The inaugural issue of the
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional/Latin American Journal of International Trade Law (Vol. 1, no. 1, March 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Sección de Derecho Económico Internacional
- Gabrielle Marceau & Julian Wyatt, The WTO's efforts to balance economic development and environmental protection: A short review of Appellate Body jurisprudence
- Alvaro Antoni & Michael Ewing-Chow,
Trade and Investment Convergence and Divergence: Revisting The North American Sugar War
James Gard,
The Game of World Trade: Reflections on the Trade in Products Derived from Hunting under the WTO and the Public Morals Exception
Victor Bovarotti Lopes,
Exchange Undervaluation: the Solution must come from the WTO
- Sección de Arbitraje Internacional
Miguel Oural & Edgardo Muñoz,
The 2012 Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – More efficiency and effectiveness of arbitration proceedings
- Ezequiel H. Vetulli & Pablo Jaroslavsky,
State justice cooperation in international arbitration: interim measures
René Gayle,
Investment treaty arbitration: a yardstick of the rule of law? An investigation the correlation between the rule of law and international investment treaty arbitration
Luis Alberto González García,
Corruption, Money laundering and International arbitration