The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 16, no. 4, August 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Richard S. Mbatu, Linking the global to the national: an application of the international pathways model to examine the influence of international environmental agreements on Cameroon’s forest policy
Cristina A. Lucier & Brian J. Gareau, Obstacles to preserving precaution and equity in global hazardous waste regulation: an analysis of contested knowledge in the Basel Convention
Jon Birger Skjærseth, Linking EU climate and energy policies: policy-making, implementation and reform
José Octavio Velázquez Gomar, Environmental policy integration among multilateral environmental agreements: the case of biodiversity
David Belis & Bart Kerremans, The socialization potential of the CDM in EU–China climate relations
Hui Zhang, Towards global green shipping: the development of international regulations on reduction of GHG emissions from ships
Kristin Rosendal & Steinar Andresen, Realizing access and benefit sharing from use of genetic resources between diverging international regimes: the scope for leadership
Susanne Schmeier, Andrea K. Gerlak, & Sabine Blumstein, Clearing the muddy waters of shared watercourses governance: conceptualizing international River Basin Organizations