The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 15, no. 5, December 2017) is out. Contents include:
- In Memoriam
In Memoriam: M. Cherif Bassiouni,1937–2017
- Articles
- Yvonne McDermott, The International Criminal Court’s Chambers Practice Manual: Towards a Return to Judicial Law Making in International Criminal Procedure?
- Rosemary Grey, The ICC’s First ‘Forced Pregnancy’ Case in Historical Perspective
- Emily Haslam & Rod Edmunds, Whose Number is it Anyway?: Common Legal Representation, Consultations and the ‘Statistical Victim’
Olga Kavran, International Criminal Courts and the Right to Information
- Cases Before International Courts and Tribunals
- Alexander Heinze, The Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ Rules of Procedure and Evidence: A Diamond Made Under Pressure?
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
- Hector Olasolo & Joel M F Ramirez Mendoza, The Colombian Integrated System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition