The Australian International Law Journal is a leading Australian international law journal. It is an annual, peer-reviewed publication, produced jointly by the International Law Association and the Sydney Centre for International Law, under the guidance of an eminent Editorial Board.
The Journal is currently accepting submissions of articles, case notes and book reviews on any area of public or private international law for inclusion in the 2013 annual volume of the Journal.
Articles should normally be between 6,000 and 12,000 words; case notes should be up to 2,500 words; and book reviews should be up to 1,000 words.
Case notes are to provide a short description of the facts and judgment, and then a longer analysis that critiques the judgment. While we are interested in receiving case notes for any decisions addressing international law issues in 2013 or late 2012, we are particularly interested in notes on the following:
- ICJ - Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal);
- ICC-01/04-01/06: The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo - Situation in Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICC;
- ICSID Case No ARB/10/5: Tidewater Inc v Venezuela, Decision on Jurisdiction;
- Case of X and Others v Austria 19010/07, Judgment of European Court of Human Rights of 19/02/2013; and
- Case of Eweida and Others v the United Kingdom, Judgment of European Court of Human Rights of 15/01/2013.
Submissions must not have been submitted elsewhere for publication.
Submissions should be sent to law.publishing@sydney.edu.au by 31 May 2013.
For further information, including submission information and Guidelines for Authors, please see the journal's website.