The latest issue of the
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 65, no. 3, July 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Roy Goode, Private Commercial Law Conventions and Public and Private International Law: The Radical Approach of the Cape Town Convention 2001 and Its Protocols
- Alex Mills, Private International Law and EU External Relations: Think Local Act Global, Or Think Global Act Local?
- Uglješa Grušić, Contractual Networks in European Private International Law
- David McGrogan, The Problem of Causality in International Human Rights Law
- Louise Mallinder, The End of Amnesty or Regional Overreach? Interpreting the Erosion of South America’s Amnesty Laws
- Renato Nazzini, The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement: Towards Transnational Principles
- David Ramos, Javier Solana, Ross P Buckley & Jonathan Greenacre, Protecting Mobile Money Customer Funds in Civil Law Jurisdictions
- Shorter Article and Notes
- Matthew Kennedy, Overseas Territories in the WTO