to political imaginations beyond the state form. Examples from Spain to Afghanistan and from Western Sahara to Taiwan show how calls to take back control or to bring back order are best understood as longings for sovereign agency. By paying close ethnographic attention to these desires and their consequences, The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty offers a new way to understand why these yearnings have such profound political resonance in a globally interconnected world.