Monday, December 4, 2017

Call for Papers: Performing World Politics Through Rituals

A call for papers has been issued for a workshop on "Performing World Politics Through Rituals." Here's the call:

Performing world politics through rituals

at the 5th EISA European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS)

University of Groningen, 6-8 June 2018

Workshop convenors: Anna Leander (Copenhagen Business School/CePTL) and Tanja Aalberts (VU/CePTL)

This workshop explores the constitutive role of rituals in the production of contemporary world politics. Core institutions of international society such as diplomacy and international law are obviously replete with rituals, some public and grandiose ceremonies other more mundane practices. But rituals also pervade a range of world political practices including for example migration, digital communication, humanitarianism, peacekeeping, torture, or marketing. If rituals traditionally functioned to strengthen the bond between believers and their god(s), what role do they play in their secularized form in the creation and enactment of world political order?

This workshop seeks to bring together recent scholarship that has developed around practices, materiality, institutions, performativity and aesthetics within different disciplines to discuss this question.

Deadline: 10 January 2018. For the full call and submission details see here.